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Parks & Recreation 9.17.07 Minutes

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Nasos Phillips (NP), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC), Melissa Lewis (ML)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM)

(MP)   7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens: Mike Peluso, Mike Fitzpatrick, Mel Webster-North Reading Youth Soccer League.
The Parks & Recreation Committee met with the North Reading Youth Soccer League (NRYS) to establish a better relationship, brainstorm ideas, review expectations between organizations and work on questions.  
The league update the committee on enrollments figures for their league, fees, organizational chart, programs offered, clinics offered, rules and regulations,  field improvements and needs, The condition of Maguire Field and how they would like to go about fixing it. NRYS Also gave us their financial form 990 to keep on file.

NRYS express the urgent need for improvements at Maguire field due to the lack of drainage and unavailability of playing on the back field due to its poor condition.  There were interested in talking about “helping” out financially with the improvements at that field.

The Parks and Recreation committee expressed its commitment and guidelines to the NRYS league.  Also, went over the “NO PLAYNG” rule and protocol for bad weather conditions.  The committee informed the league that every year they will be asking to meet with each league and request updates on all information including financials.

Minutes from 08/20/07 and workshop notes from 09/05/07
(NP) Nasos Phillips made a motion to accept minutes from August 20, 2007 meeting as is.
(SC)  PersonNameSergio Coviello second the motion
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

(NP) Nasos Phillips made a motion to accept workshop notes from September 5, 2007 meeting as is.
(SC)  PersonNameSergio Coviello second the motion
        In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1
*Abstained: Melissa Lewis was absent at the September 5, 2007 meeting.

Old Business
Review FY09 Draft Budget
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 3, 2007.

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Old Business (cont’d)
PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark
A discussion was had by the committee reviewing the letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding
The addressStreetPark Street Property A/K/A PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark.  Rita Mullin is going to refine the letter and present to
committee at next meeting.   Marty Tilton advised the committee that Dave Hanlon has asked
Marty to continue to cut the Park Street Property

Update on Access to Wheeler Property
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 3, 2007.

PlaceNameplaceIRP PlaceNameHockey PlaceTypePark Estimates and Work Plan
(SC) Sergio Coviello reviewed with the board the quotes on repair for the Ipswich River Park Hockey
Rink for a total of $22,900.54.  Sergio Coviello proposed for the IRP rink to be repaired, resurface the tennis
courts and patch basketball court all at once to be efficient and update everything while they have
the contractors there.  

(NP) Nasos Phillips made a motion for Parks & Recreation Committee to approve the
allocation of funds from the Revolving account for the following reasons:
1.      To repair and improve the IRP hockey rink
a.      Lombardo Building Contractors, inc.     $6800.00
b.      Moynihan Lumber-materials               $1413.37
c.      Rubbish Removal-Parks & Recreation              0
d.      Yellow Base Removal-Jason Montanaro             0
e.      Painting-Parks & Recreation                     0
f.      Duraseal-Resurfacing rink               $6650.00
g.      Good Ole Fence-fence repair             $1162.17
Sub-Total      $16025.54

2. Duraseal -resurface the tennis courts                $6525.00
3. Duraseal-patch resurfaces basketball court.  $  350.00

(ML) Melissa Lewis seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4              Opposed: 0            Abstained:  1*
                *Rita Mullin abstained due to relationship with Moynihan Lumber.

Sergio Coviello explained that he will meet with Marty Tilton, Parks Foreman to go over a schedule of closing the rink for repairs and schedule of repairs.

Wine Tasting-scheduling and tasking
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 3, 2007.

New Business
Allocate Revolving Funds into a Capital Funds Accounts
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 3, 2007.

Code of Conduct Policy
(ML) Melissa Lewis quickly reviewed her draft of the Code of Conduct documentation she put
together.  She encouraged the other committee member to review the document and offer any
changes they may suggest.  

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New Business- Code of Conduct Policy (cont’d)
(MP) Mike Prisco, chairperson, requested that the changes be made on the electronic copy using
Microsoft Words track changes feature, therefore Melissa would be able to see the changes made by others.
Mr. Prisco also asked for a commitment from the committee to have this task accomplished by the
next committee meeting on October 3, 2007.

Liaison Assignment
(MP) Mike Prisco opened the discussion on assigning each committee member to a sporting league as a liaison for communication.  Once the list is finalized it will be posted on the website.  

Future Meeting Dates
The Meeting schedule will be as follows:
10/3/07         11/5/07         12/3/07
10/15/07                11/19/07                12/17/07

Other Business
New members
In response to the chairperson, Mike Prisco’s, request from last meeting to place an advertisement
in the Transcript for new member for the committee, Lynne Clemens, informed the committee
of the procedure to do so.

(MP) Mike Prisco informed the committee that there was a new member application submitted recently
and he will contact the applicant and begin the process.

Revenues from summer programs
(LC) Lynne Clemens, Recreation Director, reviewed with the committee the income from the
summer programs.  The department received $60,000 in revenue with $31,000 for expenses
leaving a $29,000 profit for the season.

Update on staff
(MT) Marty Tilton, Parks foreman updated the committee on the progress of his Staff member that is
out due to an injury.  

A Citizen’s Complaint Letter
(LC) Lynne Clemens updated the committee on a letter received from a Citizen regarding the
incident at IRP with the Thundercats program.  The complaint is going to be kept on file and
Lynne is waiting to receive a report from the instructor of the Thundercats program regarding her view
of the incident.

(RM)    A motion was made by Rita Mullin to adjourn the meeting at 9:58pm.
(SC)    PersonNameSergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0