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Parks & Recreation 8.20.07 Minutes

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Nasos Phillips (NP), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC), Melissa Lewis (ML)
Staff:  Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Audience of citizens:  Bill Colbert

(MP)   7:01pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Mike Prisco.

Minutes from 06/18/07, 07/16/07 & 07/23/07
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept minutes from June 18, 2007 meeting as is.
(NP) Nasos Phillips second the motion
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  2*
                *Abstained: Lauren McMullen & Mike Prisco were absent at the June 18, 2007 meeting.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from July16, 2007 meeting as is.
(NP)  Nasos Phillips seconds the motion.
                        In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  3*
*Abstained: Lauren McMullen, Mike Prisco & Melissa Lewis were absent at the July 16, 2007 meeting.

(RM) Rita Mullen made a motion to accept minutes from July 23, 2007 meeting with correction to adjournment entry.
(SC)  PersonNameSergio Coviello seconds the motion.
                        In Favor:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1*
*Abstained: Nasos Phillips was absent at the July 23, 2007 meeting.

Old Business
placePlaceNameDog PlaceTypePark
A discussion was had as a committee to no longer spend any more monies on the addressStreetPark Street property.
It was decided that Nasos Phillips would draft a letter for the purpose of informing the Selectman of
this decision.  The draft will be presented at the next Recreation meeting on 9/5/07 to be reviewed
by the committee.  It was also discussed that the PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark signed should be removed by 9/4/07 and
return to Mr. Art Grossman.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion for the committee to vote that as of 9/3/07 North Reading Parks & Recreation committee will not expend funds from its revolving account or operating budget on the Park Street Property.
(SC) PersonNameSergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Page 2
Financial Update (FY07 Close out)
The Committee chairperson, Mike Prisco, asked the Recreation Director and Parks Director if they
had any knowledge of the schedule for the FY09 financials and if anything has been in process.  
Both directors conferred that usually by this time of year they have received one but have not
seen a schedule as of yet.  The Chair has asked for this topic to be placed on the next meeting
agenda and the Financial for FY09 will be on the agenda for 9/5/07 meeting as well.

A Review of the FY07 Financials was done page by page by the committee as a whole.
There was a discussion regarding the decrease in revenues from Little League and brain storming
as to why.  It was mentioned that there may be a possibility that some leagues have used the fields
without paying a fee.  There is a question as to whether the Travel teams in the summer are under
the umbrella of the Spring leagues or if they should be separate.

The committee has decided that each league should be invited to a meeting to present an overview
of  the league’s policies, code of conduct, schedule, fees, etc. and to reconnect with the leagues
to provide a more effective process.  The Chair, Mike Prisco, has volunteered to take the action
of drafting a letter  to all the leagues inviting them to a NR Parks & Recreation meeting.  The draft
will be presented at the 9/5/07 meeting.  The North Reading Youth Softball league will be
invited to attend the 9/17/07 Committee meeting.  Brian Wood, Parks Director, has asked to have
the Sports League Liaison be the person to handle scheduling the league to be placed on an agenda
to attend a meeting.   The committee conferred that that was a good idea.

*Personnel operating accounts
The Chair, Mike Prisco questioned the journal entry on page 2 of the financials under Administrative,
Parks Director (Town Bud Adj.).  Brian Wood explained that this entry is a one time adjustment for a
15% salary increase that is received only after working for the Town for 10 years or more, which is the
same for the Admin Asst. (Town Bud Adj.) journal entry also.  Committee asked why the adjustment
for Admin Asst adjustment seemed to be more than 15% of her salary. Brian Wood explained that it
may be do to the combination pay of Veterans office and Recreation office, but he will research and
return to the committee with an answer.

The committee questioned journal entry for Seasonal #1 (FM) under Parks operating account on page
2 of financials.  They are curious as to why the 6/30/07 total is exact to the FY07 total.  Mr. Wood
explained that he will research and return with an answer to the committee.

The Chair, Mr. Prisco, question the journal entry on On-Line software listed on Expense page 3 under
Office expenses; why was it budgeted out for $3500.00 and only used $2800.00 as of 6/30/07?  Mr.
Wood explained that it was budgeted out at $3500.00 for the first year, but in reality the office is
charged a portion on usage charged on errors, corrections and entries, which was lower than anticipated
for the first year.  However, you will probably see an increase for the next year because of more usage.

Brian Wood, Parks director, has asked the committee that since he did not used any monies for tree
removal in FY07, if he could do so in FY08 because there are some trees that are dying and need to
be removed soon.  He has not budgeted for FY08.  The cost should be around $1800.00.

The Chair, Mike Prisco, asked why the journal entry listed under expenses; utilities; for placeCityMobile
Phones seemed so high and how many mobile phones does it cover and who uses them.  Lynne Clemens,
The Recreation Director explained that that included two phones for her program.  One for her as a

Page 3
Financial Update (FY07 Close out) (cont’d)
director and one for the Program for the Summer.  Mr. Wood explained that it also covered two phones
for his department.  However, the rates tend to rise in the summer because usage goes up due to
the summerscape program through the recreation Dept.  All of the phones are on a group minute plan.

Vice Chair, Rita Mullin, questioned the expenses for advertising under programs and why it is a
lump sum.  Lynne Clemens, the Recreation Director, explained that is the lump sum for the
Brochures that go out for the summer program.

Nasos Phillips, Committee member, asked why the Trip & tickets expenses were so low on 6/30/07
compared to FY07?  Lynne Clemens, Recreation Director, explained that they have little
expenses for the Bus trips because we run them through a company called Best  Of Times,
which is a bus company that will come and pick up people  from different areas.  The Recreation
Program only make a percentage of a profit through them.

Nasos Phillips questioned journal entry on Page 3b under expenses for enterprise for
Entertainment (BBQ) in the amount of $9000.00 budgeted out on FY07 but nothing in 06/30/07
column.  Brian Wood, Parks Director, explained these are funds received from Corporate
sponsor for the BBQ series. Brian stated that he will check to see why there is nothing in
the 06/30/07 column and do the same on the Propane expenses entry.

No questions on page 4 Capital accounts.

Mr. Prisco, Chairperson, asked why the revenues for Mullin Field were down so much.
Brian Wood, Parks Director, answered that the Department has not been receiving a lot of
rental inquiries and bookings on this field. Nasos Phillips questioned why the expenses on
concession revenues went up but the profit went down.  Rita Mullin, Vice Chair, explained it was
because this year they had to pay people to work and last year there were more volunteers.

*Board approved transfers page 6
Mike Prisco, Chair person explained that entry 4 from 02/08/07, the transfer for the top dresser,
will be less next year.

*Overview of FY07
Mike Prisco explained that the committee should not vote on the acceptance of FY07 financial
statements until all entries in question tonight are resolved  and brought back to the committee
for approval.

IRP Hockey Rink Update
Sergio Coviello, a committee member, summarized a meeting he had with Rich Lombardo regarding the physical condition and repairs for the skate park.  They discovered that the wood used in the construction is indeed pressure treated wood, which is a plus.  Also they discovered that the boards are indeed 2 x 6’s not
1 x 6’s which they thought.  Now the decision needs to be made by the committee on how to proceed about an estimate.  Do they want estimates as a complete start to finish replacement package or would they like an estimate on just replacing the corroded board and joints?  The board conferred that the boards, intersections and materials that need to be replaced due to corrosion, should be marked for sight and then we should obtain an estimate for just those to be replaced. The Chair person, Mike Prisco has asked PersonNameSergio Coviello, Brian Wood and Marty Tilton to do a walk through the IRP hockey rink and mark everything that must be replaced and repaired and obtain a quote. PersonNameSergio Coviello will call Brian and Marty to schedule a sight visit.

Page 4
Update of sight Design for Bathroom & volleyball at IRP
Brian Wood, Parks Director, explained that there was not a lot of new input on the topic, other than a local contractor has offered to install what is called a “Fast-System” bathroom system if they use the specific product.  But the committee needs to make decisions on the location of the facilities in the Park and what type of system they are leaning toward in order to correctly obtain quotes for different systems.
PersonNameSergio Coviello, concurred that the committee needs to decide a location of facility, whether they would like 2 or 4 bathroom systems, (he recommended two). Type of system structure preferred, and how much usage capacity do they think will be needed. PersonNameSergio Coviello feels that we should invite specific Bathroom contractors to our meeting in order to give a 30 minute presentation on what they can offer us.  
The committee feels that Martin Faire of the Board of Health should be consulted to see if any type of facility would not be able to be used. Brian Wood has been asked to set up a site visit with Martin Faire himself and PersonNameSergio Coviello to go over septic specs.  Brain Wood has been asked to contact the company that designs the modular style bathroom facility and invite them to the 09/17/07 NR Parks and Recreation meeting to make a presentation of their product.

Review and vote on new medical procedure policy for the Recreation Dept. Lynne Clemens, Recreation Director read the new medical policy procedure which contained the additions from the Town Administrator. Mike Prisco asked if there are incident reports on site during the summer camp.  The answer is yes. There is a book that is kept by the program Director Meg Correll.  

PersonNameSergio Coviello question paragraph #5 of the policy….” Parents should be notified immediately if warranted ……Who decides if the incident is warranted a phone call to a parent?  Lynne Clemens responded:  The Program director make the decision whether or not to call the parents.  All the staff is Red Cross First Aide certified.  Mike Prisco would like to make sure that every morning at “Morning meeting “when camp is running and when the Program director addresses the children with the staff and instruction for the day, she should reiterate what to do in the case of an incident and explain to the children again the process. Lynne Clemens agrees that is a good idea.  She has gone over the process with the staff many times to begin to fine tune the procedures and guidelines.

(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the new Medical Procedure Policy with the addition of the word “Program” to be added in front of the word director.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Lynne Clemens, Recreation Director, Summarized a medical incident that occurred on 08/16/07 with Alex Manuel at the Summerscape program involving him chipping a tooth.  Lynne Clemens also summarized and incident which occurred on 08/16/07 at Ipswich River Park during her Thundercat Sport Program involving a citizen at the park with his wife and children getting upset and aggressive toward the coach of the thundercats program because she asked him to remove his child from the programs designated play area because he was being disruptive to the program. The father then proceeded to get hostile and aggressive toward the coach.  Lynne Clemens along with Parks Dept foreman Marty Tilton arrived on the scene to handle the situations.

Fall Programs and ½ for the school schedules.
Lynne Clemens is requesting to take a look into offering program on the early release day that will begin this year on every Wednesday from the school systems. . It is agreed by all of the committee that something needs to be offered because as proven in the past, ½ day early release from school have posed a enormous problem in North Reading with vandalism and unruly events through the Town.  Lynne Clemens has already begun researching programs that may be offered but once again is restricted due to lack of facilities and staffing.  She expressed that it would be to the benefit of the Children the schools and the town if we were

Page 5
Fall Programs and ½ for the school schedules.(cont’d)
able to use the schools facilities on the early release days.  Rita Mullin, Vice Chair, would like to take Lynne Clemens and her ideas to the educational Sub Committee meeting. Lauren McMullen expressed that maybe Lynne should call Dr. Troughton, Superintendents office, to see if the committee could gain support for some type of ½ programs and usage of school facilities.

Mike Prisco, Chair, asked when the Police are moving out of the Wheeler property and back into the newly renovated police station.  They are doing so on August 29, 2007.  He thinks we should show our interest in using the wheeler property for facilities of recreation use to the Land Utilization Committee. Rita Mullin, Vice Chair, will express to the LUC Committee the interest in Parks and Recreations use of the Wheeler property and for LUC to express this interest to the Hillview Commission.

New Business
Code of Conduct Policy
Rita Mullin has asked for help from Melissa Lewis, a committee member to research and gather Code Of Contact information from the established League in town so that they may review and try to draft an overall Code Of Conduct policy to adapt for all leagues and programs through town. Melissa Lewis will begin researching and gathering information.

Allocate Revolving Funds into a Capital Funds Accounts
Brian Wood, Parks Director, has suggested to being to ear mark some of the funds in the revolving
account into specific capital funds accounts that will be assigned to a specific purpose.  This means,
once the funds are transferred into the specific account by a vote from the committee, once in the
account that money can only be used for that specific project.  He has asked Laurie Ann Gavin,
the Assistance Financial Director if this was a possibility. He said she said yes.   Lauren McMullen,
asked, what would happen if we did not end up using all the funds transferred into a specific
account?  Can they be transferred back out?  Mike Prisco has asked Lauren McMullen to meet with
the assistant financial director Laurie-Ann Gavin and get specific procedure and answers  for process.,
and bring her finding to the 9/5/07 Committee meeting.

Future Meeting Dates
The Town Administrator has asked us to fill out a form requesting which dates and specific times we
would like to Schedule our Committee meetings.  The Committee has agreed that we should continue to
schedule the meeting for the first and third Monday evenings of every Month from 7-10pm in Room
5, at Town Hall.  Sheila Sturdevant, Parks & Recreation Secretary can fill out the form and return it
to the Town Administrators office.

The Committee as a whole has decided to cancel the meeting scheduled for September 3, 2007,
which falls on Labor Day and reschedule it for Wednesday September 5, 2007 in Room 5, Town Hall.

(NP) Nasos Phillips made a motion to cancel 9/3/07 meeting to reschedule it for 9/5/07.
(SC)  PersonNameSergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

The Meeting schedule will be as follows:
09/05/07                10/1/07         11/5/07         12/3/07
09/17/07                10/8/07         11/19/07                12/17/07

Page 6
Emergency Repair on IRP Irrigation System Pumps
Brian Wood, Parks Director, summarize a problem that was discovered with keeping the pressure with the irrigation at PlaceNameplaceIpswich PlaceTypeRiver PlaceTypePark. Upon taking a look at the system it was discovered that the tanks were not working properly and needed to be replaced.
Marty Tilton, Parks Dept. Foreman, explained that this is something that should be kept an eye on because need to keep track of the life span of the tanks to determine if this is a potential problem in the future.

Other Business
New members
Mike Prisco, the Chair person, expressed that there is a need for at least one more member to added to
the committee. We should place an advertisement in the North Reading Transcript just after Labor Day.

Wine & Food Event
Lynne Clemens expressed that the committee may want to discuss the decision of a date for the Wine
and Food event  on the next meeting 9/5/07 agenda.  Lauren McMullen would like to get the office
staff to begin to draft a letter to the participating restaurants as explanation of the even and its
procedures.  She would like to have that at the next meeting of 9/5/07.  Lauren McMullen will
call the Hillview Country Club and obtain the Friday evening dates available in March..

(NP)    A motion was made by Nasos Phillips to adjourn the meeting at 9:58pm.
(SC)    PersonNameSergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0