Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2007
Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM), Melissa Lewis (ML), Mike Prisco (MP), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Absent: Nasos Phillips (NP)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Brian Wood (BW)
Audience of citizens: Art Grossman
(MP) 6:10pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Mike Prisco meeting was interrupted at 6:59pm to attend the Selectman's meeting to discuss Dog Park until 9:01pm when meeting reconvened to summarize Selectman's meeting findings.
Minutes from 06/18/07 & 07/18/07
No minutes were voted on or discussed. The meeting was focused on the Dog Park issues.
Old Business
Dog Park
Mr. Arthur Grossman summarized his discussion he had with neighbors of the Dog Park, Mr. Roberts.
Mr. Grossman informed the committee that he left the situation with that Mr. Roberts was going to
discuss the Dog Park Discussion points with the other neighbors and contact Mr. Grossman to
overview the findings. Mr. Grossman has not heard from Mr. Roberts since.
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion for the committee to vote to accept the following statements as
the discussion point for the Dog Park to be presented to the Selectman at tonight's meeting.
(ML) Melissa Lewis seconds the motion.
In Favor: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Dog Park - Discussion Points
1. Change front fence to a 4' chain link fence.
2. Install a gate that is opened by a Town issued key.
3. Key will be issued to North Reading residents and no more than 10 non-residents that have purchased a permit.
a. An online website link will be provided to obtain forms, policies and procedures.
b. All forms, policies and procedures will also be available in hard copy at the Recreation Dept. office.
4. In order to obtain a key and Park privileges, resident must agree to dog park rules and regulations by signing an application, provide evidence of a dog license, current vaccination records and pay the required fee (to be determined) for a permit and Dog Park Tag.
Page 2 (Dog Park discussion Points cont'd)
5. Any resident who disobeys/breaks the rules and regulations will lose their access rights to the Park and forfeit the balance of the permit fee.
a. The Park will continue to be self-policed.
b. Parks Dept. will continue regular trash pick-up, oversight and maintenance.
c. Park & Recreation Committee will bring this park into its routine governance.
6. Speak to the police about the feasibility of responding in a more timely fashion to the Dog Park complaints.
7. Install a fence that is parallel to the gate on the left side of the Park as you enter in order to form a fenced walkway from the parking lot to the key entry gate where the dogs are taken off their leashes once inside.
8. Reduce the number of days per week to 6 that the Park will be open. Hours will remain 10am to 7:30pm and closed on Sundays.
9. Limit to 2 dogs per person.
10. We will continue to look at all locations that become available to see if it's deemed an appropriate location.
11. Improve parking situation.
12. Continue with beautification project on park (landscaping, picnic table, etc).
New Business
Recreation Program Scholarships
The Recreation Director summarized a request for two children to be awarded scholarships so that they
may attend the Summerscape Program. The Committee agreed that these two scholarships are a benefit
to the children and the program. One Child will be receiving a private scholarship from an
anonymous citizen. The other child will receive a scholarship through the Recreation Program.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to have the one scholarship through the Recreation Program approved.
(ML) Melissa Lewis seconds the motion.
In Favor: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Recreation Director provided a draft of a Medical incident Policy to the committee for review.
Other Business
(MP) Chairman, Mike Prisco, extended his thanks and gratitude to the Committee members and staff
for their hard work, time spent and efforts that have been place into working on the Dog Park.
Schedule for next Committee meeting
The next Committee meeting was scheduled for July 30th, 2007.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion at 9:17pm to adjourn the meeting.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
In Favor: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1
*Lauren McMullen abstained because she was absent from the July 23, 2007 meeting.