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Parks & Recreation 6.04.07 Minutes
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2007

Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM), Nasos Phillips (NP),
Lauren McMullen (LM)
Absent Committee Members: Melissa Lewis (ML), Mike Prisco (MP)
Staff:  Brian Wood (BW), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee: Art Grossman (AG)

(RM)   7:12pm Quorum, meeting called to by Rita Mullin.

Minutes from 05/09/07
(SC) A motion was made by Sergio Coviello to accept meeting minutes from the May 9th, 2007 meeting.
(LM) The motion was seconded by Lauren McMullen.
Approved:     3 Opposed:   0            Abstained:   1 *
        *Nasos Phillips Abstained. He was not at the prior meeting.

Old Business
Dog Park
The Committee reviewed and altered PowerPoint presentation for Dog Park Public Hearing to be held on June 11th, 2007.  Each page and line item was reviewed and either approved or modified by the committee as a whole. A comment was made that the Selectmen had been notified of the progress thus far on the Dog park issue. The structure and outline of the public hearing were reviewed as to how the meeting will run and the time frame in which the committee would like complete the hearing.

At 9:02 pm As Brian Wood was exiting the meeting he was requested to stay by the Chair to remain; however, Brian continued to proceed to exit.

A request was made to schedule a Parks and Recreation meeting for June 11th in the Selectmen's Room at town Hall from 6-7pm just before the Public hearing to clean up and review the PowerPoint presentation.

Other Business
Discussion was had regarding the Committees charter and structure Guidelines.  

Schedule for next Committee meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2007 at Town Hall in Room 14 prior to the
Dog Park Public Hearing.

(LM)    A motion was made by Lauren McMullen at 10:34pm to adjourn the meeting.
(NP)    Nasos Phillips second the motion
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0