_________________________ Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2007
Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM), Melissa Lewis (ML), Nasos Phillips (NP)
Absent: Mike Prisco(MP), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Brian Wood (BW)
(MP) 7:13pm Quorum, meeting called to order by Rita Mullin
Minutes from 03/26/07
(NP) A motion was made by Nasos Phillips to accept the meeting minutes from 06/04/07 as is
and accept the meeting minutes from 06/11/07 w/ specified changes to be made.
(ML)Melissa Lewis second the motion.
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Old Business
Dog Park
A discussion was has to summarize findings from the Dog Park Public Hearing.
(RM) A motion was made by Rita Mullin to table the PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark vote until the committee meets
with the Board of Selectman to discuss findings. The committee is requesting to be put on the agenda
at the Board of Selectman meeting the first week in August.
(NP) Nasos Phillips second the motion.
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Recreation Program
The Recreation Director summarized the summer program for the committee; regarding additions of
new programs, growth in staff, financial expectations, etc. Also, discussed the outlook on the fall and
how the defeat of the override and the effect of the change in the school schedule could have on the program.
IRP Skate Rink
A discussion was had regarding the fix of the Skate Rink. A committee member will go down to mark
off boards that are to be replaced and a contractor will come in and give a quote on the replacement.
New Business
July 4th Events
Questions were presented on the activities of the 4th of July events. Seems to be a lack of communication
to the recreation Dept. Who is receiving a lot of calls from the community. A suggestion was made to
call the 4th of July committee to obtain details.
Other Business
Schedule for next Committee meeting
The next Parks & Recreation meeting are scheduled for July 16th, 2007 and July 30th, 2007.
(NP) A motion was made by Nasos Phillips at 9:39pm to adjourn the meeting.
(ML) Melissa Lewis second the motion
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0