Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Audience: LUC Committee members William Reed and Karen Martin.
Melissa Lewis Park & Rec. Committee Applicant
(MP) 7:11pm Quorum, meeting called to order
Minutes from 2/26/07
The committee as a whole has postponed the approval of minutes from February 26, 2007 because
not all members are present for input.
Old Business
Review comments on Open Space Plan
Parks & Recreation staff and committee member met with LUC committee members and discussed in detail
any and all changes to be made to the draft of the Open Space Plan. Changes may include
grammatical errors, misspelled word, missing information, formatting of pages, updated pictures,
deletion of incorrect information and so forth. All information with be collected and forwarded to
Tainter & Associates for updates on the final draft.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion for the Recreation committee to support the Approval of the Open Space plan with the comments and changes being made to plan.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
All in Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Deer Run Restrictive Covenant
Revisited a conversation regarding the maintenance and construction of a toddler playground over on
The Deer Run/Valley Road residential development. Again, the committee maintains their decision
to not take on such a project at this time. However, they are still waiting for further information
to be gathered before making a final decision. The Committee is going to ask the Planning
Department to confer with town counsel and then with the Recreation committee again.
Status update on IRP Improvements
Committee revisited a discussion on IRP improvements including bathroom facilities and Volleyball
Courts. A Concept for positioning and type of Bathroom facilities were talked about;
environmental facilities vs. traditional septic facilities. Also concepts of using the land from a
volleyball court project to backfill and buildup earth for cost saving vs. no volleyball court and
purchasing new materials. Concepts of future projects and placements of improvements around the
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Status update on IRP Improvements(cont'd)
park area and what project would fit best in which location. LUC Committee is going to review
concepts at their next meeting and return to Parks & Recreation Committee with feedback. Subject will be
placed on next agenda.
Design and Build of Little League Field Bathroom Facilities
A Brief description and plan was presented on the construction and design of new bathroom facilities at
The Baseball Little league Field. Will place on agenda at future meeting to complete discussion.
IRP Hockey Park issues and Discussion
Due to time restraints this issue will be tabled and revisited at a later meeting.
Wine Tasting-Results and lessons learned
Another Successful year at the Wine and Food Fundraiser! The final results for this year are $10,116.50.
We made more on Raffle and Auction items. We made less on Sponsors and Tickets sales were down
from last year. We are keeping notes on the do's and don'ts and lessons learned. A great success for
the community.
Wheeler Property -Revisited
Due to time restraints this issue will be tabled and revisited at a later meeting.
New Business
Storage for Recreation at the Town Hall
The Clerks office will be taking over the storage closets currently used by recreation in the town hall
gym to store new handicap voting booths. Recreation Dept. will be losing all their storage space.
Code of Conduct-Ethics Agreement
Due to time restraints this issue will be tabled and revisited at a later meeting.
Other Business
Care and use of the Town Hall Gym by the Youth Basketball League
A discussion was had regarding the Recreation equipment kept in the storage closets in the Town Hall Gym
Being mistreated and used without permission by the participates and family attending the youth
basketball league held in the town hall gym over the weekend. Also spoke about the basketball
league leaving behind trash and not cleaning up the gym at the end of their program sessions.
Recreation had to pay for their own trash receptacle to keep in the gym.
*Committee members suggested obtaining a quote from a cleaning company for an estimate to have the gym
cleaned on a scheduled basis.
NR Cable Advisory Committee
NR Cable Advisory Committee is looking for support from P & R Committee with feedback on the communities needs through our local cable company and with the renewal of license for our local cable provider. The committee is hoping to help provide a better service and more opportunity for local
Business and community news.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to write a letter of Support for the North Reading Cable Advisory
Committee quest to obtain Comcast Cable Services.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
All in Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Schedule for next Committee meeting
Committee has decided to cancel March 19th, 2007 Monday evening meeting and reschedule for March
26th, 2007, Monday evening at 7pm in Room 14 at Town Hall.
(RM) A motion was made by Rita Mullin at 10:49 pm to adjourn the meeting.
(SC) Sergio Coviello second the motion
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0