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Parks & Recreation 1.22.07 Minutes

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2007

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Lauren McMullen (LM), PersonNameNasos Phillips (NP)
Staff:  Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC),

(MP)    7:55pm Quorum, meeting called to order

Minutes from 1/08/07
(MP)    Any questions comments or changes on minutes from 1/08/07?
(LM)    Page 3 under Old Business Deep Time s/b Deep Tine.
(SS)    Correct Attendance Brian Wood should be under Staff member not Committee Member.
(MP)    Ticket for Wine tasting should be 350 not 300.
(MP)    Mike Prisco made a motion to accept minutes from Jan. 8, 2007 P & R meeting.
(LM)    Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
                In Favor:   3           Opposed:   0            Abstained:    0

Audience of Citizens:
(MP)    Welcome Laura Centofanti.  Laura has applied to be on the Parks & Recreation Committee.
        She has many years of experience in Public School system and has worked as Director of City Works for the City of CityEverett, which is CityplaceEverett’s Children’s Recreation Program.
        Laura is here as a spectator to observe our committee as a potential candidate for Committee member.

New Business
Financial review
(BW)    Handout is to show the “before and after” of changes that Brian is asking to be made, in re-categorizing line items.  Moving monies around which will changes totals on line items but not on bottom line items, they will stay the same.
A.      Dog bags located at IRP were inadvertently left out of FY07 Budget.  Requesting to     allocate $2178.00 from revolving reserve fund to miscellaneous line item to cover expense of Dog bags.
(NP)    The $2178.00 is not anywhere else in the budget?
(BW)    No.
(NP)    Revisit vote for transfer.
(BW)    Asking to allocate $397.25 from revolving fund to Line #22, Emergency Repairs, to cover an electrical repair at Chestnut Street Irrigation panel.  
(BW)    Explained details of transfer changes listed on hand-out.
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Financial review cont’d
(MP)    Can follow all transfers except for the totals for #3, Brian will you look at and resolve.
(BW)    Yes
(NP)    Will the $15,000.00 Revolving Emergency Fund show on the budget?
(BW)    Once the Emergency Fund is used it will start to show on the budget.
(LM)    why is the $397.25 considered emergency?
(BW)    Any unexpected repair or service that is sudden and not scheduled.  Example:
        Benches and backstop at Mullen park- Because we were asked to move the equipment by the Developer last minute.  When taking down the backstop and benches discovered benches are all rotted out and need to be fully replaced.  The backstop is in the best condition, so debating on a new backstop.  I emailed Mike regarding expenses. So this situation would come in as an Emergency Repair Expense line item.  
(MP)    I am holding off approving the Mullen repairs because we are trying to as the Men’s League to help with the expenses for the repairs, waiting on response.  

(MP)    Mike Prisco has made a motion to reallocate Funds for “All” line items presented by Brian Wood for transfers (#3 on handout) on the FY07 budget.
(NP)    PersonNameNasos Phillips has second the motion.
        All in Favor:  3                Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

(MP)    Next committee meeting we need to go through new allocations of line item again.  
(MP)    Brian could you explain the revenues?
(BW)    Brian detailed outline of revenues on budget.
(MP)    Everything looks good.
(MP)    We need to vote to transfer from revolving account $397.25 for Emergency repair at addressStreetChestnut St and $2178 for Dog bags.
(MP)    Mike Prisco made a motion to Approve line items #1 and #2 from Brian Woods request for transferring $2178 for Dog bags  from revolving account to line #17 Miscellaneous expense on FY07 Budget and $397.25 from revolving account for Emergency repair to Line item #22 Emergency Repairs on FY07 Budget.
(LM)    Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
        All in Favor:  3                Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0   

Old Business
Turfco Top Dresser
(MP)    Put Turfco Top Dresser on Feb. 5, 2007 agenda.  Both Sergio and Rita wanted to be here for that 
        Agenda item and they are absent tonight.

Wine Tasting
(LM)    In Winter Brochure the time is incorrect.  It is listed as 6:30-9:30pm and it should be 7-9pm.
(LC)    Change was made after the Brochure went to print.  I put a “save the date” in the transcript.
(LM)    Spoke with Bob Turosz from the Transcript.  He is going to write an article for the Wine Tasting which will be in the paper for Feb. 1st.  Bob suggested the advertisement to go as follows:
a.      Letter to the Editor- Feb. 8, 2007
b.      ¼ page ad- Feb 15, 2007
c.      Reminder From Rec. – Feb. 22, 2007
(MP)    Mike Prisco will donate 2 Bruin tickets of Premium seating along with Premium parking for the night of March 6th game.

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(LM)    Spoke with Hillview Country Club (CityplaceBurton was not in), they said everything should be the same as last years event.  I am waiting for a confirmation call.
(MP)    Mike will talk to Steve Imbriano regarding tickets.  Everything stays the same on the tickets except the date and time.  
(LM)    Emailed Brian McDonald about the Wine.  There is a new Distributor for Gallo So Brian will check it out and get back to us.  
        Send out an updated flyer with mailing to restaurants and sponsors.  
        All modified letters should be forwarded to committee for approval and when sent out and date sent out.

Wine Tasting Cont’d
(LM)    we are doing away with the 5000 flyers for the transcript.
(LM)    we need the CD with the sponsor labels on it from all the updated information from the end of the event from last year.   
(LM)    New Restaurants for this year: Restuarante StateMolise, Capellini’s in CityplaceTewksbury, Big Dog in NR (coconut shrimp).
        Called Maureen today she said she would update flyer.
Can we have the letters out by mid week this week?
(LC)    Can we call in Maria Brown to help out with all Wine Tasting tasks?
(MP)    Yes, call her tomorrow.
(LC)    sent out letters and emails to seniors and teachers for student volunteers.  Have already heard from 5 seniors as volunteers.  
(LM)    Nancy Goddard has volunteered to help at the wine tasting.  She will bring a friend.
(LM)    Donation Items:
        1. Mike Prisco-Bruins tickets Premium (@) with Premium parking.
        2. Art work- Nancy Goddard?
        3. Poker Basket -Sheila Sturdevant
(LM)    When the Flyer to hang at the stores is complete; please contact everyone on the committee so we can distribute them to hang.
(LM)    Can we hire Maria for night of event?
(LC)    I believe she wants to attend.
(MP)    Do we (committee members or volunteers pay to attend the event?
        If you are going to work the event you do not need to pay to attend.  
(LM)    anyone who is going to be free of charge must be approved through the committee.  
(LM)    Ask Maureen in the morning if she called Channel 22 for the advertisement yet.

Sports League Updates
(LM)    I attended the Lacrosse meeting.  Everything is on their website.  They did not have a roster yet.  Went over by-laws.  We can download from system.  
(MP)    We need to put in outline to ask for the form 9010 from all the leagues. We are going to keep a book for the leagues. Liaisons should ask the league when they attend the meeting for the most recent 9010 form and we need updated ones in May of every year.
(BW)    Due to rising costs of maintenance on the fields we may want to think about asking the Leagues for contributions on upkeep. Or we may need to go to a split fee for certain leagues.
(MP)    The president of the Football League is resigning.  He claimed that P&R never did anything for the league.  Not willing to be cooperative.  The new President, Ernie Arena and Vice-President Charles McCarthy are happy to work with the committee.
(MP)    Baseball league called and ask to postpone meeting.  They are not ready.

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Review CY07 Committee and Dept. Goals.
(MP)    Put on next agenda

Other Business
Review schedule on 2007 meeting dates.
(MP)    Schedule seems to be fine.
(MP)    January 8       February 5      March 5 April 2         May 7           June 4
        January 22      February 26     March 19        April 23        May 21  June 18
(SS) I confirmed all dates with PersonNameKaren Marlin.  The only date that is a potential problem is Feb. 26.
We may have to have meeting in lunch room.  I have already emailed PersonNameKaren Marlin asking for update.

Dinner at the Prisco Residence
(MP)    Dinner will be rescheduled for a later date, will contact everyone through email.

Wheeler Property
(MP)    Put overview on Wheeler property on next agenda

Open Discussion
CORE information
(SS)    At Softball sign up Mike Carney gave us a copy of “Player coed of conduct” to keep.  He also would like to know if we could start a “mass data base for Cores.  People have complained that they have to pay more than once and the Core is good for 5 years.
(LM)    Suggested that the Police take care of CORE”S
(MP)    Sheila, can you find out if the Police handle the CORE’s?  Maybe we should initiate the process of a data base.
New Committee Member
(MP)    Mike suggested that we make a motion to recommend to Town Administrator, Greg Balukonis, to appoint Laura Centofanti to Parks & Recreation Committee.
(LM)    Lauren McMullen made a motion to recommend that Laura Centofanti be appointed to Parks & Rec. Committee.
(NP)    PersonNameNasos Phillips second the motion
        All in Favor:  3                Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
placePlaceNameDog PlaceTypePark
(LM)    PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark- spoke with Art ADHOC committee for dog park is wondering what is the schedule for making improvements at the dog park.
(BW)    We have already taken out chain link fence and spreading loom.  After the end of Mat or beginning of June we will start to pick up on beautifying the park more.

Next meeting date for Parks and Recreation committee is February 5th, 2007.
(LM)    Lauren McMullen made a motion to adjourn meeting
(NP)    PersonNameNasos Phillips second the motion
        All in favor:  3        Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Meeting Adjourned at 9:03pm