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Parks & Recreation 3.17.08 Agenda
Town of North Reading - Parks and Recreation
Committee Meeting Monday, March 17 @ 7:00 PM
(NOTE: We are meeting in Room # 5 @ 7:00 PM - Please arrive 10 min early so we can start on time.)

1.      Call To Order                                                   
2.      Ascertain a Quorum                                              
3.      Audience of Citizens:                                                           All
4.      Accept Meeting Minutes                                                  All

o       None

Old Business
o       Discuss FY 09 Budget Reprogramming Impacts - "Get Well Plan"            R. Mullin
o       Wine Tasting - Schedule and Tasking                                             L. McMullen
o       Prepare for March 20th Meeting with NRYFL                                       R. Mullin

New Business
o       None
