North Reading Council on Aging
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Meeting called to order at 7:03PM at the O’Leary Senior Center. Present were Mary Prenney, Joe Veno, Ed Broughton, Richard Wallner, Eleanor Fritsch and Maureen Donato.
Absent: Chairman, Brian Snell
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes from Prior Meeting, October 15, 2014
Motion to approve made by Joe Veno and seconded by Ed Broughton- Unanimous.
Director’s Report
See attached copy of Director’s Report for complete information
-Newsletters are in the process of being written. Katharine Barr has deadline secondary to student’s vacation scheduled for December.
-All new Appliances have been installed at Senior Center thanks to the Friends of the COA. Moynihan’s Lumber has assisted with the installation of cabinets; the new carpeting installation has been completed and new brass kick plates have also been installed on the doors. The Friends also plan to purchase plants for both Thanksgiving and Christmas Home Delivered Meals clients.
-COA is waiting for revised government pricing for a Diamond VIP 2200 bus which is a-12 passenger and accommodates wheelchairs. Van also has wheelchair ramp on backside with a back door. Van is on the car lot and COA is waiting finalizing on pricing as well as trade in value of current van.
-The Community Impact Team (Social Service Action Team) and COA sponsored a showing at the Senior Center of the film call “Gen Silent.” Over 50 people were in attendance as well as the NRHS Gay-Straight Alliance Group. The SSAT group is being asked to sponsor a virtual dementia workshop to the community.
-Fuel Assistance Project has been very busy with appointments with people requiring help with fuel assistance. The Christian Community Service has already had requests earlier than usual for 2 elders needing assistance.
-FY16 Budget is due on Dec.5. COA Director does not see a need for increases or decreases and is seeking a request for level services.
-240 persons have already secured seats for the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Hillview scheduled for November 23, 2014.
Promote the COA
Joe Veno attended the Veteran Day Luncheon and enlightened the group about the COA and encouraged them to participate in Senior Center activities.
Friends of the COA Update
No member from the NRFOCOA was present.
Old Business
Rich Wallner continues to interface with SSAT and CIT Boards to promote a Senior Initiative. They have been busy gathering resources and plan to talk with Rep. Brad Jones. Selectman, Mike Prisco is also interested in assisting the group and it was reported that Rita Mullen has also agreed to join. Main interest of the group is to promote land/resources for much needed Senior Housing and Assisted Living Services. The group is also focusing on funding and looking at probable need for IRS 501-C3 Status. The Group plans to discuss their focus with the Board of Selectman in December, 2014.
New Business
Elections to COA Board will be made at January 21, 2015 meeting.
New Associate Member is expected o be present at January 2015 meeting.
COA Board discussed that it would be beneficial to make some changes to Section II, “Membership”, North Reading COA Policies and Procedures in regards to (1) term limits, (2) required number of COA Board members and (3) number of Board members required to be present to meet a quorum to commence a Board Meeting.
A motion was made by Joe Veno and Seconded by Richard Wallner to strike “No person shall
serve more than three terms in succession, plus any portion of unfilled terms.” –Unanimous.
Motion was made by Joe Veno and Seconded by Ed Broughton that the COA Board shall consist of 7 Full Members and 1 Associate Member. With 7 Full Members, required quorum would be 4 before a COA Board Meeting could commence. –Unanimous.
COA member, Ed Broughton, volunteered to make amendments/changes to North Reading COA Board Policies and Procedure document.
Motion made to adjourn by Joe Veno and Seconded by Ed Broughton. Unanimous
Next COA Board meeting scheduled for January 21, 2014.
Respectfully submitted:
Maureen L Donato, COA Secretary_________________________________________
C:\Users\Owner\Documents\COA\Minutes\141119 COA Minutes.Docx