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Select Board Agenda 04/26/2010
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Size: 90K
Last Updated: 2010/4/23

Select Board
Regular Meeting – monday april 26, 2010 –7PM
Mary B. Herbert Conference Room
  • Call to Order & Call of the Roll
  • Non-Public Session – 6:30 PM in the Executive Conference Room 2nd Floor, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 (e)
  • Consent Calendar
  • New Business
  • Approval of Community Garden – R. Copp, Agricultural Commission
  • Approval in Change of Health Insurance Coverage for employees not covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment involvement with Staff
  • Items Laid on the Table
  • Select Board Rules and Procedures
  • Minutes
  • Regular Meeting April 12, 2010
  • Adjournment