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Select Board Agenda 07/23/2008

Town of North Hampton, New Hampshire

Select Board

Regular Meeting - Wednesday July 23, 2008 –7PM

1.  Call to Order & Call of the Roll

2   Consent Calendar[1]

3   New Business

3.1.  Rockingham Planning Commissioner Vacancy

3.2. Approval of Baseline Documentation for Donais and Dalton Conservation Easements.

3.3. Recommendation on Policies of the NHLGC Committee of Government Affairs

3.4. View of Right to Know Information Request Policy

3.5. 911 Mapping Issues – Chief Lambert

3.6. Change in Town Meeting Date

4.  Items Laid on the Table[2]

4.1  Board of Selectmen Rules and Procedures

5. Report of the Town Administrator

6. Minutes

6.1 Regular Meeting  - July 9, 2008

7. Adjournment

#_ftnref1This location is handicapped accessible. Those wishing to attend who are hearing or vision impaired may make their needs known by contacting the at Town Hall 964-8087

[1] These items are routine in nature and are approved without discussion. Should a member of the Board request to have an item removed, it shall be placed on the agenda under new business. The consent format is to expedite the business of the Board when adequate backup material has been provided.

[2] Items laid on the table shall remain on the table until a member of the Board of Selectmen makes a motion to remove such item from the table.