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Planning Board WS Agenda 11/15/2007

Planning Board
Work Session
Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 6:30 PM
I. Approval of Minutes

1. September 13, 2007 Work Session minutes
2. October 2, 2007 Regular meeting minutes
3. October 11, 2007 Public Hearing minutes
4. October 11, 2007 Work Session minutes
5. October 15, 2007 PB & CC joint meeting minutes
6. November 6, 2007 Regular meeting minutes

II. Old Business

1. Review and possible amendments to the following ordinances:
        a. US Route 1 Corridor Use changes
        b. Sexually Orientated Business, Section 416
        c. Sign Ordinance, Section 506
        d. Sustainable Subdivision Ordinance

III. New Business

1. 07:29 – Cory Nadilo, 83 Stratham Heights Road, Stratham, NH 03885.
Conditional Use Sign Application. The applicant proposes to erect a monument sign.
Property location: 215 Lafayette Road, North Hampton. Property owner(s): Daniel
Pelletier and Le Chat Sauvage, LLC., zoning district I-B/R, M/L 021-003.

IV. Committee Updates

1. Long Range Planning
2. CIP
3. Other Committee Updates

V. Other Business

All text pertaining to this agenda is available at the North Hampton Town Office, 233 Atlantic Avenue,
Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm for public review.