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Budget Committee Minutes 03/17/2008
Budget Committee Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 17, 2008
Mary Herbert Conference Room
Recorded by Larry Miller

Members attending:  Robert Copp, Michael Golden, Robert Hamilton, Jim Maggiore, Larry Miller, David Peck, Jennifer Simmons

* "Pending members" attending as citizens:   Michael Coutu, Kari Schmitz

The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm by Chairman David Peck.

1.      Welcome new members

The old members and the pending members introduced themselves. The pending members, as yet not ratified by their boards, are Mike Coutu with the BOS and Kari Schmitz with NHS Board. Michael Golden and Jennifer Simmons were elected as at large members for 3 year terms.

Jim made a motion to approve the Budcom meeting minutes of 2-5-08. The motion was seconded by Bob Copp. After discussion, the minutes were approved as read, 5-0.

2.      Vote on Chair and Vice Chair positions for coming year

Bob Copp asked David if he were willing to be Chairman again. Mike Coutu noted the voters had expressed their desire for change. Mike feels this is not the time to change the leadership of the Budcom. This is a timely opportunity for the BOS to partner with the Budcom to achieve long term improvements to budget policy and town financial practices. He stated that if David were willing to remain as Chairman, he should have better support from the Budcom members. Bob Copp made a motion nominating David Peck for Chairman of the Budcom. Mike Golden seconded the motion. Jim stated he felt there were great opportunities for gains this year with David as Chairman. Mike Golden
echoed this sentiment. David said he had a great experience as Chairman. He has learned from differing views and built friendships. He also feels there are unique opportunities possible for the coming year. Motion was approved 7-0.

David asked for a motion nominating a Vice Chair. Mike Coutu suggested Mike Golden as a very experienced candidate. Mike Golden stated he would serve if elected. Bob Copp made a motion nominating Mike Golden as Vice Chairman of the Budcom. The motion was seconded by Jim Maggiore. Motion was approved 7-0.

3.      Review voting results from March election

David asked for member comments concerning the Warrant articles. Jim mentioned that the voters seemed to follow the recommendations of the Budcom (the vote tallies were restored to the ballot version of the Warrant by the Moderator after the Deliberative Session).
South Hampton voted down the SESPA contract.
The NHS warrant article for the lock down hardware did not pass by a wide margin.
Dave made a motion to ask the NHS Board if they would adhere to the purchasing policy which the voters created by passage of Warrant Article 10. The motion seconded by Miller. Mike Golden stated he believed passage of the motion would damage relations with the NHS Board. Mike Coutu suggested the threshold requirement for reporting be raised to $25K. Dave withdrew his motion. Miller withdrew his second. Jennifer asked why the Budcom wanted a copy of NHS bids of $10K or greater. Dave stated the need arose from the playground "emergency" occurring at the end of fiscal 2006/2007.

4.      Review Budget process from FY09 and make recommendations to improve effectiveness

Mike Coutu stated there is merit in having Budcom members concentrate on individual town departments and NHS. Budcom members should learn specific operational details which affect these budgets; i. e., overtime being covered by only union members. The intention is not to be a directional force, but rather to be informed so to be able and ready to advise. In addition to members being assigned to specific budgets, the assigned member should also write an overall review of the Department including key comments and observations of the proposed budget in the interest of building some institutional knowledge within BudCom for future members, as well as to share learned information with fellow members. David stated it is important for the Budcom members to be informed as they are the public's representatives. Bob Copp stated the zero based budgeting is called for at this time.

The following is the summary of the group discussion for ideas for fiscal 2008/2009.

1.      Project Leaders
-Fire/Police/Highway & Recycling/School/ BOS Administration
2.      Zero-based Budget
-Based on actual prior year versus proposed budget
-Department head training in budgeting
        3. Study and review of May Town voting calendar
        4. Incorporate revenue as well as expense budgeting
        5. Public Communication
                -Hearing before Budget season
                -Actual use of Channel 22
                -Cover letter with tax statements
        6. All Up/All In Budgeting
                -Show % increase by line item and by Warrant article
        7. Warrant Article Recommendation Format
                -Objectives/Need/Justifiable metrics/Alternatives
                -Rigor and analysis-3 year impact on taxes
        8. Budcom vision/mission/strategy/objectives
                -DRA Meeting with BOS and NHS Board
        9. Recommend department business plans for BOS and NHS Board to adopt
        10. BOS and NHS Board recommended Projects
                -Town health insurance
                -Financial accounting
                -Fire/Police staffing/overtime
                -Town/NHS peer best practices  
                -Productivity of Unified Arts programs
                -Capital improvement plans
        11. Hire recorder
        12. Audit financial objectives of NH Forever land acquisitions
        13. Review annual audit and management letter

        Bob Copp noted there is a mistaken attitude that North Hampton has "plenty of money".
The next meeting is May 5, 2008 in the Mary Herbert Conference Room.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Approved as amended at the Budcom meeting of 5-5-08.