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Planning Board Work Session Agenda 07/21/2015

Planning Board Work Session
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:30pm

I. Old Business
1. Chief Michael Tully – discussion suggestions to add/amend regulations to include required minimum driveway widths to accommodate emergency apparatus.

II. New Business
1. Committee Updates from prior or current committee members if any:
a. Long Range Planning (LRP) – discussion on proposed questions for the 2016 community survey relating to the future land use chapter of the Master Plan including development of a future “Village Center” and “Commercial District”.
b. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
c. Rules and Regulations/Procedures
d. Application Review Committee (ARC)
e. Economic Development Committee
f. Select Board – Jim Maggiore

III. Other Business
1. 1 Items laid on the table
a. Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments/additions and/or Regulation amendments/additions Discussion.
i. Special Exception – Riding Stable and Greenhouse
ii. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance – Section I, Purpose to include language that the Town and Little Boar’s Head do not have concurrent jurisdiction
iii. Stormwater Regulations – Jenn Rowden
iv. Any other sections of the ordinance the Board wishes to discuss

b. Minutes
i. June 16, 2015

Materials are available at the North Hampton Town Office, 233 Atlantic Avenue, Monday – Thursday 7:00am to 4:00pm and Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm for public review.
Items laid on the table shall remain on the table until a member of Board makes a motion to remove such item from the table.