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Approaching Winter Storm
Calvert County Government Urges Preparations for Approaching Winter Storm

The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather warning for the region from 3 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, March 3. Calvert County government urges citizens to be prepared for potential heavy snowfall.

Precipitation is expected to begin later today as rain and change over to sleet and freezing rain overnight and become snow around 4 a.m. The greatest snowfall is forecast for between 4 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday with snow showers continuing through the evening. Total accumulation is predicted to be 6-10 inches. Temperatures will continue to fall throughout the day on Monday and become very cold through the early part of the week.

Citizens are encouraged to avoid traveling during the storm unless it is an emergency. This will allow crews to more easily clear area roads. If residents must travel, they should ensure the gas tank is full and carry survival items including a mobile phone, blankets, flashlight/batteries, food, water and a shovel.

In the event of significant snowfall, primary concerns are the potential loss of heat, power, telephone service, and a shortage of supplies if freezing conditions continue for more than one day. Residents should have the following items available:

• Flashlight and extra batteries
• Battery-operated NOAA weather radio and portable radio to receive emergency information; these may be your only links to the outside
• Extra food and water; high-energy food and food requiring no cooking or refrigeration is best
• Extra medicine and baby items
• First aid supplies
• Heating fuel
• Emergency heating source (fireplace, wood stove, space heater, etc.)
• Fire extinguisher and smoke detector
• Standard, plug-in phone

Residents are encouraged to consider family members or neighbors with special needs and assist them in preparing for the winter weather. To stay informed on the approaching weather event, residents should monitor local television channels, radio stations and the Internet. The Calvert County government website and Facebook page will have updates on local preparations and county government closures should they become necessary.