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UMD Visit to North Beach
University of Maryland Interdisciplinary Studio on Climate Change Visit to North Beach, MD

For the last year and a half, students from the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture and the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation have been working in an interdisciplinary pilot studio that explores the value of civic engagement on anticipatory design approaches to climate change impact. Directed by Assistant Professors Victoria Chanse, PhD. and Luis Diego Quiros and PhD student Kevin Adams, the studio addresses the larger question of how to involve the human dimension in developing adaptation responses to this uncertain process. As part of the research, students work with community members to develop different scenarios and design visualizations to evaluate alternative anticipatory strategies. The Studio has been funded through awards from the University of Maryland College Park NSF ADVANCE Interdisciplinary and Engaged Research seed grant program and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, and donations from the communities and its results are expected to offer potential clues as to how towns can prepare community members to understand and deal with the possible environmental changes.

So far, the studio has worked on sites located in Cambridge, MD, and this semester will be working with the community of North Beach, MD. The team will visit North Beach on February 8, 2013 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and they would like to meet community members and ask for their input. If you are interested, please join us.

Visit Schedule:

09:00 – 10:00 – Students leave UMD College Park Campus – Arrive North Beach, MD.
10:00 – 12:00 – Conversations with community and community leaders (Council Chambers at Town Hall)
12:00 – 01:00 – Lunch
01:00 – 03:30 – City Walk
03:30 – 03:45 – Leave North Beach – Arrive Chesapeake Beach
03:45 – 04:30 – Walk on Chesapeake Beach Trail
04:30 – 05:30 – Return to College Park