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P.O. Box 931
Southbury, CT 06488

Member Towns
Monroe Newtown Oxford Southbury
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
All Commissioners Present
Meeting convened at 7:02pm
Public Comments:
Brian Nisik, presented a proposal to construct a safe swimming area on his property.  He’s applying for a permit from the DEP.  First Light agreed to the new construction, and once the board agrees to the new bogey, then First Light will provide a formal letter of support.  Final approval is from the DEP
Commissioners support the new construction.
Treasurer’s Report
Robert Mouchantant, Treasurer reported that the LZA has the following available funds:
$19,226.00 Checking Account, $17,369.00 General Fund Account, and $36,622.00 remaining in the fiscal budget
Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve the March 9th special meeting minutes-Unanimously approved
The April meeting minutes should be corrected to reflect the proper year; the year should be 2011 instead of 2010.  Also, the April 26th minutes should reflect that proper voting against the police patrol.  Six commissioners voted in favor, two commissioners dissented.
Motion to approve the April 26th adjusted meeting minutes-Unanimously approved
Motion to go into the executive session to discuss the boat drivers- minutes are not taken at this time

**Meeting Resumed
Publicity Report
At no cost, the DEP will provide LZA with 500 copies of informational brochure and signs
There will be another meeting before May, where LZA can request the DEP to place the signs around the lake. The commissioners discussed a decision from DEP to hire a public relations firm to educate the public about zebra muscles. It was stated that one of the commissioners can do this work at no cost.   
At the next DEP meeting, LZA representatives will request DEP to produce at least 1500 copes of the informational brochures

Water Quality Report
Bob Bowolick reported that he participated in the water quality assessment. With regards to the assessment, there are ten more trips needed to survey the quality of water.  The technicians have reviewed 4 parts of the river from the boat. It was reported that LZA pays for this service.  
Both boats were checked.  The search light in Unit 1 is not working effectively.   Unit I prop has a chip, but it was recommended to not make any immediate changes.
Both of units will receive a power wash on Thursday (4/5/11)  
May 14th –to do an informational session about kayaking on the river
May 24th- a boat safety class will be available
May 28th- to hold a boat safety exercise
Unfinished Business
Bylaws will be submitted by the new clerk on behalf of LZA
At the last meeting we made a verbal agreement with Oxford and Newton to support the lower official rate change.
The commissioners discussed current fiscal obligations from the member towns.  Bob Barnes stated that Oxford will commit $32,000.00 towards the budget.  And the remaining member towns will provide support, but cannot commit to providing their full share.  
Patrol Guidance expressed that during the main hours of operations, there needs to be the most support.   
Radar Detector Invoice
The total cost to repair the radar detectors is $698.00. There will be a discount from the state.  
The invoice will be adjusted to reflect the state discount and submitted to the state police office.
Water Testing
A commissioner asked a question about the time table of testing the water.  It was stated that the water is usually tested during the first and second week in June.
New Business
Attendance at meetings
Bob Barnes expressed to all commissioners about the importance of attending meetings on a regular basis. Commissioners will need to inform the LZA if they’re unable to attend a meeting.    
Mr. Barnes asked Commissioner Jeannie Purcella if she’s still able to attend the meetings.  Ms. Purcella stated that work obligations are impeding her from attending LZA meetings.   Ms. Purcella may have to resign since she cannot control her work obligations.   Ms. Purcella will contact Mary Ann to discuss resigning from the board.
Mr. Barnes also expressed the need for all members to become active member on at least one committee.   The Chairman went through the committee list, and ensured each commissioner was assigned to at least one committee.  
**Motion to go into executive session
Executive Session: 8:15pm-8:20pm
Public Comments
Due to the shrinking budget, a resident expressed concerns regarding environmental issues of the lake.  The resident stated that there are overgrown weeds in the lake and that should be a concern to LZA.  The  Commissioners agreed with the resident, and expressed that people should pressure their 1st Selectmen to make changes to the budget in order to handle these environmental issues.   Residents should consider creating a coalition that will support this issue and place pressure on their elected officials.  

Additional Issues
Bob Mouchantat expressed a need to place the zebra muscles information on the website.  
LZA Office
Bob Barnes expressed that LZA office is not used on a consistent basis.  Since the office is usually empty.  LZA can make sure to change locks, and place all the equipment in a secure place.  All of the furniture in the office is owned by LZA.  Since the office rent is paid until July, it will allow LZA to review all of the equipment and make a final decision on where the materials will be safely placed.  
Recommendation: To meet an hour before the next meeting to review the materials/equipment in the office
Tow Donations
Commissioner Tony D’Angelo asked-What’s the process of towing?
If it’s totally necessary then they will tow.   Mr D’Angelo made a recommendation to make a list of people who were towed, submit them a recommendation to donate to the Authority.  
Mr. Mouchantat requested that Mr. D’Angelo draft a formal recommendation and present it at the next meeting
A formal motion was made in favor of a tow donation recommendation:  1 yes, 4 no, and 2 abstain
8:35pm meeting adjourned