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                                LAKE ZOAR AUTHORITY
P.O. Box 931
Southbury, CT 06488

Member Towns
Monroe Newtown Oxford Southbury
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
All Commissioners Present
Bob Barnes, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Public Comments:
A resident expressed his concerns of the weed treatment.   He stated that his family will be unable to get in and out of their property based on the weed treatment schedule.  
Another resident responded to the request of more public support as it relates to maintaining the Lake Zoar.    Based on research he conducted; the resident explained how other Lake authorities have established their own facebook pages, and organized community clean up days.
Treasurer, Robert Mouchantant made a recommendation to start open a Lake Zoar facebook page; a link can be placed on the Lake Zoar website.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to amend; It should be noted, to change Oxford’s monetary commitment to $32,000.00.  Two of the commissioners stated that they could not open the document or did not receive the actual minutes to the meeting.  Since every commissioner was not able to review the minutes, then we cannot have a vote to approve the minutes.  
**The date should be included on the final May minutes
Motion to amend and to redistribute the May minutes- All in favor  
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Robert Mouchantant provided an overview of the treasurer’s report.  
  • Cost of the weed treatment:  $22,768.00
  • The reserve capital: $42,220.00
Motion to pass the treasurer’s report- All in favor
State Police Report:
Sergeant Dan Semosky stated that they patrolled the lake once on Saturday; twice on Sunday and the Memorial Day holiday.   There were 4 written warnings in Newtown.  There were two separate incidents of people not wearing safety jackets.
Chairman Bob Barnes asked: On average, how many times do you patrol the area?
Sergeant Semosky responded on average they patrol the area at leas t2-3 times; during the holiday weekend the boat went around the area more than twice.  In addition, he stated the need for citizens to be aware of aware of the debris in the lake.  There were tow huge logs along the edge of the lake.  
On May 26th, Newtown police officers (29 officers) were trained to receive a safe boat certificate.  It will help build the patrol in the summer.  
Coast Guard Auxiliary
It was reported that there were 20 vessels that received boat safety inspections on May 20th.
Boat Maintenance
Immediate boat fixes:
  • A new prop for the boat has been ordered
  • Unit I Light was fixed for $10.00
Besides the immediate fixes, all of the boats are working properly and have the proper equipment available (i.e. medical equipment).
Weed Treatment
Vice-Chairman, Bernie gave an overview of the next steps for the weed treatment.
  • The weed treatment will be done on June 20th
  •  Informational issues will be need to done by June 17th.   For example, signage along the beach will need to posted along the beach by Monday, and someone will need to contact
First Light.  
The weed treatment new product 24B lasts for approximately two years- it’s supposed to kill the roots.  The new treatment will be distributed in Newtown and Southbury.   The state lawn, Oxford, and Southbury beach will be treated with the diquad water treatment.

Secretary Carolyn Wilson, committed to help with ensures information about the weed treatment is disseminated, and Commissioner Raymond Hoesten committed to contact First Light.
Vice-Chair Opening
Chairman Bob Barnes asked a question regarding Bernie Lintzner’s seat.  The Vice-Chairman will be leaving the board soon, and he will need someone to become the new vice-chair
Bernie Lintzner agreed to create a list of duties to present before the board at the next meeting.  Commissioners will be able to fully discuss the duties of the vice-chair, and then provide a recommendation on who could be the next vice-chair.
Correspondence and News Clippings
Jeannie Purcella reported that she and Carolyn Wilson provided brochures and maps at the boat safety event.  They were approached by DEP to take a class in New Fairfield on Saturday, June 11th on zebra mussels, and do be trained to conduct volunteer expectation
Treasurer, Robert Mouchantant, this is a potential announcement on Facebook.  
Our former Chairman, Howard Saade passed away on May 7th.  Mr. Saade was one of the original founders of Lake Zoar Authority.  
Chairman Bob Barnes briefly mentioned letters from the represented towns;
Letter I- March 24, 2011, all four Selectmen signed a letter expressing that there will be a commitment to equal financial support for the Lake Zoar Authority.  
Letter 2- Town of Oxford overtime rate- will be billed $39.44 an hour and after July 1st it will go up to $40.00 an hour.  Monroe and Newton agreed to do this, but there is no official document from Monroe
Unfinished Business
Commissioner, Tony D’Angelo drafted a contribution letter for boats that are towed.  .  
Motion to accept letter
Discussion: Tony D’Angelo stated that he didn’t think is a liability issue; Zoar is not a towing service nor have a 501c3 status, which makes it able to receive a non-deductible gift
Treasurer, Robert Mouchantant mentioned that we should first reflect on our legal limits of accepting a “contribution”.
Final Vote: 1 Favor, 7 Not in favor, 1 abstain
Tony D’Angelo makes a recommendation to amend the bylaws to reflect the voting procedures.  The statement specifies that commissioners can only vote either Yes or No and not abstain from a vote unless it is due to a conflict of interest.  
The board agreed to table this issue, and have the bylaws committee discuss this at their next meeting.  
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm