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04-05-11 Minutes
The meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, April 05, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.
Robert Barnes, Chairman
Vice Chairman, Bernie Lintzner
Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer
Bob Bowolick
Anthony D’Angelo
John Downs
Raymond Hoesten
Jerry Isleib
Marvin Moss
Sgt. Dan Semosky, CSP
Carolyn Wilson, Secretary
Ed Kuzsinski
Jeannie Purcella
Robert Barnes, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  In the absence of Carolyn Wilson, Secretary, Chairman Barnes appointed Commissioner John Downs to record the minutes for the meeting. There were no minutes submitted from the regular March meeting and special meeting to be read and acted on at this time.
Public Comments:
In attendance was Paul Gallichotte. He questioned the Board of Commissioners as to the status of the minutes from the regular March meeting and a special meeting held in March. Mr. Gallichotte also inquired about the availability of an updated copy of the bylaws. Chairman Barnes explained that the Secretary for the Board was out of town for an extended period of time and one of the board members was filling in and the minutes would be forth coming within the next day or so and would be distributed accordingly and posted on the website. He will check into the status of the bylaw updates and report back.
At the request of Chairman Bob Barnes, John Annino, Head of Boating Safety with the Ct. DEP and Chief of the Lake Housatonic Authority, made a presentation to the Commission to consider as an option to have the Lake Patrol Officers from  the LHA cover patrols on Lake Zoar for the upcoming season. He presented a preliminary proposal along with Ct. General Statutes regarding Lake Authorities to provide information and clarification on the topic. An open discussion between Chief Annino and Commission members followed the presentation in the form of questions and answers about the proposal and other considerations related to the topic. The Commission thanked Chief Annino for his presentation and would take all information under advisement when making near future decisions on how to proceed with lake patrols and budgetary constraints.
Marine Patrol Report:
No report.
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer Bob Mouchantat, reported that all funds are in order. There is a balance in the checking account of $2,041.00.There is $34,894 remaining for FY2010-2011. The weed treatment account has a balance of $22,764 and the non recurring account has a balance of $40,515. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Marvin Moss and seconded by Bob Bowolick. All approved and motion carried.
Boats, Motors, and Maintenance:
Commissioner Bob Bowolick reported that he will be picking up maintenance supplies this week and scheduling the maintenance with Karl. He will also discuss getting the boats into the water based on a request from Vice Chairman Lintzner to have at least one boat in the water for the survey with Knockline to check water quality for the grant.
Coast Guard Auxiliary:
Commissioner Bowolick informed the Commission that there will be an upcoming Coast Guard Boater Safety Course and a Paddle Craft Safety Course. More info with dates to follow.
Water Quality:
 Vice Chairman Bernie Lintzner requested to have at least one boat in the water for the survey with Knockline to check water quality for the grant. Commissioner Bowolick said that he would coordinate with Karl to get the boats serviced and in the water.
Publicity and Awareness:
No report.

New Business:
Chairman Bob Barnes received a letter from First Light stating that as in the past, First Light will contribute $3,000.00 to the LZA. However this will be the last check distributed to the LZA in this fashion. Going forward, monetary disbursements will be made on a “needs” basis through a grant application process.   
Chairman Barnes noted that after attending meetings and having discussions with Selectmen and Boards of Finance from each of the four towns that make up the LZA, the following budget requests for fiscal year 2011-2012 from each town are as follows: Monroe-$25,000, Newtown-$32,500, Oxford-$32,500, and Southbury-$25,000 respectively. All amounts are subject to voter approval.

Chairman Barnes recommended to the Commission that a special meeting be scheduled April 26, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall to discuss the response to the letter that will be sent to the Town Selectmen and Police Chiefs regarding reducing rates for patrols on the lake this season. The deadline for response to the letter is April 21, 2010. The presentation and proposal made by Chief Annino will also be discussed. All agreed that this subject needs to be resolved as the upcoming patrol season is rapidly approaching.
A motion was made by Chairman Barnes to “mothball” the weed harvester for the upcoming season for several reasons such as budgetary constraints, and the process of hiring a weed harvester operator and assistant due to the recent resignation of the current staff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mouchantat. After discussion, to which the point was made that this would be a cost savings of approximately $8,750.00, the commission voted eight yes, 1 no, to carry the motion.
Vice Chairman Lintzner informed the Commission that the paperwork for the grants has been started.
Unfinished Business:  
LZA Bylaw distribution still pending.
Additional committee positions were filled by commission members. Commissioners Anthony D’Angelo and Ray Hoesten will be responsible for weekly water sampling at the six locations that have been sampled in the past. Commissioner John Downs will assist Vice Chairman Lintzner with the weed survey and weed treatment program with Knockline. Commissioners Marvin Moss and Ray Hoesten will attend meetings with First Light.
Commissioner Hoesten reported to the Commission results of a meeting with Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra and Newtown Parks and Recreation Director Amy Mangold. The results are as follows: at the present time, one slip is available for a patrol boat – not two. Currently there is not a building available for the LZA to operate out of. The current building is being demolished. However, when the new building is built, provisions for the LZA will be incorporated into the plans. Permission to store the weed harvester at the site was not approved at this time.  
A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Moss and seconded by Treasurer Bob Mouchantat. All approved and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Repectfully submitted,
John Downs, LZA (acting Secretary)
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on May 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.