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03-09-11 Special Meeting
A special meeting of The Lake Zoar Authority was held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 7:00 p. m. at the Southbury Town Hall.
Chairman Bob Barnes
Treasurer Bob Mouchantat
Bob Bowolick
Anthony D’Angelo
John Downs
Ray Hoesten
Jerry Isleib
Ed Kusinski
Jeannie Purcella
Vice Chairman Bernie Lintzer
Secretary Carolyn Wilson
Marvin Moss
Chairman Bob Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:10 p. m.
Dave DeFeo
Weed Abatement/Water Quality:
Chairman Barnes presented information to the commission on a weed treatment program using 24D and DiQuat. He informed the commission that Lake Winnepesakee, located in New Hampshire, uses both 24D and DiQuat to abate weeds. A discussion followed regarding the amount of funding available to treat the weeds this upcoming season. Ray Hoesten cautioned the commission to solicit bids on a per acre basis versus indicating that we have 33k to spend. Bob Mouchantat clarified that as in the past, Bernie Lintzner will get bids based on $/acre. Tony D’Angelo made a motion to not exceed $33,000.00 for the upcoming weed treatment for FY 2010-2011. The motion was seconded by Jerry Isleib. All approved and the motion carried. A commitment to spend $1,000.00 for the zebra mussel study was tabled until more information is provided.
Chairman Barnes presented results of discussions with the four member town First Selectmen regarding the submitted proposed budget for FY 2011-2012. He indicated that currently Oxford and Newtown submitted the LZA full request of $32,438.00, Southbury submitted $25,400.00, Monroe submitted $20,000.00, and First Light will continue with the annual contribution of $3,000.00. A lengthy discussion by the commission followed. The Board concluded that based on the inequities submitted by the four towns that measures would have to be taken to evaluate all line items in the budget including but not limited to patrols, weed treatment, and deployment of the weed harvester.
Tony D’Angelo reported that he spoke with Newtown First Selectmen Pat Llodra regarding discussion with First Light for increased allocation of funds. She indicated that after one week since her phone call she had not received a return phone call. After discussion, Chairman Barnes authorized Commissioner Anthony D’Angelo to contact First Light on behalf of the Commission on Tuesday, March 15th if First Selectman Pat Llodra does not get a response by Monday, March 16th.
Commissioner Bob Bowolick reported that he estimated that approximately $18,000.00-$20,000.00 would be necessary for the Boats/Motors/Maintenance Account for FY 2011-2012 to operate.
A lengthy discussion pertaining to the weed harvester was entertained. Consideration for operators is a concern. Dave DeFeo submitted his resignation at the last regular meeting. He indicated to the Commission that he would be willing to train new employees but has other commitments this season and would not e able to continue running the harvester as in the past. Dave DeFeo recommended that first priority areas to harvest are those parts of the lake where boats travel and people recreate regularly. The worst weed growth occurs in the Fish Rock area between May and June.  A motion was made to put the harvester in the water in May and Dave DeFeo to train new personnel was made by Tony D’Angelo and seconded by Bob Bowolick. All approved and motion carried.
Lake patrols were discussed at length with a variety of options looked at from a fiscal perspective. Options and alternatives to the current arrangement of two boats, two drivers, two officers for patrols were discussed for the upcoming season. Several scenarios such as Lake Patrol Officers instead of Police Officers, deploying one boat instead of two, deploying two boats- two drivers- one officer, two boats-two drivers-no officers, etc., were discussed. The question was raised with regards to costs to get Lake Patrol Officer certification and once trained how to retain. Chairman Barnes will contact DEP to obtain costs. The LZA commission agreed that going forward into the upcoming season CSP officers should be used as a last resort due to the contractual rate. A motion stating “If two boats are scheduled and one paid officer does not show for shift, one patrol boat stays docked except on holidays and holiday weekends in which case CSP will be contacted to cover was” made by Bob Bowolick and seconded by Bob Mouchantat. All approved and motion carried.
A motion to adjourn by Bob Bowolick and seconded by Bob Barnes was approved by all and motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
John Downs, LZA (acting Secretary)
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on April 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.