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The meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority was held on Tuesday, March 01, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall. A motion to approve previous months minutes with one correction was made by Treasurer Bob Mouchantat, seconded by Jeannie Purcella. All approved, motion carried.
Robert Barnes, Chairman
Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer
Anthony D’Angelo
John Downs
Ed Kuzsinski
Marvin Moss
Jeannie Purcella
Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman
Carolyn Wilson, Secretary
Bob Bowolick
Raymond Hoesten
Jerry Isleib
Robert Barnes, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.  In the absence of Carolyn Wilson, Secretary, Chairman Barnes appointed Commissioner John Downs to record the minutes for the meeting. There were no minutes submitted from the February meeting to be read and acted on at this time.
Public Comments:
In attendance were Southbury First Selectman Bill Davis and Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra. Selectman Davis informed the Authority that at the present time The Town of Southbury is planning a zero percent increase over the current fiscal year budget. This would impact our budget request. First Selectman Llodra indicated that she would make a call to First Light Corporate to discuss any possible increase in allocation of funding the LZA.
First Selectman Llodra questioned the hourly rate for State Police Officers on patrol for the LZA and payment arrangement to the Connecticut State Police. Chairman Barnes responded by stating that he had to sign a binding agreement with CSP. At the time of signing, he was under the impression that it was for the current fiscal year only, but was informed that the contract is binding going forward whenever the LZA uses CSP officers. Chairman Barnes advised that he has had discussions with Sgt. Semosky and there will some changes made with regards to scheduling CSP for patrols this upcoming season.
Marine Patrol Report:
Sgt. Dan Semosky entertained a lengthy discussion with board members regarding as a last resort to fill patrols considering the non-negotiable contract rates. options and alternatives to the current arrangement of two boats, two drivers, two officers for patrols for the upcoming season. Several scenarios were discussed such as Lake Patrol Officers instead of Police Officers, deploying one boat instead of two, deploying two boats- two drivers- one officer, two boats-two drivers-no officers, etc. The question was raised with regards to costs to get Lake Patrol Officer certification and once trained how to retain. Chairman Barnes will contact DEP to obtain costs. The LZA commission agreed that going forward into the upcoming season CSP officers should be used
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer Bob Mouchantat, reported that all funds are in order. There is a balance in all account with approximately $200.00 in bills to be paid. There is $37,944 remaining for FY2010-2011. The weed treatment account has a balance of $22,760 and the non recurring account has a balance of $40,507. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Marvin Moss and seconded by Jeannie Purcella. All approved and motion carried.
Boats, Motors, and Maintenance:
No report. Chairman Bob Barnes commented that he recently attended a local hunting and fishing show. To replace one of the patrol boats currently in operation with a comparable vessel in today’s dollars would cost approximately $50,000.00 per boat.
Coast Guard Auxiliary:
Nothing to report at this time.
Water Quality:
No report. Vice Chairman Bernie Lintzner was unable to attend the meeting but submitted paperwork for a study on zebra mussels to be conducted by W.C.S.U. Within the paperwork, there is a request for money to fund the project. The Commission after discussion decided to postpone acting on the study at his time until more information is made available.
Publicity and Awareness:
Jeannie Purcella will send article to newspapers to remind boaters to renew registrations.

New Business:
Chairman Bob Barnes received a letter of resignation from Dave DeFeo, weed harvester operator, stating that he would not be able to commit working for the LZA this upcoming season.  
Chairman Barnes also received a letter from Pomperaug Health stating that the Health Dept. will send sample bathing water from six lake locations to the Ct. State Health Lab for the upcoming season May through September. Appointed Commission members would have to obtain the samples weekly and get them to the health Dept. to be sent out and analyzed.
Chairman Barnes noted the need for more commissioners to take on a more active role with some of the duties and responsibilities of the commission. After discussion, the following categories were assigned.

Marine Patrol
Bob Barnes / Bob Mouchantat / Bernie Lintzer / Ed Kusinski
Bob Bowolick / John Downs
First Light/First Selectmen
Marvin Moss / Anthony D'Angelo
Water Quality
Bernie Lintzner / Ray Hoesten / Anthony D'Angelo
Jeannie Purcella / Marvin Moss / Ed Kusinski
Bernie Lintzner / John Downs
Bernie Lintzner / Anthony D'Angelo
Ed Kusinski
Three, six, and nine month goals were also discussed. The weed treatment program and solicitation for a weed harvester operator were set as three month goals. FLFS (First Light- First Selectmen) and procurement of equal town funding commitments from Town Selectmen were set as six month goals. Nine month goals were not determined.
Chairman Barnes made a motion to schedule a special meeting for March 9, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall. The agenda would consist of discussions on water quality issues, weed abatement, budget discussions, and committee assignments. The motion was seconded by Anthony D’Angelo. All approved and motion carried.
Old Business:  
LZA Bylaw distribution still pending.
A motion to adjourn was made by Treasurer Bob Mouchantat and seconded by Chairman Bob Barnes. All approved and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Downs, LZA (acting Secretary)
The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on April 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.