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02-07-11 Bylaws

P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe nbsp;                                                                                                                             
The Lake Zoar Authority  Connecticut Tax Exempt number  is E-6009, the Connecticut Registration Number is 92-713-03 and the Federal Employer ID Number is 06-1012803.  

 Section 3-  Office    
The Lake Zoar Authority  is not able to maintain an office or place of business that is open during regular business hours .  The Lake Zoar Authority records are maintained by the Officers of the Authority and/ or are stored at the LZA office in the Southbury VFW Post on Lakeside Road; the records are available to the public upon written request  and approval .    


ARTICLE IIMission Statement                                                                                                                                         

The object  and purpose of the Lake Zoar Authority is established by ordinance in member towns under Connecticut General Statutes, Section 7-151a of the 1969 supplement as amended.                                                                   

ARTICLE III- Membership

Section 1- Members                                                                                                                                                               The Lake Zoar Authority consists of appointed members and ex-officio members.Each municipality,namely,Monroe,Oxford,Southbury and Newtown appoints three members totalling twelve appointed members; the municipality First Selectmen or Chief Administrators  are the ex-officio members who are encouraged to attend meetings but have no vote .  An interested resident may apply for appointed membership by contacting the Republican or Democratic Town Committee of their interest.                                          

  Section 2- Requirements                                                                                                                                                         Presentation of an approved town ordinance to join the Authority, the names of three appointees , and agreement of financial support constitutes municipality membership; the financial assessments shall be the same for each member municipality.                                                                                                                         

Section 3- Participation                                                                                                                                                           Appointed members are expected to attend all meetings. Failure to participate in the activities or meetings of the Authority for three consecutive months or four months in a year  may result in a communication from the Authority to the Chief Administrator of the municipality concerned outlining the Authority’s recommendation; a copy will be sent to the appointed member. An appointed member, who disrupts  a meeting or behaves in a manner unbecoming an LZA member may  be requested by the LZA to resign .
              An appointed member of the Authority shall not be an employee of the Authority.  All members shall declare any entities in which they have a financial interest and indicate any non-financial relationship that they may have  with parties that the Authority engages in transactions with i.e. a  relative Any member with an interest ( financial or otherwise) in transactions that the Authority is to engage in shall abstain from any involvement in the approval and ultimate consummation of such transactions.                                                 
 Section 4-Vacancy                                                                                                                                                              Vacancy  on the Authority shall be requested by the LZA to be  filled by the Chief Administrator of the municipality in which the vacancy  occurs  for the unexpired term .                                                                                     

Section 5- Resignation -                                                                                                                                                            A resignation shall be submitted to the Secretary ; the resignation shall be put to a vote and performance of duties shall be fulfilled until the resignation is accepted.                                                                                                           

ARTICLE IV Officers                                                                                                                                                                         

Section 1- Officers                                                                                                                                                                           The officers of the Lake Zoar Authority shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.                                                                                                                                                                              Section 2- Election                                                                                                                                                                  All appointed members are eligible to serve as an officer.  Candidates for office shall be nominated each year by a nominating committee, which shall be appointed by the Chairman.  The nominating committee  shall consist of one representative from each municipality in membership.  The committee shall present a slate of nominees to the membership in December, one month prior to the January annual meeting. Elections shall take place at the annual meeting in accordance with the procedures outlined in  the Parliamentary Authority Article of “ Roberts Rules of Order “ and shall be elected by written or proxy ballot.  Candidates receiving  a majority vote shall be considered elected ands take office in February.  When the Chairman takes office in February after initial election, the Chairman shall serve for a period of one year and shall have the option to continue as Chairman for two year increments contingent  upon  election every two years thereafter.  If during his/her year in office the Chairman  resigns , the Vice Chairman shall assume the role of Chairman and the Authority shall elect a new Vice-Chairman to serve for the remainder of the term.  Other officers shall serve for one year and shall have the option to continue in said office for two year increments contingent upon election every two years thereafter.  Upon expiration of term and or resignation, all LZA Officers shall submit LZA records,reports , to the Chairman who shall distribute them to the newly elected/ appointed Officer/Officers.                                                      

Section 3- Vacancies                                                                                                                                                                           Other vacancies in office shall be filled by vote of the Authority members for the unexpired term; election shall be by majority vote.                                                                                                                                                      

Section 4-Duties and Authority                                                                                                                                                           A)  CHAIRMAN – The Chairman shall preside at Authority meetings , using democratic principles and impartiality, and shall have duties normally conferred by parliamentary authority on such officers.  The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint  committees, authorize expenditures of LZA funds up to $1000 ,(one Thousand dollars ), as long as funds are available, without prior approval of the Authority, call special  and or emergency meetings , and perform other duties as may be outlined in these bylaws.The Chairman shall maintain certain records as required .  The Chairman can vote only if his/her vote  breaks a tie vote via ballot vote.  The Chairman shall sign contracts for services after approval by the Authority.                                                                                                                                                      B) VICE CHAIRMAN- The Vice Chairman shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairman and provide assistance to the Chairman as required.  The Vice Chairman shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the Chairman in his or her absence.                                                                                                           
 C) SECRETARY- The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping  at a place of convenience and in equipment/ supplies  , provided by the Authority, the clerical records of the Authority.  In the absence of a Clerk, the Secretary shall assume the duties of the Clerk i.e.notice of meetings, LZA meeting agendas and minutes and distribution,correspondence.
D) TREASURER- The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining  the financial records of the Authority and providing a report at each regular meeting regarding the  status of the Authority’s accounts.  In addition,  he or she shall prepare the financial records  of the Authority for an annual audit,  be responsible for paying all financial responsibilities of the Authority, may reimburse up to $200(two hundred  dollars )  to appointed members of the Authority without a vote of the Authority;and  perform such other duties as required of a Treasurer. A bonding and backround check may be required.                                  

ARTICLE V- MEETINGS                                                                                                                                                 

There are three types of meetings which may be scheduled: REGULAR, SPECIAL and EMERGENCY .  Each type of meeting scheduled must provide notice, agenda/ notice contents , adding to agenda/ notice and meet filing criteriae for minutes . The Annual Meeting shall be held in January.   REGULAR  MEETINGS shall be held monthly on the scheduled date, time and location as posted yearly in advance with the designated Town Clerk of the municipality in which the Meetings are scheduled.  A copy of the yearly meetings shall be  submitted to the Town Clerk by the date designated .  FOI, Freedom of Information  Statutes require this filing to be done at least thirty days before the  agency convenes any meeting for the year.  A copy of the yearly schedule shall also be distributed to each member municipality and appointed members.  In the event of inclement weather and or Town Hall closure , the Chairman may cancel a meeting after notification  of municipalities and appointed members.  The agenda for the Regular Meeting must be available at least twenty – four hours before meeting at the office of Town Clerks  of municipalities and with appointed members.  Agenda items may be added by two thirds vote of those members present and voting . A copy of the   Minutes must be filed with the Town Clerks within seven days after the  meeting.                                                                                                                          SPECIAL MEETING:  Notice must be provided at least twenty –four hours before meeting to the Town Clerks of the member municipalities and appointed members.  The agenda must be provided at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting; the time, place , location and business must be included in the notice; agenda items are not permitted to be added at a Special Meeting .  The minutes of the Special Meeting must be filed within seven days after the meeting with the Town Clerks of the member municipalities and the appointed members.                                                                                                                  EMERGENCY MEETING : may be scheduled if an emergency is justified; no agenda / notice to Town Clerks of member municipalities are required if emergency is justified; the meeting may only consider the emergency matter.  The minutes must state the reason for the emergency meeting and be filed within seventy two hours with the Town Clerks of the member municipalities and the appointed members.                                                                                                                                                          

Section 2- Quorum                                                                                                                                                                     At minimum 662/3%, two-thirds, of existing membership must be present to constitute a quorum.                                                  
 Section 3- Rules of Order Unless otherwise specified, The Everything Roberts Rules Book Adams Media, 2004 shall govern the proceedings at the meetings of the Authority.                                                                                 

 Section 4- Seating                                                                                                                                                                   The Authority shall be seated in a conference style arrangement ,such at one table including a space for the Clerk.                                                                                                                                                            

Section 5- Order of Business                                                                                                                                            A) Call to order                                                                                                                                                                          B) Roll call or sign in                                                                                                                                                      C) Introduction of Guests                                                                                                                                                     D) Acceptance/correction of minutes                                                                                                                                   E) Public Comments                                                                                                                                                               F) Reports of officers and committees                                                                                                                                         G) Unfinished business                                                                                                                                                        H) New business                                                                                                                                                                    I) Announcements                                                                                                                                                                   J) Adjournment                                                                                                                                                                  The order of business at Special Meetings shall be :                                                                                                     A) Call to order                                                                                                                                                                      B) Roll call/ sign in                                                                                                                                                                 C) Introduction of Guests                                                                                                                                                   D) New Business                                                                                                                                                                  E) Adjournment                                                                                                                                                                Thje order of business at Emergency Meetings shall be:                                                                                                      A) Call to order                                                                                                                                                                    B) Roll call/sign in                                                                                                                                                                 C) Emergency matter                                                                                                                                                            D) Adjournment                                                                                                                                                             

ARTICLE VI- Executive Board                                                                                                                                          The appointed members of the Authority shall constitute the Executive Board .


Section1-Financial The Budget shall be approved by a two-third majority of the Authority members present.
 Section 2- Financial Assessment The assessment  shall be the same for each member municipality.                   

 Section 3- Additional Funds                                                                                                                                                A request for additional funds in excess of annual assessments may  be decided by a two-thirds majority of members present.                                                                                                                                                             

Section 4- Use of Funds                                                                                                                                               Use of regular funds shall be at the discretion of the Authority; however, funds may not be spent in excess of those at hand. All checks drawn on the Authority’s account shall require the signature of the Treasurer, Chairman, or Vice- Chairman except as provided in Article IV, Section 4.  A check in excess of two hundred dollars, written to an Authority member , shall have approval of the Authority.                                                     B-Reports                                                                                                                                                                        Section 1- Minutes                                                                                                                                                             Minutes of the meeting  shall be provided to all appointed members and to Town Clerks of each member municipality and to other organizations/ persons at the discretion of the Authority.  Documentation shall be in the minutes regarding the financial benefits of engaging in transactions with related parties vs. third parties and indication of the Authority’s majority approval vote of such a decision.  Such documentation shall be prepared by an independent Authority member and shall include mention of valid business reasons i.e. cost savings,specific expertise,location,service requirement and or preference,etc.                                                                                                                                                                    Section  2-Audits                                                                                                                                                            An annual audit shall be conducted by the Treasurer and two non-officer members of the Authority one month prior to the annual meeting.  An audit by a professional CPA may  be done at the discretion of the Authority; the auditors report will be voted on  for adoption at the annual meeting .  A yearly financial report shall be prepared by a professional  CPA and  distributed to each of the four municipalities which comprise the Lake Zoar Authority.                                                                                                                                   Section 3-Annual Reports                                                                                                                                                           An Annual report shall be submitted to each member municipality in October following approval by the Authority; the report shall include the past year’s achievements and plans for the coming year.                                                  

 Section 4- Special Reports                                                                                                                                                Special reports shall be submitted whenever a request is made for additional funds; the report shall include the amount of the request, percent of assessment and specifics as to how the funds shall be used.  Any information pertaining to state or federal funding shall be referenced.                                                                               

C- Employees                                                                                                                                                                      Wit hin the limits of the funds available for its use, the Authority  may employ such staff, personnel and or contract with consultants as is deemed necessary to assist the authority in its work. Employment of staff and or consultants shall be by majority vote. All persons designated as employees shall be considered  at will employees. The Authority may employ a Clerk who shall provide notice of all meetings, maintain the Authority correspendence ,provide & distribute  copies of the minutes and agendas and  perform all other duties as are assigned and or  deemed clerk duties. The Authority shall not be responsible for any and or all personal property or effects et al used by LZA committee members,employees,Marine Patrol Drivers,Police and or volunteers  .Employees shall  utilize reference manuals as provided by the Authority and shall  maintain training and certification as required by the Authority                                                                                                       

ARTICLE VII- COMMITTEES                                                                                                                                         The Chairman appoints members top standing, select/ad hoc and or committee of the whole, as deemed necessary .All LZA committees shall act as coordinating  bodies only in their area of  interest.  Policy decisions and or statements emanating  from all committee activities shall be approved by the Authority by majority vote.The following committees are standing committees of the Authority: Legislative, Budget, Public Relations, Marine Patrol, Water Quality, Lake Use  and Special Events and By-Laws.                                               

 A-LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE                                                                                                                                      The Committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as shall be deemed necessary .                                  

 The committee will:                                                                                                                                                                1) maintain knowledge of and compile a list of current state and federal water source laws,                                         
  2) be aware of proposed state and federal water resource legislation; evaluate these bills and make recommendations to the Authority regarding whether or not to support certain bills, contact appropriate legislators, follow progress of the bills and provide monthly reports to the Authority;                                                       
3)investigate sources of state and or federal funding for  water pollution control projects for the Authority to possibly persue;                                                                                                                                              4) coordinate with other Lake Authorities and the HVA, Housatonic Valley Authority.                                                     
 B) BUDGET COMMITTEE                                                                                                                                                   The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, who shall be the Treasurer of the Authority,  and as many members as shall be deemed necessary.                                                                                                                             1) the committee shall be responsible for submitting the yearly budget and any special funding requests to the members and preparing same for submission to the member municipalities.                                                            
   C) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE                                                                                                                          The committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as are deemed necessary.  The committee shall be responsible for the Lake Zoar Authority publicity and function as a liaison between the news outlets for general information regarding Lake Zoar Authority activities.  No member of the Lake Zoar Authority shall make a statement of  policy: verbal and or written, without authorization of the Authority by vote .                                                                                                                                                                                  D) MARINE PATROL COMMITTEE                                                                                                                                  The committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as shall be deemed necessary; the marine patrol coordinator shall be a consultant to the committee members. The committee shall be responsible for all marine  patrol activities on Lake Zoar ; it shall recommend the purchase of new patrol and or support equipment and or supplies and shall be responsible for maintaining all equipment used by the marine patrol.                
  E) WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE                                                                                                                                    The committee shall focus on water quality, recreational impact and education; shall recommend to the Authority the purchase of new water quality  related equipment and is responsible for the maintenance of existing water quality related equipment including but not limited to weed harvesting equipment . Areas to be addressed by this committee may include the following:                                                                                                                            1) Administer water quality treatment and monitoring studies;                                                                                         2) Address concerns from Lake Area residents regarding lake water quality issues;                                                          3) Initiate an educational program for the Authority and town residents that develops an awareness of  management  practices that protect lake water quality;                                                                                                        4)coordinate watershed management programs with appropriate state  and town agencies;                                                    
5) collect additional land use information pertaining to the lake watershed;                                                                         6) represent the lake’s water quality interest to the Authority , town boards and state agencies;                                       
 7)work with town staff to manage projects and enforce regulations that impact water quality;                                          
 8) draft local water quality protection ordinances;                                                                                                                 9) assist Authority  towns in reviewing industrial and municipal discharge permits.                                                           F) LAKE USE  AND SPECIAL  EVENTS COMMITTEE                                                                                                    The committee shall consist of  a chairman and as many members as deemed  as necessary.  The committee shall:                                                                                                                                                                                      1) recommend  and administer policy for “special events”including  use of  a  Special  Event Form .”special events “ are defined as any event that requires a DEP permit and/or that restricts the lawful use of the lake by the public (e.g.  blocking off an area of the lake  requires dedicated LZA services, etc.)                      
  2) act as liaison for Authority with the public i.e providing forms, answering questions and  bringing applications to monthly meetings for vote, and to notify person submitting the Special Events Forms of the authority’s action on the applicant’s DEP permit  in a  timely manner.                                                                           
 G) BY-LAWS COMMITTEE                                                                                                                                                   The committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as deemed necessary.  The committee shall review and or revise/amend the By-Laws ,yearly and submit the review/revisions/amendments at the yearly meeting. The yearly review,revision/amendments  shall be documented on the LZA  By-Laws which shall be redistributed to the Town Clerks of the member municipalities and appointed members.                                 
H) OTHER COMMITTEES -                                                                                                                                                  other committees shall be appointed by the Chairman as deemed necessary.                                                                        

ARTICLE VIII Parliamentary Authority                                                                                                                              Section 1- The Everything Robert’s Rules Book, Adams Media, 2004 shall be consulted regarding questions of parliamentary procedure.

ARTICLE IX Bylaws  and  By-Laws Revisions/ Amendments                                                                                                                                   Section 1-The LZA By-Laws shall be amended only when  previous notice is provided.                                                      
  By-Laws revisions/ amendment / amendments  shall require a two thirds vote.