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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe ert Mouchantat,Treasurer; the order will be submitted in March; the bottom of the Weed Harvester will be painted in the Spring;a new motor and front conveyor belt were added this season.

Marine Patrol Report:
Sgt. Dan Semosky,S.P., Supervisor  LZA Marine Patrol , reported that on the weekend of Dec 14,2010, First Light staff had an accident at the Stevenson Dam and he and Carl Hornbecker, Lakeside Marina, responded via boat to the scene to assist Oxford F.D. also responded.Robert Barnes, Chairman, discussed the bills submitted to LZA by the Public Safety Dept. for the State Trooper Marine Patrols and the difference in rates: special duty versus when charged through Oxford, the town pays 70% and State pays 30%; the change in rate to LZA is approximately an increase of $40 per hour; Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman, asked if the rate could be changed to the previous rate. Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, will send a letter regarding the costs to Lieutenant Bednar,S.P. and copies to each Selectman.

Treasurer’s Report:
Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, reported that a six month audit will be done  in January/February;the Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously as presented per motion made by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary,(seconded by Bob Bowolick).

Boats, Motors and Maintenance:
No activity per Bob Bowolick.

Coast Guard Auxiliary:
Bob Bowolick reported that a Boating Safety Course has been scheduled for Saturday,January 29,2011 from 8am to 5 p.m. at the Flotilla Training Center, American Legion, Oxford Road, Oxford.

Water Quality:
Robert Barnes, Chairman, Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman and Sgt. Dan Semosky,S.P. attended a meeting with First Light representatives and discussed the following: feasibility of increasing the acreage of weeds to be treated per the Permit process; informed First Light of LZA Weed Control processes; requested to dump weeds on First Light property;First Light ‘s opinion that Weed Harvesting does not work; and requested financial assistance from First Light. Brian Woods requested a letter be sent to First Light explicitly detailing how an equal share would be expended. Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman,reported that Marven Moss has started a process to inform First Light re LZA. Marven Moss reported that he has drafted a letter to First Light  from the LZA regarding this and distributed it for discussion and will email it to the LZA members for review and revisions. Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, made a motion( seconded by Bob Bowolick) that the commissioners will submit revisions to Marven Moss within twenty-four hours of receipt; the motion passed unanimously.Raymond Hoesten stated that he and Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman attended a First Light Meeting a few months ago and First Light promised a follow-up Meeting; Bernie Lintzner explained that the Dec meeting was the follow-up meeting and First Light’s biggest concern is the loads of weeds that could get stuck in the generating power turbines; FERC requires First Light to address the weed issues and they conduct a yearly Meeting regarding Weed Issues, which will be held in Feb .Bill Soracin, public,inquired if Mitchell Farm’s owner would accept the weeds on his property as fertilizer and or would the Towns pick up and deliver the weeds to identified areas in each Town. Bernie Lintzner,Vice Chairman,discussed 24D, a chemical used to kill vegetation roots and noted that it Is more expensive than i.e. Diquat; he suggested that forty acres or so should be treated with Diquat and five acres or so at Fishrock with 24D, which is more expensive as increased testing is required i.e.two to three times post treatment; 24D is the best systemic chemical. Bernie suggested that the end of June/ beginning of July be targetted for the DEP Permit date .

Publicity and Public Awareness:
Robert Barnes, Chairman, stated that he will give Marven Moss a chart which he can include in the LZA power point presentation as it depicts the presence of ninety-two/ninety-three acres of weeds present in Lake Zoar; Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman will submit another related chart to Marven Moss for inclusion also.

New Business:
Marven Moss, Nominating Committee,made a motion regarding the re- election of the present LZA officers,who agreed to serve another term in their present positions (seconded by Bob Bowolick) ; the motion passed unanimously. The officers are Robert Barnes, Chairman,Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman , Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer and Carolyn Wilson, Secretary. Marven Moss will take their photos after the meeting and submit a news release regarding the election of officers and include a list of the commissioners.

Old Business:
The LZA Bylaws will be distributed. Anthony D’Angelo made a motion(seconded by Bob Bowolick) to consider sending a copy of the letter to Lieutenant Bednar  delineating the amount charged to the LZA for S.P. patrols and note that it is a change in policy ,charged without prior notice and request clarification of the increased costs incurred to LZA and the need to revert to prior billing process. A discussion ensued regarding need for prewarning regarding bill forthcoming from State; LZA is town chartered;towns agreed to budget figures as submitted;troopers assigned to Towns need to be billed through Towns; special duty costs versus time and a half; writing checks to Dept of Public Safety is not contrary to Town charters .
Raymond Hoesten made a motion to move the question(seconded by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary); motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. by Robert Barnes, Chairman.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Wilson, LZA Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.