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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe surer’s Report:

Accepted as reported by Robert Mouchantat,Treasurer,per motion made by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary, (seconded by Jerry Isleib); motion passed unanimously.

Boats, Motors and Maintenance:

The patrol boats were removed from the lake  by Carl at Lakeside Marina ; a parts replacement estimate will be submitted by Robert Bowolick,Coordinator.
Publicity and Public Awareness:

Robert Barnes, Chairman, reported that the presence of Zebra Mussels in Lake Zoar was reported on Channels 8,6,3, 10 and in an Editorial and article in the Danbury News Times. Bernie Lintzner ,Vice Chairman, reported that Zebra Mussels filter/clean the water but attach to anything , live in six to thirty feet of water for approximately seven years and their remains are odiferous. He also reported that First Light plans to install a replacement cable at the northern end of Lake Zoar and noted that lakefront property owners should review their deeds to verify their property lines ;new docks need permits pre installation; Bernie will check with Brian Woods regarding the presence of any GPS maps per Anthony D’Angelo’s request.

Coast Guard Auxiliary Report:

Boating Safety Courses are scheduled for 2011.

Old Business:

Robert Barnes, Chairman, and Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman attended  the First Selectman Meeting as scheduled by Maryann Drayton Rogers, Oxford First Selectman ; Southbury and Newtown First Selectmen attended, Monroe”s  First Selectman had an emergency. The Meeting included discussions regarding the role and budget allocations of the  towns and  First Light to the Lake Zoar Authority, and Police contracts. A special Meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority , as coordinated by Jerry Isleib and Marven Moss, will be held on Tuesday, November 16,2010 at the Monroe Town Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. to provide Public Education re Lake Zoar Authority; Marven Moss will coordinate the press releases to Newtown Bee,Voices,Monroe Courier and Waterbury Republican. Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, made a motion ( seconded by Anthony D’Angelo) to reconsider the need for a professional audit as one is done on the financial statement biannually and  now all finances are documented per a computer program ; a professional audit was done before Glenn Ganz took over as Treasurer and approximately only 100 checks are written, now; the motion passed unanimously.


Marven Moss discussed the need for a committee to pursue Recreational Facility Grants availability; Bernie Lintzner , Vice Chairman , discussed the LZA Water Quality Grant.

Marine Patrol Report:

Sgt. Dan Semoskey,SP, Marine Patrol Coordinator, discussed the boat tour which he took with Robert Barnes, Chairman and Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman  during the drawdown of Lake Zoar and the number of hazards which were noted ; he will email patrol boat photos to Marven Moss;The hand held radar instruments were repaired and are approved for usage by DEP. A Sound Meter and Driver Uniforms  were requested. He will coordinate a Boating Safety Course, DEP Boat Patrol Course and Sound Meter Course for all officers as they need to be fully trained to patrol . Jim Walsh,LZA Driver, (Coast Guard Auxiliary), will teach the course for free.

New Business:

Robert Mouchantat requested a Budget Committee Meeting be scheduled before December1, 2010 ; the LZA Budget Committee, namely Robert Barnes, Chairman, Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman, Marven Moss and Robert Bowolick will meet on Tuesday, November 16,2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe Town Hall Council Chambers to review and discuss the proposed LZA Budget; all LZA members are invited to attend. Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, made a motion ( seconded by Robert Barnes, Chairman), to pursue Weed Treatment during  June 2011; motion passed unanimously.Bernie Lintzner, Vice Chairman, will verify if two  Weed Treatments can be scheduled in 2011.

A motion was made by Robert Mouchantat, Treasurer, (seconded by Marven Moss ) to adjourn the meeting ; the motion passed unanimously; Robert Barnes , Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Wilson, LZA Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on Tuesday, December7,2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall>