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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe ce="Arial" size="+0" color="#000000" style="font-family:Arial;font-size:9pt;color:#000000;">In attendance were Dan Semoskey,S.P.,Supervisor LZA Marine Patrol,;DEP Officer Camejo,;Dave De Feo,Weed Harvester Coordinator; Christopher Duran;Victor Swyryenko,Barbara Swyryenko Pomperaug River,Southbury; Lt. George ;Sinko,Newtown Police Dept,;Lt.Brian McCauley and Officer Mark Caulfield , Monroe Police Dept.;Frank Cavallo,Southbury ; Peter Masella,Newtown(former LZA Commissioner); Carl Hornbecker,Lakeside Marina. Lieutenant Brian Mc Cauley,Monroe P.D. clarified questions in a  a news article and referred members et al to the State Statutes re any town which borders the Lake can enforce the laws and  it explains police authority regarding writing tickets etc. and a Mutual Aid Compact was renewed by the four Towns in 2005; he distributed copies for perusal; he also explained that Monroe did not patrol on July 5,2010 as it was omitted from the schedule  due to funding issues as it was a Monday and weekdays had been deleted per the LZA;  he provided a copy of the current  posted schedule dated 5-13-10 to Bob Barnes,Chairman; a memo will be distributed to clarify that weekday holidays will be scheduled; he reiterated that he is available if any scheduling  issues arise and will correct them and the goal is to work together in a professional manner; he also stated that Fireworks have been scheduled for  a Wedding on Sat, August 14,2010 on a barge in front of Waterview in Monroe; the Monroe Fire Dept. has signed off on it and a Marine Event Permit will be obtained.
A Sandy Hook resident  questioned whether Ct Boating Safety rules pertained to Lake Zoar as he is concerned regarding large boat wakes i.e. Lake Zoar Marine Patrol et al boats,boats pulling tubes and swaying back and forth in other boats pathways,speeding on the lake, noisy boats,underage drivers,rooster tail boats spraying I-84 bridge and speeding in the dark and asked if the patrol uses radar. Officer Mark Caufield, Monroe P.D., explained that the radar units did not work well on water and laser will be used in the future. Sgt Semoskey  stated he has requested later hours for the Marine Patrol and will follow up regarding his issues.
Victor Swyrydenko, Pomperaug River resident,questioned the weed disposal process at the River and Dave De Feo, Weed Harvester Coordinator , explained that public property  under the bridge at the mouth of the Pomperaug River is a perfect spot to dump the weeds this year ; floating clippings are picked up as possible.

Marine Patrol Report:

Dan Semoskey,S.P.,LZA Marine Patrol Coordinator, reported as follows: June 2010 seventeen (17) warnings: insufficient PFD’s, skiing without observers, unceritified to drive boat,failure to display boat stickers; July 2010 thirty-one (31) warnings : insufficient PFD’s,boating / fishing at Shepaug Dam restricted area, failure to display boat stickers,uncertified to drive boat; Dan also stated that the sign: Danger Keep Back is present prior to the Shepaug Dam but the wire is not across the lake. Marine Patrol Boat Two hit rocks at the dam area and damaged the propeller and lower unit. A follow-up visit was made to Jackson Cove re complaints the previous day to perform safety checks;warnings were given for no fire extinguisher and another for uncertified to drive boat.The new Tow Lines were implemented  : they snap on and are safe and simple to use; two breakdowns were assisted :one was towed to Lakeside Marina and another to the State Boat Launch .State Police radios were installed  free of  charge in both Marine Patrol boats; patrol officers sign on and off with Troop A and Newtown P.D. ;if anyone has reportable issue on the Lake ( if boating infraction they need to provide a description and boat registration numbers ,if possible ),they should call their local P.D. and the dispatcher will forward the call. Bob Bowolick , former LZA Marine Patrol driver and CGAuxiliary member ,suggested that the Marine Patrol drivers should lower the rpms and check the boat wake while driving.

Coast Guard Auxiliary:
No report per Carolyn Wilson,Secretary.

Publicity and Public Awareness:

Jeannie Purcella reported that the invitations, to tour Lake Zoar to view weeds etc., were sent to the Selectmen/Town Manager of each LZA Town and two tours are scheduled  thus far with Southbury and Oxford.

Boats and Motors Maintenance:
Glenn Ganz, Treasurer ,reported that LZA Boat unit Two needs a new lower unit and propellor the cost price  will be approximately $5000, which Insurance will cover minus the deductible. Motion was made by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary , to purchase the lower unit and propellor as requested (seconded by Jerry Isleib) ; the motion passed unanimously.

Water Quality:
Bob Barnes ,Chairman,  reported that he toured the Lake on the weekend with Bernie Lintzner,former LZA Commissioner, who stated the weed growth this year was the worst he has seen in years. Dave De Feo, Weed Harvester Coordinator, reported that the Weed Harvester is at Eichler’s Cove to do the southern portion of the Lake and there is new weed growth at Fish Rock and at Monroe’s Boat Launch ; Zoar Beach and Jackson’s Cove was harvested yesterday .  Frank Cavallo ,Southbury resident, inquired if an individual could treat the Lake with chemicals and was referred to DEP Water Quality/ Pesticides. Bob Barnes, Chairman stated that Lake Zoar water level is dropped in the Fall au lieu of Spring due to Bass Fisherman Assn concerns.

Treasurer’s Report:
Glenn Ganz, Treasurer reported that the funding has been received from the four Towns ; Motion was made by Bob Mouchantat,Vice Chairman ,to accept the Treasurer’s report (seconded by Jerry Isleib); motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:
Bylaws to be distributed by Carolyn Wilson,Secretary.

New Business:

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. by Bob Barnes, Chairman.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Wilson,LZA Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority, to be held on Tuesday, September 7,2010 at 7:00 p.m.  at the Southbury Town Hall.