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The Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on December 9, 2010 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Zang  called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Present:  Richard Zang, Marianne Brown, Carl Zencey, Lou Carbone, Richard Conte
Absent:  Eugene Vetrano, Alan Shepard

Also Present:  Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, Julio and Jason

Public Participation - None
Approval of MinutesThe previously distributed minutes of the regular meeting of 11/18/10 were unanimously approved.

Gallons processed vs gallons billed study/flow monitoring – Julio Segarra reported that they are collecting data.  They have experienced an issue with the monitor at the Pleasants.  He found some debris on top of the sensor, cleaned it up, and a few days later attempted to collect data but it did not work, tech support is being contacted.  The Hawley Road monitor is reporting fine.  These monitors will be needed to be moved in January to a different location.

Sewer mapping – Carl Zencey will continue vetting the system through the meeting minutes.

Capital Needs/SCADA system, new well, water distribution systemSCADA/ The goal is to get this out to be before Christmas.  Fred Hurley will have a boiler plate for the bid ready in the next week.  WELL /The GPS mapping locations have been completed which is the last piece to the application.  The next step is to have The Department of Public Health do a physical inspection within the next two weeks.   Water distribution system/ Julio Segarra reported with putting in the sand filters and not flushing the system, the quality of the water went up.  The Newtown Youth Academy’s water is pristine; the Municipal Center has a little color.  There was 664,000 gallons less water was used because the lines were not flushed.  

USGS update/Stream gauges - Tabled

Fairfield Hills sewer service areaMarianne Brown moved to authorize the chairman to set a Public Hearing date when an acceptable map is completed.  Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Contract with David Knight for the SCADA system – The invoice to produce the RFP for the SCADA system has been submitted.  Dick Zang expressed his concern that the RFP is not specific enough such as screen size.  Dick also suggested getting unit prices from David Knight as well as other consultants to allow the use of these consultants as an on-call contract.

Solar Project – They are looking at an 80 KWH system.  There are two grants, one Federal and one State that are potentially available to the WSA.  Opel has not gotten back cost and the payback figures OR SOMETHING NOT SURE….  Dick Zang is going to contact Optiwind to find out about getting a wind study done to see if that is an alternative to solar.  


Sewer Benefit Assessments – Newtown High School/Walgreens/Toll Brothers – Richard Conte moved to Authorize Kerin & Fazio to do the appraisals for the properties and to set a public hearing for the Next scheduled meeting on January 12th   Lou Carbone seconded motion unanimously accepted.  HAS TO BE IN PRINT 10 DAYS BEFORE

Report by United Water Environmental Service – Overall the plant ran well.  A copy of the November 2010 monthly report is attached.

Report by Public Works DirectorDEP has formally accepted the Level A mapping from the USGS study.  Now the water supply plan needs to be signed off by the Department of Health.  An HVAC vendor who is highly recommended by Gino Faiella Director of Board of Education Maintenance stopped by the Waste Water Treatment Plant to discuss a possible control system upgrade.  Carl Zencey moved to authorize Fred Hurley to do a public bid for new HVAC control system.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Any other business – Financials for both the water and sewer have been updated.  

Having no further business – adjourned 8:28pm

ATTACHMENTS – United Water Environmental Service Monthly Report.

Arlene Miles
WSA Clerk