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The Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Zang called the meeting to order at 7:05
Present: Lou Carbone, Alan Shepard, Dick Zang, Marianne Brown, Carl Zencey
Absent: Gene Vetrano, Richard Conte
Also Present: Julio Segarra and Jason O’Brien from United Water Environmental Services, Inc., Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, Charles Spath, John Mack, and Ed Scoville os Stuart Somers Company, LLC.
Public Participation – Charles Spath presented the plans for 2,4,6,8 Riverside Road to be developed by Verdat Kala. There will be additional buildings to the property.  They would like to put in another main line on the property instead of using laterals.  The first phase is replacing the existing building on the corner with a bank and construct a new daycare building.  The second phase is the retail space.  All the drainage will be installed as part of phase one.   A water line extension is currently being discussed with the Town Engineer and United Water.  They will be doing a street scape using the same contractor as the Sandy Hook Street Scape, having the water line in before the side walks go on would be ideal.  They are requesting preliminary approval from the WSA.  
Approval of Minutes – The previously distributed minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2010 were unanimously approved.
27 Washington Avenue – finalized at the last meeting
107 Church Hill Road – finalized at the last meeting
46 Church Hill Road/St. RoseMarianne Brown moved to set the sewer benefit for $6,700, (the first floor at $2,233 and the second floor at $4,467).  Lou Carbone seconded, motion passed, Alan Shepard abstained.
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study- The water meters are in.  Fred, Julio and Alan met and set a game plan.  They are in at Baldwin Road and Lincoln Road.  They will be kept there for at least two rain cycles.  
Discussion of progress on mapping –Alan Shepard presented a draft map of the central sewer service area.  Further discussion of properties that need to be added into the sewer area is needed.  Alan Shepard  would like the changes approved by the WSA before revising the mapping.  
Capital Needs report/SCADA system – Fuss & O’Neill has not submitted a revised report. Item tabled
4 Berkshire Road – Item tabled
USGS Stream Gauge – The latest information is that Virginia deLima of USGS is now reworking the final draft and there are changes.  The final report should be coming shortly.  
Alan Shepard motioned to add Riverside development 2-4-6-8  to the agenda.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Alan Shepard motioned to authorize the Chairman to draft a preliminary approval letter for 2-4-6-8 Riverside road after ascertaining boundaries and property information.  Carl Zencey seconded motion unanimously accepted.
FY11 Budget – Fred Hurley reviewed the proposed budget.  The water budget shows a surplus which shows the ability to repay the loan to the sewer side.  Dick Zang reminded that passing a budget does not mean it can be amended every meeting if needed.  The Finance Director would like a budget in place before the budget year begins.   Lou Carbone moved to approve the budget for submittal to the Finance Director. Alan Shepard seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Report by United Water Environmental Services – Overall the plant performed well.  A copy of the monthly report is attached.  There is a documentation that the pump failed at the trailer park on Sugar Street due to the fiberous rags that were found.  This is the 4th pump replacement in a year.  The trailer park will be billed for pump replacement.
Report by Public Works Director – The town has put out an energy consulting contract RFP which the Wastewater Treatment plant is included.  There is also an RFP to convert the rolling stock to natural gas, and one to update street lighting with LED bulbs. The truck used for the Waste Water Plant is coming to the end of its useful life.  A replacement will be needed and a utility vehicle may be a good option.  
Any Other Business – The region is still looking into portable generators for the towns in the region to share there cost and use.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03pm
Attachment A – United Water Environmental Services Monthly Operating Report May 2010