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The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2010, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Present:  Marianne Brown, Lou Carbone, Richard Zang, Carl Zencey, Alan Shepard, Richard Conte
Absent:  Eugene Vetrano
Also Present:  Director of Public Works Fred Hurley, Jason O’Brien of United Water ES
Approval of Minutes – The previously distributed minutes of the special meeting of 12/3/09 and revised minutes of the regular meeting of 1/14/10 were approved.
Gallons processed vs. gallons billed study – Dick Zang, Marianne Brown and Fred Hurley went to the Tax Collectors office and vetted the billing.  They found one property missing and found that some properties in Sandy Hook that were not originally on the United Water system, were still being charged a flat fee.    Alan Shepard questioned multiple user properties.  Some properties have a master meter and others have multiple meters for each user on the property.  Alan Shepard questioned how we are notified when a vacant building goes on line.  There is a well at the trailer park on 302.  Putting a meter on the pump station and billing the park directly is a feasible solution.  Fred Hurley questioned if the board wanted to enforce non-residential water meters on wells.  
Discussion of progress on mapping – Alan Shepard has the mapping done and is trying to coordinate with the GIS department to put on street address onto the map.  There are a few questioned properties.   
Capital Needs Report/ SCADA System – There will be a workshop on February 25th with the Town departments and Fuss & O’Neill running the workshop.  It will be at 2pm at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  
U.S. Geological Survey – The third stream gauge is still an issue.  The Potatuck Land Trust is adamant that the contract states that they can determine where the gauge is to be placed.  Dick Zang read the contract and said that the town was to put in a stream gauge and the Potatuck Land Trust would read it and report the data monthly to the WSA.  The current gauges are both down stream from the Potatuck Land Trust, however, they would like a stream gauge up stream.  USGS agreed that a third stream gauge was not needed and said at the November 2009 meeting that they would furnish a letter to that fact.  They now will not produce the letter.  Jason O’Brien reported that they had someone from their organization look at the report.  They reported that the modeling was fine, however, it would not satisfy the needs for level A mapping that is needed.   They indicated that doing the addition work for the Level A mapping is not a huge job.  The suggestion is to get a meeting together to discuss this.  The meeting would be with the WSA, United Water, Fuss & O’Neill , LGB and someone from DEP.  Alan Shepard moved to authorize Fred Hurley to have the town attorney David Grogins review the contract with Potatuck Land trust and determine whether our project with USGS fulfills our stream gauge obligation, Lou Carbone seconded.  Motion unanimously approved.
22 Oakview Road – More research on the property needs to be done.  The actual address of the property in question is 4 Berkshire Road.  
Homesteads/Woods Pump Station –There have been multiple discharges from the owner’s pump station into the wetlands causing concern.  Dick Zang asked Jason O’Brien to provide an estimate of cost if the WSA were to maintain it.  The WSA does not know if any arrangements were made between the Homesteads and the new owners of The Woods for maintenance of the pump station.  
Report by Public Works Director – An RFP for Electric Supplier is ready to be sent out which should knock down the electric costs by 10%.  At this time there are 19 companies that will be receiving the RFP, however, only a handful are expected to provide a proposal.  
Report by AOS Operating Company – United Water Environmental Services Inc, is the new name for AOS Operating Company.  The plant is running well.  Dick Zang questioned if we should move forward with the looping of the water lines to avoid flushing all the time.  The entire system doesn’t need to be done, maybe just the troubled spots.  Jason suggested that if money is going to be spent, lining the pipes may be a better option.
Other business – NONE
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM
Arlene Miles, Clerk