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The Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Present:  Dick Zang, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey
Absent:  Marianne Brown, Richard Conte, Lou Carbone
Also Present:  Director of Public Works Fred Hurley, Financial Director Robert Tait, Jason O’Brian and Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Systems.
Public Participation - None
Approval of the Minutes - Tabled
Correct Sewer Benefit Assessment of $14,500 for 105 Church Hill Road - Tabled
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – They have found according to the sewer usage rates and the amount that is processed, they aren’t collecting all of the inflow.  Since work has been done flow has leveled off at FFH.  The April 09 study showed that the line down Main Street Church Hill and Grand Place are the biggest culprits.  The driest area is what comes from the Sandy Hook pump station.  The highest increase is from the western part of the system.  Julio will look into the cost of meters.  It may be a feasible idea to put them in permanently in two areas.  There are about 107 metered non-residential users and that need to be vetted.  They have since been put on water and therefore should be billed differently.  Dick Zang is willing to go through all of these at the Tax Collectors office.   
Discussion of progress on mapping – Alan has started working on this again.  He will work with Scott Sharlow to get the mapping.  The map will show street address and the dates that they were approved.  
Capital need Report/SCADA System – The operators by contract have to inform the board of repairs or needs on a yearly basis.  The SCADA System is the largest project.  At this point they just want to see what the system would look like.   After reading the January 8, 2010 letter from Fuss & O’Neill, Dick believes we can do this in 2 steps.  Have the workshop with other town agencies and then do a proposal.
U.S. Geological Survey – USGS is sending copies to DEP as well as DPH.  The report is a preliminary review.  There are state reviews, federal reviews and technical reviews.  When they ran the modeling on this, they ran it as if Well 8 was up and running.  AOS, Fuss & O’Neill and Land Use will review this report.

Report by Financial Director – Mr. Tait explained the finances statements.   Dick would like to break out the cross charges.  The three accounts that they would like is Legal, Professional Services, and Support.  
Report by Public Works Director - none
Report by AOS Operating Company –Last week Julio received a call from EPA informing him that they received the 2009 Region 1 EPA Operations and Maintenance Award.  They will be going to Boston on January 27, 2010 to receive the award.  They ended the year with an average nitrogen of 18 pounds per day, the permit allows 19.     
Any Other Business – None
Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:04

Arlene Miles, Clerk