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12-3-09 Special Mtg

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a special meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at  7:00 pm
Present:  Lou Carbone, Marianne Brown, Richard Conte, Carl Zancey, Dick Zang
Absent:  Alan Shepard, Phil Cruz
Also Present:  Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Company, Public Works Director Fred Hurley
Public Participation - NONE
Approval of the Minutes – Carl Zencey moved to accept the minutes from the November 12, 2009 with the change in the first line of Gallons processed vs gallons bill study the word not should be now. Marianne Brown seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Set the Sewer Benefit Assessment of $25,000 for 105 Church Hill RoadMarianne Brown moved to set the benefit assessment of $25,000 for 105 Church Hill Road.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – Dick Zang said that the WSA has billed 52% of the flow at the plant.  The next step is the mapping and discuss how to go further with this study.   We have already TV’d the lines and found no smoking gun.
Discussion of progress on mapping – Fred Hurley feels that the January meeting that the preliminary mapping should be done.
Capital improvement budgets for water and sewer – Bob Tait, the Finance Director will be at the January meeting.  The list present is for WSA purposes and not part of the town’s CIP.  The town kicked in ½ of the cost for Hawleyville and got their return in property taxes.  Dick Zang believes that there is no reason why the town shouldn’t do the same with Hawleyville area extension.  
Priority list with Fuss & O’Neil and Stearns and Wheler – there was a meeting with Fuss & O’Neil about the Scada system.  They will be doing a letter, which was been a drafted, to DEP making a case to put us on the priority list for funding.   Fuss & O’Neil is doing this work free of charge to the WSA.  They also met with Stearns and Wheler about FFH for an I&I study and the replacement lines at FFH.  There will 3 letters going forward to DEP to request being put on the priority list.  The deadline by DEP is next week and thats why the special meeting was called.  Stearns and Wheler is doing the town wide I&I study and the FFH sewer replacement design.  The estimate for Stearns to package the work is $3500.  This is just the work to get on the priority list.  Lou Carbone moved to authorize Fuss and O’Neil to proceed with the scade letter to DEP for the priority list.  Rich Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Carl Zencey moved to authorize Stearns & Wheler to do the letter to DEP for the town wide I&I study and the FFH sewer replacement design.   Marianne Brown seconded motion unanimously accepted.
Wastewater plant permit renewal – Fuss & O’Neil provided a proposal for this.  The cost is a lump sum fee of $10,900 for the preparation and delivery.  Currently, the permit renews every five years.  Marianne Moved to Authorize Fuss & O’Neil to move forward with the Wastewater plant permit renewal. Carl Zencey  seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  
Report by Public Works Director – They got a proposal back from Jim Duncan for the well drilling.  Location is still in question.  
Report by AOS Operating Company – The plant is running very well.  A grinder pump was replaced at Pitney Bowes.  On the Water, they got a letter from the Dept. of Health.  They did not like the way the overflow drain discharges and there is a violation in well 7.  The corrections and been made and filed with the DPH.       
Having no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:59 pm