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Last Updated: 2009/11/16

Minutes from the regular meeting of the Water and Sewer Authority held at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT, on Thursday, November 12, 2009. Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:34pm.

Present:  Lou Carbone, Carl Zencey, Alan Shepard, Richard Zang
Absent:  Richard Conte, Phil Cruz, Marianne Brown  
Also Present:  Jason O’Brien of AOS Operating Company, Fred Hurley Director of Public Works, Virginia Delima, John Mullaney, Remo Mondazzi and Carl Carlson from USGS, Joe Hovious
Public Participation – NONE
Upon motion by Lou Carbone and seconded by Alan Shepard, the minutes from the October 8, 2009 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.
Alan Shepard moved to increase the sewer use fee 3.3%.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Alan Shepard moved to set the sewer benefit assessment of $8,300 for 26 Church Hill Road, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Lou Carbone moved to table the sewer benefit assessment originally assessed at $25,000 but revised to $14,500 for 105 Church Hill road, Alan Shepard seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Lou Carbone moved to set the sewer benefit assessment of $39,000 for 107 Church Hill Road, Carl Zencey seconded.  Motion passed.  3 Yes (Zang, Zencey, Carbone) 1 abstained (Shepard)
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – They have the last year’s billings electronically and are not looking to get the list that was published in the Newtown Bee, March 1, 1988 for Sanitary Sewer Assessments.  The Bee doesn’t have it electronically, so they are waiting to hear back from Fuss & O’Neil who may have it.
Progress on mapping – Alan Shepard is back working on the mapping.  He crossed reference the street address with the map block and lot.  
Lou Carbone moved to accept the 2010 meeting schedule with the addition of January 2011, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  
Report by USGS – John Mullaney presented the status of the work.  A draft is to be released to Town for review comments at the end of December.  It will have to go to CT DEP and get the USGS’s Eastern Region approval as well.  It is estimated that the report will be ready by the end of March 2010.
Fred Hurley questioned the dunning letter for an outstanding bill.  Virginia Delima stated that the bill under question is the gauging system.  This is separate from the Mapping agreement that has not been completed for which USGS takes full responsibility.
Capital Improvement budgets for Water and Sewer – Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra have been working on a list.  The Scada system is on top of the list.  The authority would like a spreadsheet with the items and priority much like the town’s five year capital plan.
Report by Public Works Director – Fuss and O’Neil needs to be contacted for the WWTP sewer permit renewal.  Dick Zang requested that Fred Hurley contact Fuss and O’Neil and get this moving.  
Report by AOS Operating System.  Jason O’Brien reported that the plant is running well.  One the water side, Donna from the Health Department, Lou Carbone, Fred Hurley, Julio Segarra and Jim Duncan at the corner of Oakview and Route 34 to discuss a well sight.  They received a broad range quote to do explorative work for the well.  Alan Shepard moved to add the test well to the agenda, Lou seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Alan Shepard motioned to move forward with the test well at the Oakview location with costs not to exceed $10,000 and for Fred Hurley to collaborate with other town departments.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:27
Arlene Miles, Clerk
Attachment – AOS monthly report