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9-17-09 Special Mtg
4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                      Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                             Marianne Brown           
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                           Philip Cruz
Fred Hurley,                                                           Alan Shepard
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN  Carl Zencey
                                                    WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY  Richard Conte

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a special meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Present:  Lou Carbone, Marianne Brown, Carl Zencey, Richard Zang, Alan Shepard
Absent:  Phil Cruz, Richard Conte
Also Present:  Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, Julio Segarra of AOS, Inc.,
Public Participation - None

Approval of the Minutes – Alan Shepard moved to accept the minutes of the August 13, 2009 meeting as presented, Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

1.      107 Church Hill Road Benefit Assessment - Tabled
2.      105 Church Hill Road Benefit Assessment – Tabled
3.      26 Church Hill Road Benefit Assessment - Tabled
4.      Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – Once the mapping is complete, it will be easier to isolate any issues.  Progress is being made.
5.      2010 Sewer Budget –Fred Hurley presented his proposed 09-10 sewer budget.  He took actual 08-09 revenue figures and showed a two, four, and six percent rate increase.  The last number is the shortage in revenues.  As the interest rate goes up, the use of fund balance decreases.  The fund balance is about 2 million but bleeding it down year after year isn’t prudent.  The CPI was flat.  Utilities have leveled off and the consumption of gas has be reduced dramatically.   Julio Segarra has submitted a years’ worth of data to corporate where there is a person whos job it is to find savings.  They have come up with a savings but cannot give a number at this time because of legal issues.  This is a bad time, people are hurting so raising the rates to high is not palatable.  The goal is to keep the budget balanced.  Alan Shepard motioned accept the budget and raise the sewer use rate 3.5%, Lou Carbone seconded.  After discussion, motion is amended to a rate increase of 3.3%. Motion unanimously accepted.  

1.       Report by Public Works Director – USGS had forgotten to do the 3rd steam gage that is going in on the bridge on Turkey Hill Road.  This covers the area that needs to be covered.  They said that they would have the Level A mapping by the end of the year.
2.      Report by AOS Operating Company – The numbers are good for nitrogen.  The yearly average is 19 which is on par.  The copper permit is .078 kg/d and we are running at .032. kg/d. They went through the pump stations and cleaned them up with the help of the Public Works department and the Vactor truck.  August was a quite month, however, September has been very busy.  There were 6 grinder pumps in stock, they are all gone now.  Sugar Street needed a replacement.  18 Hanover Road, has been eating up pumps.  An electrician has been called to rectify this problem.   There is no grinder pump agreement for this property.  The assessment for the property was never paid by the builder.  Fred has been in contract with the builder but nothing has been resolved.  The town may have to go after the homeowner and the homeowner will have to sue the builder.
On the water side, there has been a lot of flushing to keep the water clarity.  The flows have been low but the color has been an on going issue.  Julio spoke with the Department of Health and they indicated that they would look favorably on a new well.  

Any other business - none

Having no further business meeting adjourned at 8:35PM

Arlene Miles, Clerk