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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                                                                                       Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                                              Marianne Brown          
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                           Richard Conte
Fred Hurley,                                                           Phil Cruz
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN  Alan Shepard
         WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY      Carl Zencey

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 12, 2009, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meting to order at 7:00 PM.

Present – Dick Zang, Marianne Brown, Lou Carbone, Phil Cruz, Alan Shepard,
  Carl Zencey
Absent –Richard Conte

Also Present:  Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Company and Fred Hurley Public Works Director,

Public Participation – Dan Doherty owns the laundry mat in Sandy Hook center.  He is requesting an adjustment in his sewer billing.  10% of the water used in the Laundry mat is extinguished through the dryer vents.  The board has requested that this industry standard be researched and brought to the next meeting.

Approval of the Minutes – Upon motion by Phil Cruz and seconded by Marianne Brown the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.  


Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – Julio Segarra reported that after much research, there are a few streets that addresses couldn’t be found.  There is also a question on how the billing is being done.  Carol Mahoney, Tax Collector, will use the United Water tag number for billing as requested by the WSA.  Dick Zang articulated the need for an approved sewer map in GIS.  The last mapping was done in 2001 and was never made official.  Once the mapping is done, GIS can give us the addresses in that area.  
Water pollution plan needs to be updated and to the state by September so this all needs to be done within the next few months.  This includes updating the regulations.  Alan Shepard and Carl Zencey will assist and getting the information to and from the Town’s Technology Department.  If the map is redrawn then a public hearing is needed.  At that time the update for the plan and the regulations should be done.  

Update on Solar Panel Project – Fred reported that the system has been put on hold.  There is no procurement set up.  


Michael Burtons request for final approval at River Walk condominium project on Washington Avenue – Dick Zang requested Fred Hurley to get an assessment of the property.  The assessment is needed by the March meeting and action needs to be taken at the April meeting.  Phil Cruz moved to request a benefit assessment for the River Walk Condominium project at 12-20A Washington Avenue.  Carl Zencey seconded, motion accepted, Alan Shepard abstained.

Request for sewer hook-up at 22 Washington Avenue – Fred Hurley will request a letter from the Health Department to show the need for hook up to the system.

Report by Public Works Director – Discussed the sewer budget.  Fred has requested the papers from the Homesteads Bankruptcy settlement and will work with Robert Tait the Finance Director to track where the funds went.  It should have gone to pay off the debt but likely went in as revenue. Dick has requested that Marianne Brown and Carl Zencey meet with Fred Hurley and Robert Tait to go over the budget.  

Report of stimulus package. The state is not going to get the total revenue they were asking for.  They will get the first grab at the money.  As a practical manner, we are likely not to get it.  However, we should have projects ready to go.  

Report by AOS Operating Company – Julio Segarra did a test and found iron bacteria at the Sports Academy.  They flushed the system and asked them to run their water overnight and another test will be done tomorrow.  If there is no iron bacteria present, it is their filter system that needs to be maintained.   There may be a way to change the flow to make the end user the prison.  This will avoid wasting water flushing the system.

Having no further business meeting was adjourned 8:51 PM

Arlene Miles, Clerk