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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                        Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                                       Marianne Brown         
Fax (203) 426-9968         Louis Carbone   Philip Cruz  Fred Hurley,  
                                          Alan Shepard    Director Carl Zencey    Richard Conte          

                                                       WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2008, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:05PM

Present: Dick Zang, Lou Carbone, Phil Cruz, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey, Marianne Brown, Richard Conte
Absent: None

Also Present:  Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Company and Fred Hurley, Public Works Director

Public Participation – NONE

Approval of the Minutes – Marianne Brown motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 16, 2008, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – At this point, the two IT people, Maria from United Water and Scott for the Town are communicating.  They are trying to connect United Water meter readings with the Town’s billing database.  The goal is to locate the discrepancy of the gallons process vs the gallons billed.  Dick Zang wants the data to be delivered and available by February.  They are going to need a full quarter of information to confirm that the billing for the sewer use is in check. The objective is to isolate the water bills for that particular pump station to see if there is a candidate for the discrepancy.  

46 Church Hill Road/St. Rose Church request for payment schedule – Correct address for the property is 40 Church Hill Road.  They are requesting quarterly payments over two years.  Alan Shepard motioned to accept the two year payment schedule. Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

FY 09 Budget/Sewer – Fred is still working with the Finance Director to get the budget complete.  They have also been working with the auditors to straighten out what should be a capital project and what is written off as an expense such as the USGS study.  Only physical items can be capitalized.  


Report by Public Works Director – The town attorney has looked at the on-call contracts and they are both standard.  Fred has the contracts for Dick to sign.
Preliminary water supply plan is due to the state by January 16th.  They know that it is not the final plan but what we do have available needs to be filed with the state.  Fuss and O’Neil have collected the information and Stearns and Wheler will assemble it and have it sent to the state.  

Report by AOS Operating Company – In November the plant ran relatively well with 88% nitrogen removal.  The scada system had crashed.  They have had a variety of vendors come in to trouble shoot the problem.  What they found was that they have modem problems.  They swapped out the modem and it went back up and the next day crashed.  They changed the modem again and it worked for 6 hours and then crashed again.  These modems are proprietary and made for Bristol Babcock motors.  The units went out to be repaired but if they can not, then they need to replace all the modems.   The communications system needs to be upgraded within the next few years.  

Any other business – There is a proposal coming forward for solar panels.  The town can not own the project and get the tax break; it has to be a private company.  Dick suggested not allowing direct connection to the plant.  Having the project on the property is fine but not a direct electrical connection.  It should be through CL&P.

Richard Conte is also an owner of Surewater Water Solutions, LLC.  One of the projects they have gotten involved in is mobile water supply in third world countries.  They have been asked to bring to full development a unit ready for manufacturing. In research and development a supply of foul water is needed which makes the treatment plant a desirable location.  They need a supply of foul water.  Because the system uses a project that has cooper in it, it would have to be done on a closed loop system and not as a direct discharge.  The system is solar powered and therefore runs during the daylight.  There are permits regulations and DEP restrictions that need to be followed.  When an application is given to the WSA, a diagram of the system will be included.       

 Having no further business meeting was adjourned 8:35 PM

Arlene Miles