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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                                                                                       Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                                              Marianne Brown          
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                           Philip Cruz
Fred Hurley,                                                           Alan Shepard
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN  Carl Zencey
         WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY      Richard Conte

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, July 10, 2008, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.

Present –Dick Zang, Marianne Brown, Lou Carbone, Richard Conte, Alan Shepard
Absent – Phil Cruz, Carl Zencey

Also Present:  Jason O’Brien from United Water Suez

Public Participation – None

Approval of the Minutes – Marianne Brown motioned to accept the minutes from the June 12, 2008 meeting as presented.  Richard Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.


47 Church Hill Road
Marianne Brown motioned to set the sewer benefit for 47 Church Hill Road at $18,000.  Richard Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

St. Rose Church at 40 Church Hill Road
Lou Carbone motioned to set the sewer benefit for St. Rose Church at 40 Church Hill Road at $23,000.  Marianne Brown seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Sports Academy – Tabled
FFH Sewer benefit assessment – Alan Shepard questioned if the WSA will give a credit for buildings that are being knocked down.  Dick Zang replied yes.  An alternate approach would be to allow FFH a maximum capacity of 100,000 gallons per day and allocate as they wish and that the WSA will assess benefits only when they exceed this amount.  The same would go for the State.  Should they expand on their property, they would have to buy additional capacity from the WSA if they exceed 500,000 gallons per day.   This topic will be put on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion.

Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – National water main said they would hold their linear foot pricing for one year.  They began work TVing two sections of the sewer system on July 2nd and as of today they are over half complete.  As of yesterday afternoon, there have been not big problems.  They did find a leak coming from a manhole which is estimated at 3 to 5 gallons per minute.  There was also another area where there was a crack in the ceiling of the pipe, everything else looks like it is in good shape.  By the next meeting they will be done with the work however, the report may not be ready in time.  Dick Zang has asked for the log report or a summary report for the next meeting.  .  


Report by Public Works Director – In Fred Hurley’s absence, Jason O’Brien filled in.  Hartford Restoration will begin working on the water tank in the next few weeks.  As for well #3 – Stephen B. Church is coming out to TV the screens before the work is done to confirm that it is the cause.  They will also look at long term solutions to this problem.  The work is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.

Report by United Water Suez – For the month of June the plant ran very well.  There was an odor complaint at 100 Church Hill Road and it was found that the grease trap was not pumped.  Donna from the Health Department is involved, however, Dick Zang would like Donna to send them a letter reminding them of their responsibilities because this is not the first time this has happened.  

Alan Shepard questioned if the WSA will give a credit for buildings that are being knocked down.  Dick Zang replied yes.  An alternate approach would be to allow FFH a maximum capacity of 100,000 gallons per day and allocate as they wish and that the WSA will assess benefits only when they exceed this amount.  The same would go for the State.  Should they expand on their property, they would have to buy additional capacity from the WSA if they exceed 500,000 gallons per day.   This topic will be put on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion.

Approve pending invoices –  None

Any other business –  None

Having no further business meeting was adjourned 8:04 PM

Arlene Miles