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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at the Senior Center on Riverside Drive in Newtown, Connecticut.

Present: Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Neil Chaudhary, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Robert Grossman, Kim Harrison, Peter Licht, Michele McLeod, George Miller and Maggie Shaw.

Not Present: David Delia

Also Present:  Pat Boily, David Shugarts

Call to Order: Dr. McLeod called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes amended to reflect that Pat Boily was present.  Mark Alexander motioned to approve the minutes of June 8, 2011 as amended, motion seconded by Kirk Blanchard.  Minutes approved unanimously.  

Chairman Motion: Dr. Licht made a motion that Dr. Grossman and Dr.
McLeod be co-chairmen of the TBDAC, rather than chairman and vice chairman,
respectively.  Seconded by Dr. Grossman.  Motion passed, 7 yes (Alexander, Chaudhary, Gaudet-Wilson, Grossman, Licht, McLeod, Miller), 3 abstentions (Blanchard, Harrison, Shaw).
Committee Report:  The Committee members reviewed, discussed and finalized the TBDAC Report and its Appendixes and Attachments.  Drs. McLeod and Chaudhary will incorporate the agreed-upon changes into the final Report.  Mr. Shugarts will give any assistance needed with formatting.  Final Report will be delivered to the Selectmen.  Dr. McLeod anticipates that the Report will be discussed at a September meeting of the Selectmen, and will notify TBDAC members of date when this has been scheduled.

Public Comments – No public comments.

Final Comments – None

Executive Session – None

Mark Alexander motioned for adjournment at 10:45 pm, Kirk Blanchard seconded, motion
approved unanimously.  The committee adjourned at 10:45 pm.