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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a Meeting on Wednesday,
May 18, 2011 at the Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT

MINUTES - Amended

Present:  Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Neil Chaudhary, David Delia, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Kim Harrison, Peter Licht, Michele McLeod, George Miller, and Maggie Shaw.  Absent:  Robert Grossman   Also Present:  Pat Boily, and Dave Shugarts

Dr. McLeod convened the meeting at 8:05 p.m.  

Approval of Minutes – Dr. Licht motioned to postpone the approval of the minutes of March 30, 2011.  
Dr. Chaudhary seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

Review Executive Summary – Dr. McLeod opened discussion regarding the formatting of the Executive Summary, explaining what the First Selectman expected to see in the summary.  Dr. McLeod explained that Ms. Llodra asked to have bullet points of relevant information that the committee used in order to make their decision with the inclusion of all recommendations and associated votes.  Ms. Llodra also asked for the vote tally and that all sides are represented and that the format include bullet points and be written in a concise format so that the Selectmen can understand the logic behind each vote.  Dr. McLeod suggested the discussion be deferred to the next meeting that the First Selectman can attend.  Dr. Licht asked if the Vaccine was included.  Ms. Harrison said she will include the Vaccine in her version of the Executive Summary.  It was decided to wait until the First Selectman was present to continue the discussion.

Comments on Final Report – The committee members discussed the structure of the report.  Dr. McLeod said she needs the most recent version of the Vaccine Section, the Education Section, and the Additional Town Strategies.  Mr. Alexander will draft a recommendation that the Town create a tracking mechanism for pets and Tick Borne Disease.  A question could be added on the dog license applications asking if their dog has been treated for Lyme.  

Ms. Harrison will draft a recommendation that the Town add a question on the Newtown School System medical forms asking all new students (Kindergarten) if they have been treated for tick borne diseases.  The question arose also whether this should be added to the health form for sixth graders.  This would provide a consistent collection of data and be a helpful tracking tool.

The committee members discussed the Ostfeld Speaker Summary, which will be sent to him for review once the committee reviews it.  Also reviewed were the “Review of History”, the Highstead Summary, the “Defining the Problem” section and the Appendix.  Dr. McLeod will work with Mr. Shugarts in compiling the report.  The First Selectman will be asked in what format would they want the report and appendices (hard copy or electronically).  They also discussed formatting and how to cite references within the report.  

Other Comments – Mr. Shugarts distributed information from a DEP aerial survey of deer density that was completed in January 2011, specifically how it compares to a survey completed in January 2009 (both surveys having the same transects).  Howard Kilpatrick (DEP) presented this data in a public meeting and stated that he felt the data between the two surveys are not statistically different.  Mr. Shugarts explained a private conversation he had afterwards with Mr. Kilpatrick.  The committee discussed potential variability of statistical information and different ways the data could be interpreted.  

Adjournment Ms. Gaudet-Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm.  Mr. Blanchard seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These minutes are subject to approval by the Tick Borne Disease Action Committee

The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a Meeting on Wednesday,
May 18, 2011 at the Newtown Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT


Present:  Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Neil Chaudhary, David Delia, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Kim Harrison,
Peter Licht, Michele McLeod, George Miller, and Maggie Shaw.  Absent:  Robert Grossman   Also Present:  Pat Boily, and Dave Shugarts

Dr. McLeod convened the meeting at 8:05 p.m.  

Approval of Minutes – Dr. Licht motioned to postpone the approval of the minutes of March 30, 2011.  
Dr. Chaudhary seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

Review Executive Summary – Dr. McLeod opened discussion regarding the formatting of the Executive Summary, explaining what the First Selectman expected to see in the summary.  Ms. Llodra expected to have bullet points of relevant information that the committee used in order to make their decision with the inclusion of all recommendations and associated votes.  She asked for the vote tally be accurate and that all sides are represented and that the format include bullet points and be written in a concise format so that the Selectmen can understand the logic behind each vote.  Dr. McLeod suggested the discussion be deferred to the next meeting that the First Selectman can attend.  Dr. Licht asked if the Vaccine was included.  Ms. Harrison said she will include the Vaccine in her version of the Executive Summary.  It was decided to wait until the First Selectman was present to continue the discussion.

Comments on Final Report – The structure of the report.  Dr. McLeod said she needs the most recent version of the Vaccine Section, the Education Section, and the Additional Town Strategies.  Mr. Alexander will draft a recommendation that the Town create a tracking mechanism for pets and Tick Borne Disease.  A question could be added on the dog license applications asking if their dog has been treated for Lyme.  

Ms. Harrison will draft a recommendation that the Town add a question on the Newtown School System medical forms asking all new students (Kindergarten) if they have been treated for tick borne diseases.  The question arose also whether this should be added to the health form for sixth graders.  This would provide a consistent collection of data and be a helpful tracking tool.

The committee members discussed the Ostfeld Speaker Summary, which will be sent to him for review once the committee reviews it.  Also reviewed were the “Review of History”, the Highstead Summary, the “Defining the Problem” section and the Appendix.  Dr. McLeod will work with Mr. Shugarts in compiling the report.  The First Selectman will be asked in what format would they want the report and appendices (hard copy or electronically).  They also discussed formatting and how to cite references within the report.  

Other Comments – Mr. Shugarts distributed information from a DEP aerial survey of deer density that was completed in January 2011, specifically how it compares to a survey completed in January 2009 (both surveys having the same transects).  Howard Kilpatrick (DEP) presented this data in a public meeting and stated that he felt the data between the two surveys are not statistically different.  Mr. Shugarts explained a private conversation he had afterwards with Mr. Kilpatrick.  The committee discussed potential variability of statistical information and different ways the data could be interpreted.  

Adjournment Ms. Gaudet-Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm.  Mr. Blanchard seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk
These minutes are subject to approval by the Tick Borne Disease Action Committee