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The Ad Hoc Tick borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at the C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.

Present:  Michele McLeod, Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, David Delia, Kim Harrison, Maggie Shaw, Peter Licht, Neil Chaudhary, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, George Miller.  Absent:  Robert Grossman.  Also Present:  Pat Boily, David Shugarts and one member of the public.

Call to Order:  Dr. McLeod called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:
Corrections to August 11, 2010 Minutes:  Pat Boily was not present; Under Committee Report:  Discussion Vaccine Recommendations:  Delete beginning with “Dr. Licht said” through “should be encouraged”, and substitute:  Vaccine pros and cons were discussed; Vaccine votes:  should indicate that the “votes were unanimous for those in attendance”; Performance Matrix should be Performance Metrics; Last sentence:  some towns have “continuing”, not “continuum” committees.  As amended, Kirk Blanchard moved and Mark Alexander seconded that August 11, 2010 minutes be approved.  Unanimously approved.

Corrections to September 22, 2010 Minutes:  The phrase “Mission Statement” should be deleted, “Defining the Problem” substituted in its place; As amended, Neil Chaudhary moved and Mary Gaudet-Wilson seconded that the September 22, 2010 minutes be approved.  Unanimous approval.

Dr. Boily advised that the August 4, 2010 Minutes should not indicate that he was present.

Budget Discussion:
Members discussed financial constraints.  Dr. Licht will contact the Town of Newtown to request additional funds to help to complete Committee work and cover expenses for secretarial support and preparation of Final Report.

Committee Report Discussion:
Clinical Section of Introduction.  Kim Harrison and Peter Licht led discussion, the Clinical Section was reviewed, and Kim Harrison and Peter Licht will revise the Section to reflect the Committee’s consensus.

Education Section.  Neil Chaudhary led discussion, the Education Section was reviewed.  Neil Chaudhary will prepare another draft and will present same at next meeting, along with recommendations upon which Committee members will vote.

Update on other sections of Report, schedule remaining sections to be discussed and voted upon. Time frame for completion of Report.
Committee members indicated that they would hope to finish the final Report by the end of the year.  Remaining work includes Committee review of unfinished sections of Report (Statement of the Problem; Education Section; recommendations on these sections and recommendations that Committee members would like to add) and finalizing report.  

Public Comment:  Lynn Garfinkle addressed the Committee and distributed two articles.

Executive Session:  None

Adjournment:  At 10:30 pm, Mark Alexander motioned to adjourn and Neil Chaudhary seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.