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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at the C. H. Booth Library on Main Street in Newtown, Connecticut.

Present:  Robert Grossman, Michele McLeod, Maggie Shaw, Kim Harrison, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Mark Alexander, Peter Licht, David Delia, Kirk Blanchard, Pat Boily, and Neil Chaudhary.

Not Present:  George Miller

Also Present:  David Shugarts

Call to Order:  Dr. Grossman asked Dr. McLeod to take over the chair due to the fact that he was suffering with Lyme Disease.  Dr. McLeod called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  Dr. Grossman motioned to approve the minutes of June 23, 2010 as amended.  Motion seconded by Mr. Alexander.  Minutes approved unanimously.

REPORT:  Deer Impacts on Local Landscapes (Forests, Agricultural, and Residential)

This report is still being worked on.  The discussion was deferred to a future date

REPORT:  Mark Alexander’s Report

Discussion was deferred to a future date

REPORT:  Motor Vehicle Deer Accident Report

Discussion was deferred to a future date

DISCUSSION:  Deer Reduction

The Committee agreed that it would be a good idea to obtain DEP expertise in this matter.  Mr. Shugarts said that all the rules regarding deer are set by DEP.

It is noted that Dr. Grossman left the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

The Committee discussed their options regarding reducing the deer population.  Reports indicate that once the number of deer per square mile is down to ten, infected ticks are controlled.  Among the options was hiring sharpshooters, which is expensive.  Some members did not think this a necessary tact.  Access to land can be difficult.  Other considerations are sterilization, contraception or controlled hunting, which seems to be most popular.

Dr. Licht thought the end game was a safe and effective vaccine, which is still in the research stage.  Ms. Shaw and Ms. Harrison considered the situation a health threat.  Newtown has about 75 deer per square foot and too many residents are becoming sick from infected ticks.   Any reduction in numbers is preferable to doing nothing unless the number can reach ten.

The discussion will continue at the next meeting and if the report is finalized the Committee will vote.  Any members who do not plan on attending should forward their proxy vote to Dr. Grossman.

Public Comments – No public comments.

Final Comments – None

Executive Session – None

The committee adjourned at 10:00 pm.