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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at the C, H, Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Robert Grossman, Michele McCloud, Michelle McLeod, Kim Harrison, Maggie Shaw, David Delia, Mark Alexander, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Neil Chaudhary, George Miller, Kirk Blanchard

Also Present:  David Shugarts, Pat Boily, one member of the press, and one member of the public.

Call to Order:  Dr. Grossman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of February 24, 2010were approved as amended.

Continued discussion of comprehensive and focused round table discussion regarding final report preparation, including subsections to be included in the final report, manner of preparation of final report and subcommittee assignments.  

Dr. Grossman opened discussion and the committee discussed an outline of the final report.  Ms. Harrison presented a binder with information that could be used to compile the information for the final report to the Board of Selectmen.

Dr. Grossman said that the meeting of March 17th will be skipped so that subcommittees can meet during that week.

Subcommittees were defined as follows:  Defining the Problem in Relationship to Ticks and Deer - Kim Harrison, Mark Alexander, Neil Chaudhary, Dave Shugarts and Pat Boily;  Deer-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents - Neil Chaudhary;  Forest and Environment - Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Dave Boily, Kirk Blanchard; Education - Dr. Grossman, Donna Culbert, George Miller, and Maggie Shaw.  

The committee discussed ways to analyze economic issues with quantifying deer damage (landscape, nursery and crop damage), medical and veterinarian costs, cost of deer-related motor vehicle accidents, and the overall costs associated with Lyme Disease.  

Mary Gaudet-Wilson did a summary of Rob Sibley’s speech, Mr. Alexander did a summary of Matt Pound’s speech and Maggie will do a summary of Dr. DiNicola’s speech.  

Ms. Shaw suggested having the Health District add a link to the HVCOO website since it has a great deal of information.  She will also meet with Amy Mangold from Parks & Rec. regarding information on spraying. Landscape modifications and bait boxes at the schools and on Town property.

Ms. Gaudet-Wilson said that there has been discussion in the Conservation Commission regarding a list of open space sites for a walk scheduled for Friday, March 19th, 9am to 2:30pm with scientists from the CT Agricultural Experiment Station.  Dr. McLeod asked if parcels could be picked not only for hunted or not hunted, but also healthy and not healthy.  Mr. Anderson said to be careful of adding too many variables and that it should be focused and limited.  Ms. Gaudet-Wilson said that one of the recommendations could be to get an appropriate study of the forests.  

Public Comments – No public comments.

The committee adjourned at 9:15 pm.