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The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2012 in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown.  First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:34pm.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Llodra, Selectman William F.L. Rodgers, Selectman James Gaston, Sr.

ALSO PRESENT:  Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use Rob Sibley, seventeen members of the public and no members of the press.

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Lois Barber, 33 Zoar Road, Sandy Hook stated she supports euthanasia and believes the town should have a low kill shelter.  It is cruel to keep unadoptable dogs in a cage for the rest of their lives.  She suggested an exchange program with towns that maintain a high kill policy, to rescue adoptable dogs.  She is concerned the pound will fill up with unadoptable dogs.

ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES:  Selectman Rodgers moved the acceptance of the minutes of 2/3/12.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Gaston moved the minutes of 2/6/12.  Selectman Rodgers seconded with the correction of the spelling of Rogers to Rodgers on page two, under the motion made, item #2, Unfinished Business.  All were in favor or the minutes as amended.  

COMMUNICATIONS:  A letter to P&Z relative to the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee next steps was shared along with documents from Moody’s and Standard & Poors relative to bond ratings.  The bond refunding yielded a savings of $1.6 million; the savings will be divided as follows:  $804,000 to the 2013 budget proposal, $375,000 cash savings in this year’s budget that remains in fund balance and $375,000 for the 2013-2014 budget.  A letter to the First Selectman from a resident recognizing the very good work done by Building Inspector George French was shared with the board.  Linda Manganaro, Executive Director of Nunnawauk Meadows, sent a letter regarding trails on property that was given to Nunnawauk Meadows.  The trails preceded the ownership of the campus; a meeting will be held to discuss strategies to properly post trail areas to protect Newtown residents from use of the trails as they are not town trails.  Valentines for Troops will be held on February 29 at 4pm at the High School.  The Town has been named in a charitable trust establishing a fund for Newtown, specifically for the animal shelter.  This will be a substantial benefit for the town.  


Discussion and possible action:
  • Implementation Plan – Plan of Conservation and Development:  item to be carried.
  •  Tick Borne Disease Action Committee – next steps:  The DEEP has responded positively to a request to be present at a board meeting to discuss the protocols used, the expectations and outcomes so we can have a better understanding of the DEEP’s offer.  The date is to be determined.  This item continues to be carried.
  • Policy & Procedure:  Impounded Animal:  A preface will be developed to explain the purpose of the policy and to lay out the expectations.  The policy will reference that the persons involved in the decision making regarding the welfare of animals will be persons that have experience with canines, cats and sheltered animals.  In cases when an animal cannot be socialized a trainer will need to be included.  This item continues to be carried.
  • Hook & Ladder Update:  there are ongoing discussions relative to options for H&L.  This item continues to be carried and will likely be addressed again in approximately one month.
ADD TO AGENDA:  Selectman Gaston moved to add, as item #3, the road acceptance and a bond release for discussion and possible action.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.

Discussion and possible action:
  • Appointments/Reappointments:  Selectman Rodgers moved the re-appointment of John Poeltl as the Chief Building Official for a term to expire 1/6/16.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Gaston moved the re-appointment of Chris Kelsey as Town Assessor for a term to end 2/27/16.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Gaston moved the appointments of Richard Boritz, 30 Still Hill Road to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a term to expire 1/6/14, Thomas Connors, 26 Turkey Roost Rd., Sandy Hook to fill the vacated Fairfield Hills Authority position to expire 7/31/13 and Margaret Imbro, 157 Jennifer La., Sandy Hook to the Commission on Aging, Alternate position to expire 1/6/14.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Rodgers moved the appointments of Ted Kreinik, 3 Cady La. To the Cultural Arts Commission for a term to expire 1/6/15 and Paul E. Smith as an alternate to the Employee Medical Benefits Board for a term to expire 1/6/14.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.
  • Driveway Bond Release:  Selectman Rodgers moved the release of the Monteiro driveway bond, Taunton Lake Road, M6, B15, L4B in the amount of $1,000.   Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.
  • Road Acceptance & Bond Release:  Selectman Gaston moved to accept Dacemore Ridge.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  Selectman Rodgers moved to release the bond in the amount of $8,965 to Michael Porco in connection with the Road Work Acceptance, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Sugar Loaf Road, “Dacemore Ridge” Subdivision.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.
  • Tax Refunds:  Selectman Rodgers moved the February 2012 Tax Refunds, refund No. 11, 2011-2012 in the amount of $5,433.04.  Selectman Gaston recused himself, First Selectman Llodra seconded.  Motion passed, YES: Rodgers, Llodra; Abstention:  Gaston.
  • Transfer:  $45,000 from Contingency to F/F Incentive Plan:  Selectman Rodgers moved the $45,000 transfer from 01570-2000 Contingency to 01320-4002 F/F Incentive Plan.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  This relates to excess costs due to the two storms in the fall.  Selectman Rodgers noted that Mr. Cragin mentioned there would be no funds to be swept into the general fund at year end because of the storms.  First Selectman Llodra noted that the draw would be great and it will be handled through this transfer.  All in favor.
VOTER COMMENTS:  Deborrah Zukowski, 4 Cornfield Ridge Road asked for clarification on an implementable Plan of Conservation & Development.  First Selectman Llodra said the original discussion was that the POCD is well drafted by P&Z with an annual review process.  Other groups would report on progress on goals, some groups didn’t report, some groups went in a different direction other than what was identified in the POCD.  The POCD was not used in decision making on funding; there was no alignment between the CIP, the budget and the POCD.  Selectman Rodgers said towns have taken two different approaches, one is to do it within the next plan the other extreme is to create another committee.  First Selectman Llodra would like routine use of the document as a tool to guide discussion.  Selectman Gaston said that it is a matter of how to pull it together and then move forward.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Land Acquisition:  Selectman Rodgers moved to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing open space land acquisitions.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.  Mr. Sibley was invited to attend.  Executive session was entered into at 8:28pm and returned to regular session at 9:25pm with the following motion:

Selectman Rodgers moved to approve the recommended land acquisitions identified as Open Space parcels 11-02, 11-04, 11-05 and 11-08.  Selectman Gaston seconded.  All in favor.


ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business the Board of Selectmen adjourned their regular meeting at 9:26pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Marcinek, Clerk