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12-6-10 Public Information Mtg

The Board of Selectmen held a public information meeting on Monday, December 6, 2010 in the Council Chambers, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown. ~First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: ~First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra and Selectman William F. Furrier.
ABSENT: ~Selectman William F.L. Rodgers.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Director of Economic and Community Development Elizabeth Stocker, AICP, Russell Bartley, Licensed Environmental Professional, one members of the public and one member of the press.

Mrs. Llodra announced that the meeting is for purposes of public participation and comments concerning the $100,000 clean up grant that~the Town of Newtown was awarded by the VCOG/Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).~ The funds will be utilized for the clean up of three duplex buildings on the campus of Fairfield Hills.
Ms. Stocker stated that a record file or information repository for the project has been established and is open to the public.~Ms. Stocker is the spokesperson and the project manager. The record file is available in the economic and community development office at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Ct during business hours.  Materials are currently posted online and will continue to be updated on the Town of Newtown and Fairfield Hills Authority web sites.
A copy of the public meeting legal notice and the Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) are online at the~links below.~
Russell Bartley was introduced as the Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) for the project and described the clean up that is planned for three duplex buildings identified as #60, 61 and 63.  The grant will be used for the removal of hazardous substances and asbestos-containing materials from the three campus duplexes.  The grant will also be used for project coordination, community outreach, environmental engineering services, preparation of material removal specifications, environmental monitoring and reporting.

Ms. Llodra asked if the grant would cover the entire cost of the clean up.  Mr. Bartley answered that the costs would not be certain until the bids/quotes are in from the asbestos contractors.  It is not known if the grant will cover the entire project so we will tailor our RFP so that we can go as far as possible and understand the costs associated with a menu of clean up options.  Mr. Furrier asked if additional funds have been allocated from another source.  Ms. Stocker answered that the grant would be the only funding source available for this project and that the Fairfield Hills Authority would be keep informed of the progress.   

Ms. Llodra asked if anyone from the public had comments.  No one came forward.

Ms. Llodra asked if there were further questions or comment from the board and then thanked Ms. Stocker & Mr. Bartley for the information.

Submitted by Elizabeth Stocker, AICP