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Minutes 12-21-09
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Size: 206K
Last Updated: 2009/12/24
Size: 14K
Last Updated: 2009/12/24


The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, December 21, 2009 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown.  First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

PRESENT: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Selectman William F.L. Rodgers, Selectman William F. Furrier.

ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Robert Tait, various department heads fifteen members of the public and one member of the press.

ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA:  Selectman Rodgers moved to add a resolution regarding the Town Pension Plan:  RESOLVED that on Dec. 1, 2009 Herbert C. Rosenthal, Joseph E. Borst and Paul Mangiafico were removed as Trustees under the Town of Newtown Employee Pension Plan in accordance with said document.  Mrs. E. Patricia Llodra, Mr. F.L. Rodgers and Mr. William F. Furrier shall be named as Trustees of the Plan.  EXCEPT AS HEREIN ABOVE STATED, the Plan and Trust is to continue in full force and effect.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.


VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Barbara O’Connor, Little Brook Lane, Newtown addressed comments made by Selectman Furrier at the prior meeting regarding appointments.  Some elected positions are filled by the Independent Party of Newtown slate but they are still registered as either a Democrat or a Republican.
Lereine Frampton, 6 Pebble Road, Newtown also addressed the appointment issue saying she’s gone into the Town Clerks office to research resignations, appointments and re-appointments back to 2006.  It is very difficult to follow.  She is curious as to what happens if vacancies were issued to the wrong party?
Bruce Walczak, 12 Glover Avenue, Newtown stated it is almost impossible to find out how long someone has been on a board or commission.
Ray Ruzek, 17 Maltbie Road spoke in support of the Sandy Hook Streetscape stating there has been a lot of time and energy working toward improving Sandy Hook Center for the benefit of everybody.  It is important to the Town.  “The appearance of businesses visible from heavily traveled roads contributes to the daily perception of the Town’s community character.”  The historic revitalization of Sandy Hook Center will make Fairfield Hills a more attractive investment. (Att. A).  
Lincoln Sander, 211 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook, President of the Newtown Historic Society stated the Sandy Hook Streetscape has dragged on; nothing is happening and hopes it can get moving along.  

Michael Burton, 7 Glen Road, Sandy Hook said the Sandy Hook Streetscape is long overdue and much deserved.  The first phase was done four years ago.  Phase two will result in more of a return on investment.  The Newtown Senior Center will be tied in by sidewalks.

Kevin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, Newtown wanted it on record that the funds to be bonded were never approved by the voters.  It makes sense to re-bond to save the Town money but the voters will never get the chance to vote on spending the money because it’s already spent.  Mr. Fitzgerald said the $3,500,000 million was used for Fairfield Hills development, the new town hall project and funds assigned to the parking lot portion.

ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES:  Selectman Rodgers moved the acceptance of the minutes of December 7, 2009.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS:  First Selectman Llodra shared a document on the goals recently adopted by the Legislative Council with the board members.  She suggested holding off any questions on the grant report until a later meeting.  Also shared with the board was a letter written by prior First Selectman Joe Borst to Gary Puryear regarding BRAC.  Newtown is no longer in discussions with the Army about a relocation base.   A list of funds provided from the State for Newtown was handed out.  Selectman Rodgers stated the tax bills used to have a state aid disclaimer and suggested eliminating the disclaimer or rewording it to indicate the reductions in state funding and the effect it has on taxes.

Discussion and possible action:
CIP – Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development presented a map of the Tech Park (Att. D) and explained this is a place holder for the CIP.  She also passed out information on the Streetscape Project (Att. E), purposing the Town bond $1,250,000 for a project that would involve engineering, sidewalks, curbing, landscaping and decorative lighting fixtures for the Sandy Hook Center.  Ms. Stocker encouraged the Board’s approval of this project.  She said she was not aware of any residential opposition to sidewalks.  The streetscape project includes extending the water line to the North through the intersection of Glen Road.  Ms. Stocker spoke of transportation enhancement funds but wasn’t sure if they were in existing under the Obama administration.  If this is more appropriate under the operating budget, the design phase would be done first and the construction would be held off until later.
Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works said that there might be Federal money under the Clean Water Act that can be used for the Sandy Hook water line.  Mr. Hurley explained the bridges are packaged into individual projects.  The bridges are 80 years old and don’t meet design standards.  A capitol reconstruction in town will likely take another ten years.  Bonded money would not be in the operating budget.   He said that an accounting can be given of a specific project, such as bridges.  Mr. Hurley stated he supports the demolition of buildings at Fairfield Hills because they are attractive nuisances.  
Kevin Cragin, Chairman, Board of Fire Commissioners stated he would like the Board to consider the request for funding for a new Hook & Ladder Fire House.  He discussed the history of the current Hook & Ladder building (Att. F).  The Board of Fire Commission is requesting $1.5 million, which represents a partial amount for the building.  Rob Manna explained a building has been reconfigured for the Smith property that will be donated.  H&L will contribute $750,000.   The plan will be submitted to the Borough in January.  Mr. Manna said the current Police Department would not be conducive for a fire house and would end up costing more in the long run.  Mr. Cragin said that Hook & Ladder has to be addressed sooner than the time it may be before the Police Station is relocated.  Hook & Ladder would own the building if a new one is built.  
Michael Burton, Fire Commissioner asked that the substation on Rte. 34 be considered in the CIP.  It was built in 1967 to house trucks and equipment.  Engine 443 needs to be replaced.  A new truck would allow six people in the truck, where 443 only had room for two.

Michael Kehoe, Chief of Police noted they have been looking into moving the police facility since 1998.  A genuine need was identified in a strategic plan.  Functional responsibility and operational duties have changed and the current space is inadequate.  Upcoming unfunded mandates need to be addressed.  Commissioner Brian Budd explained that currently the police have to go to Monroe for required firearms training and are limited to a very tight schedule.  There was discussion about regionalizing Communications and possible grant money.  Bob Geckle identified five or six sites within Fairfield Hills that can be used for a Police Department.  It is very difficult to take a building of today and retrofit it to a police facility.  Capt. Joe Rios said the space needs study includes a community service room that would be open to the public.  A room like this is heavily used in other communities.  Every possible option of staying at Town Hall South has been explored.  
Amy Mangold, Director of Parks and Recreation and Ed Marks, Chair of the Parks & Recreation Commission presented their CIP.  The Maintenance Facility renovations and upgrades were discussed.  There was discussion on the Dickinson play ground/spray ground.  Ms. Mangold explained the new play ground would be handicap accessible and up to code.  There has been positive feedback on the spray ground.  This is normally a feature of a larger facility.  Improvements to the tennis and basketball courts was discussed along with the parking problems at Treadwell Park.  Ed Marks gave the history leading up to the Community Center.  The Public Building and Site Commission looked at the plans.  The Community Center would include classroom space, a small gym, a teen center and an indoor pool.  There is open space behind the building that could be used for a potential expansion.  A temporary move to the Edmond Town Hall would be too expensive due to technology.  Also, the Edmond Town Hall cannot give up gym space.  A new facility with a pool would greatly relieve the High School pool use.  There is an issue scheduling 1400 hours at Newtown Youth Academy because the Recreation times conflict with the NYA program times.  
Mr. Marks believes the issue of the lease needs to be looked at.  
Bob Geckle, Don Studley and Walt Motyka presented the Fairfield Hills Authority CIP.  Mr. Motyka went over plans on infrastructure and demolition of buildings.  Mr. Geckle explained that the lay out is what is most likely to be bonded, what is most likely to be a combination of bonding and lease income and what may grants.  There was discussion on the cost of demolition.  The new parking lots will be near Newtown Hall and Woodbury Hall and also near the duplexes.   The Fairfield Hills Authority believes that the priority is infrastructure.  Danbury Hall is slated for demolition because of the location and the purposed trail system.  Mr. Geckle stated that regardless of economic development and the position of the Fairfield Hills Authority the buildings need to be demolished, they are safety issues and there are constant issues with break ins.

Discussion and possible action:
1.  Driveway Bond Releases/Extension:  -Selectman Rodgers moved the release of four  driveway bonds as noted in Att. B.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
2.  Maintenance Bond Release, Turnberry Lane, “Curtis Corporate Park” Subdivision:  Selectman Furrier moved the release of the subject maintenance bond in the amount of $33,500.00.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.
   3. Appointments/Reappointments:  First Selectman Llodra went over the different types of openings:  A Vacancy occurs when an appointed member leaves the position prior to the end of the term.  An open position is a term that has been completed and the member does not want to continue, or a new position.  A re-appointment is granted to members whose term is due to expire and they wish to continue to serve.  Minority representation was discussed.  Party Chairs should be notified of vacancies and then advertise for candidates from their party along with unaffiliated voters.  The First Selectman puts information out to the parties on openings.  Once a person is appointed there must be a declaration of what party they want to be identified as for the purpose of that position.  Selectman Rodgers pointed out some commissions have term limits.  The three parties can recommend an unaffiliated voter.  Minority rules state there cannot be x number of persons of one political party serving on a numbered board.  Elected positions and appointed positions are different.  Selectman Rodgers moved the Re-Appointments as listed in Att. C.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.  First Selectman Llodra explained that the Ad Hoc Clean Energy Task Force became a Commission in October.  The Commission will be nine members,
         three are being carried over from the Task Force.  Selectman Rodgers moved the appointments of Daniel Holmes, Ted Krenik and Kathleen Quinn to the Sustainable Energy Commission for a three year term to end 01/06/13.  Seconded by Selectman Furrier.  All in favor.  
   4.  Transfer $800:  Selectman Rodgers moved the transfer from Contingency 01570-2000 to Regional Brownfields in the amount of $800.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
        Transfer $1,000:  Selectman Furrier moved the transfer from Contingency 01570-2000 to Lake Zoar Authority 01360-0003 in the amount of $1,000.  Seconded by Selectman Rodgers.  All in favor.
   5.  Resolutions:  Selectman Rodgers moved the resolution to absolve the prior Board of Selectmen from continued responsibility to the employee pension plan pursuant to my prior reading.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.

        First Selectman Llodra explained the original thought to re-fund the $3,500,000 didn’t seem like a clean process as the money never went through the appropriation process.  This process will go through the Board of Finance and the Legislative Council and then be returned to the Board of Selectmen, hopefully with the approval of the special appropriation and the re-funding of the bond.  A special Town Meeting will be called.  Selectman Rodgers moved the resolution regarding Newtown Youth Academy and $3,500,000 in accordance with my earlier reading thereof.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
   6.  Possible Executive Session:  none noted.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  none noted.

ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business Selectman Rodgers moved to adjourn the
regular meeting of the Board of Selectman at 11:45pm.  Seconded by Selectman Furrier.  All in favor.

     Respectfully submitted,

    Susan Marcinek, Clerk

    Att. A:  Sandy Hook Streetscape handout
    Att. B:  Driveway Bond Releases
    Att. C:  Re-Appointments/Appointment
    Att. D:  Tech Park Map
    Att. E:  E. Stocker memo on SH Streetscape