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Minutes 10-5-09 Public Info Session
The Town of Newtown’s Board of Selectmen held a Public Information Session on Monday, October 5, 2009 in the Meeting room of the Cyrenius Booth Library.  First Selectman Joe Borst called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Present:  Joseph Borst, Herbert Rosenthal, Paul Mangiafico.

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Russell Bartley, RW Bartley & Associates, Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works and eight members of the public.

Elizabeth Stocker introduced the purpose of the meeting which is to provide opportunity to the public to comment on and to ask questions about the Town’s plan for the use of the $200,000 Clean-up Grant awarded by the Federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA).  A record has been established for the project and is open to the public in the Economic and Community Development office.  A Community Relations Plan (CRP) and an Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) are part of the record.  Ms. Stocker then introduced Russell Bartley, LEP who then summarized the ABCA.

Public Participation:  James Belden, 3 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT – Is there any relationship between the lead paint in the building and lead in the water?  

Russell Bartley responded that there was not much of a relationship between these two areas and that a person trained in lead paint clean-up will be hired to undertake the work.

Joseph Borst asked if the specifications were done and can the Town of Newtown CT go out to bid?

Mr. Bartley responded that normally we prepare a Survey, Plans and Specifications then bid.  The State bidding process may make the process go quicker.  Bid specifications may not be necessary.  

Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook, stated that it was great that Stratford Hall will be cleaned up.  She then thanked the people who determined the squared footage for the Senior Center.  There was a $2 million renovation at the Newtown Gym (racket club) on Commerce Road.  Great that the town is receiving grant funds but she felt that a restaurant may not be the best reuse of this building.  The Town is competing with local and private property owners.  A return on the investment and the amount of time that passes must be included in the equation.  The seniors need a new center perhaps this would be a viable reuse for the building rather than a restaurant or other economic development use.

Herb Rosenthal, Selectman, commented on the thorough reports and thought they are well done.

James Belden then made the comment that the Town has done much work on the campus and its good that it is moving forward.  What is the process and the time line?

Russell Bartley responded that the town has the choice to go out to bid or choose a state contractor.  BesTech prepared an estimate.  It is likely that we will select another state bidder and then a make a determination.

Elizabeth Stocker stated that the Town will move forward as rabidly as possible and should be complete with the entire grant by next year at this time, hopefully sooner.

The First Selectman asked if there was any further comments and hearing none,
adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.