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Minutes 8-3-09
Minutes 8-3-09


The Board of selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, August 3, 2009 at the C.H. Booth Library on Main Street, Newtown. First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

PRESENT: First Selectman Joseph E. Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal.

ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Robert Tait, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Public Works Director Fred Hurley and approximately 12 members of the public.

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  There was no voter participation.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: selectman Rosenthal moved to accept the minutes of July 6, 2009. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS: There was discussion with the Selectmen on termination fees. Selectman Mangiafico stated that there was a situation where an employee was terminated. That employee had the right to have a hearing. Questions were raised about the cost. Another employee, went through the union grievance procedure earlier in the year .The Carolee Mason case cost the town $29,748.00.First Selectman Borst stated that not all the final bills have been received yet. Selectman Mangiafico continued with the cost of the termination of an emergency dispatch employee was $10,000. First Selectman Borst said that to his knowledge, this bill was final. Selectman Rosenthal made a comment that he was not aware of the arbitrations on Mr. Chicos and asked First Selectman Borst, as a courtesy, to notify him and Selectman Mangiafico of such matters. First Selectman Borst apologized and said that the case might be re-opened. First Selectman Borst announced that he received an e-mail from the State of Connecticut representative for the Army asking the town to reconsider allowing the National Guard to use the land next to the horse guard.

OLD BUSINESS: No old business.

Discussion and possible action:
1. Heritage Preservation Trust wheelchair lift:
Mr. Donald Studley of the Heritage Preservation Trust asked the Board of Selectmen for authorization to install a wheelchair lift in the Meeting House. He also asked for permission to pave the area in front of the Meeting House and to designate handicapped  parking. Selectman Mangiafico stated that the parking spaces would make it more dangerous to see around if turning left onto Main Street from West Street.Selectman Rosenthall moved to authorize the installation of the wheelchair lift, Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.  Selectman Rosenthall moved to allow the paving of the road in front of the meeting house.  First Selectman Borst seconded.  Vote was 2 yayes and 1 naye.

2. Stone Gate Drive Appraisal:
Discussion was had on the fact that an appraisal would cost more than the value of the property. Prior to the meeting, Assessor Chris Kelsey was asked approximately what the value of the land locked parcel was. Mr. Kelsey figured it to be about $1,600. First Selectman Borst moved that the land at Stone Gate drive go to auction at $2,000.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

3. CIP:
Selectman Mangiafico requested that the Board hold off on any final decisions until the next meeting on August 20th. All were in agreement.
Fred Hurley stated that he had 2 million in capital road programs making bridges in particular a priority. He went on to say that the average life expectancy of a bridge is 50 to 75 years and that most of the bridges were buildt in the 1920’s and 1930’s. These have safety problems like being too narrow.  There was discussion on the Sandy Hook streetscape project and ideally the water should go in first. Liz Stocker said that funds for the Sandy Hook Center water project were requested by the Economic Development Commission and the Health Department. There could be health reasons for the public water such as well contaminations.
Bob Geckle gave an overview of the Fairfield Hills Authority total requirements as a snap shot over the next 5 years. First priority would be the demolition of certain buildings. Mr. Geckle handed out a capitol forcast report, which captures everything over the next five years. Selectman Mangiafico roughly what was needed for phase I and II. The answer was 33.5 million. Ms. Stocker would look into other grant applications.
Mr. Bill Halstead discussed the need to build a bigger facility for the Sandy Hook substation on Rte. 34 with 2 more bays. He explained they have plenty of land behind the existing building. The existing building would be used a meeting room and office space.
The Selectmen discussed the history of the expansion of the Newtown Hook and Ladder Fire Department. This issue started back in the 8o’s. A request was made for 1.5 million to renovate the existing firehouse. There is also a plan that has been in the works for years about possibly building a new firehouse on Rte. 302.  Mr. Rob McCullough told the Board that there are no guarantees on the property donated by Scudder Smith. He also stated that the existing building is falling down. Selectman Borst asked what the firemen are doing about 302. Mr. McCullough said that they are getting approvals but are being held up by the architect. He continued to say that their main goal is to fix what the have now just in case the new firehouse doesn’t happen. He said people’s lives are in danger because the building is falling down. Selectman Rosenthal said that he wasn’t trying to give him a hard time but it has been talked about for years. He suggested that they get the other departments to agree on a plan.
Ms. Amy Mangold, Director of Park and Recreation, talked about a 9 million community center and Senior center. She stated that an architect was working on the plans and the design should be done by fall. Selectman Borst said that the proposal from O & G was too high and should be revaluated. There was discussion on getting the building down. Bob Geckle said there was management for demolition and there was no need for a duplication of effort. The concern that the seniors didn’t want to share a space with anyone else has been resolved. The facility would have 2 separate entrances, 2 kitchens, 2 pools for a total of 32,000. Selectman Borst asked if it would be a tilt up construction and Ms. Mangold said that they weren’t there yet. Selectman Mangiafico said that the price per square footage was not consistent with other building projects in town. Mr. Rosenthal said that Bridgeport Hall was a lot less per square foot and that buildings should be designed around a cost that was affordable. The discussion turned to lights and artificial turf for the back field at the High School that would be paid for with surcharge money. Dickinson park playground would be turned into a “spray ground” with a water system for the summer camp kids. Treadwell Park renovations included resurfacing the tennis court, basketball court and parking areas.
Mr. Robert Rau talked about the Tech Park. After years of changing designs they came up with a plan that Conservation can agree with. The Economic Deveopment Commision would get a developer to create the condominium project. This would include a driveway not a road and the developer would pay for it. The EDC asked for 1 million for a business incentive plan.
Mr. Michael Burton spoke on behalf of Sandy Hook Developers about the water main expansion. Ms. Stocker spoke about the intersection of Church Hill, Glen, Riverside and Washington Ave. stating that this might be a D.O.T expenditure. Sandy Hook Organization for Prosperity was discussed.
Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Joseph Rios and Commission member Brian Budd spoke about the need for a new police station possibly in the Fair Field Hills Complex. Capt. Rios explained that the police moved into the current building in 1980 with only 25 police officers. Now there are 47 and space needs are their #1 priority and more parking. Town Hall South does not support their needs, there are serious Conservation issues and renovating it would means moving out and moving back in. A more modern, updated police station was discussed. The architect they hired is a leader in designing police facilities.

4. Driveway Bond Release/Extension: Selectman Rosenthal moved the following bond release in the amount of $1,000 each: Richard Gracy Builders, LLC, Hoseye Coach Rd., M46, B4, L98 and Whelan Homes, LLC, Stonewall Ridge Rd., M13, B1, L2, both posted $1,000 each. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

5. Subdivision Bond Release: Winton Farm Road: M35, B7, Lots1.543 and 1.54. Selectman Rosenthal moved to release the bond. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

6. Appointments/Reappointments: Selectman Rosenthal move to appoint Ross Carley (D), 66 Currituck Road, Newtown to Justice of the Peace for a term to expire 1/6/13 to fill Democratic vacancy). Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor. Selectman Rosenthal moved to re-appoint Kathy Furey (D), 1 Winding Brook Rd., Newtown to the Fairfield Hills Authority for a term of 7/31/09 to 7/31/12. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

7. Memorandum Of Agreement: Federal Home Security Grant: Selectman Rosenthal moved to use Federal Homeland Security grant funding for Region 5. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

8. Transfer FY 2009/2010: Selectman Rosenthal moved to transfer From 01570-2000 Contingency, $98, 731 To 01310-1—3 Sworn Personnel, $98, 731. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to transfer From 01570-2000 Contingency, $12,000 To 01260-2001 Town & Police Plan $12,000. Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to transfer From 01570-2000 Contingency, $92,059.80 To 01890-0000 Transfer Out- Cap. Project, $92,059.80 Selectman Mangiafico seconded. All in favor.

9.Tax Refunds: Selectman Mangiafico moved to accept the tax refunds. Selectman Rosenthal seconded. All in favor.

10. Iroquois: First Selectman Borst asked if 9 acres could be sold. They are going to check with Town Attorney David Groggins.

11. Possible executive Session: There was no Executive Session.


ADJOURNMENT: Having no further business the Board of Selectmen adjourned their meeting at 10:30 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Shirley A. Paproski, Clerk