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Minutes 3-4-09 Special Meeting
The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at
2:00 P.M in the lower meeting room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. and explained the purpose of the meeting is to bring the Senatorial and Congressional offices up to date on the Army and to find out if they could offer any assistance in resolving the issue of the Army’s desire to relocate in Newtown.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Mangiafico, Selectman Herb Rosenthal.

ALSO PRESENT:  Frank Rowe of Senator Lieberman’s office, Stephanie Podewell of Congressman Murphy’s office, Lois Santiago and Mark Stephanou of Senator Dodd’s office.  Also present were approximately 40 members of the public and three members of the press.  

Bob Rau, 12 Lake Road, Newtown brought the Selectmen up to date on the Tech Park saying that several scenarios have been looked at to maximize the tax revenue for the town as well as to provide open space for the town.  There has been a potential right of way planned from the beginning from the Tech Park to Wasserman Way.  Limitations by the state may inhibit this.  
George Ferguson, Vice President of the Newtown Conservation Commission commented that if there were any use other than agriculture, the property would revert back to the Department of Agriculture.  The Conservation Commission would not support the Army relocating to Newtown because it would have an impact on the open space, it would eliminate the Tech Park as an economic development site and it would have a negative effect on the community.
Julia Wasserman, Walnut Tree Hill Road, Newtown noted the state wants to keep as much land in agriculture as possible.  Ms. Wasserman also stated that she suggested land at the intersection Nunnawauk Road and Wasserman Way to the Army a few years ago.  The military expressed they did not want to come to Newtown unless they were well received.  Ms. Wasserman has always felt this should be a public matter.  Selectman Rosenthal reported that it was public and there were articles in the Bee.  He believed then, as he does now, that the military coming to Newtown would offer no benefits to the town and that some of the areas in mind were environmentally sensitive.

First Selectman Borst recognized that Debra Lee Hovey from the State Legislature and noted there was a representative from Senator John McKinney’s office.

Dottie Evans, Reservoir Road, Newtown began to speak about the High Meadow section of Fairfield Hills.  First Selectman Borst interrupted Ms. Evans to explain that the Army is no longer considering the High/East Meadow.

Selectman Mangiafico and Selectman Rosenthal noted they were unaware the High Meadow was off the table.  First Selectman Borst reported he received verbal confirmation a couple of weeks ago, but no formal letter has been received and indicated that the Army may now be interested in the Tech Park.  First Selectman Borst explained the layout of Fairfield Hills and the Tech Park, referring to a map.  The Tech Park is over an aquifer making it ineligible for Army use.  First Selectman Borst noted he believes the legislation needs to be changed so the Army can consider the Batcheldor property.  Selectman Rosenthal stated that these ideas were First Selectman Borst’s opinions and not discussed with the Board of Selectman.  He also disagreed that the Batcheldor property would fit the needs of the Army.

Mr. Stephanou spoke on behalf of the congressional offices that were present.  He stated they were there at the invitation of the First Selectman and to  find out if the town is interested in having an Army facility here, what options the town wanted explored and to see if they can be helpful.

Ms. Wasserman noted that in order to take the matter to the town you need a proposal from the military.  Ms. Wasserman inquired about exit 9.  Selectman Rosenthal noted that he told the Army he was not interested in giving up a prime piece of industrial land.

Joe Kearny is a member of the Board of Finance, although he didn’t speak for the Board.  He stated we should keep our minds open to any financial benefit to the town, stating nothing is final.  There has to be background, economics and benefits to the town included in a proposal to see if it would be worth finding a site.

Mae Schmidle, Echo Valley Road, Newtown understands that the military views Newtown because there is a lot of open space.

Tom Long, Berkshire Drive, Newtown is against having a military base in town.

Dottie Evans reported that there are many people that would love to clean up the Batcheldor site.  There is a bike trail that goes all the way to Bridgeport, but it needs to be cleaned.  If the Army would come in and clean it the residents would help.

Tom Swan, owner of Black Swan, South Main Street, Newtown disagrees that the military wouldn’t patronize the local businesses.  He’s noticed an increase in his business since the military dog institution came to town.  

Bill Carboni, Botsford Hill Road inquired if there is a proposal by BRAC to come to Town.  First Selectman Borst said the original proposal has not been modified

Kathy Fetchik, 18 Clapboard Ridge Road believes the Army needs to have a proposal; we need to know what kind of financial return the town will get.  The town has very little industry and we need economic development. To take away the Tech Park without a financial benefit is not in the best interest of the town.  Look for another property.
George Ferguson, 49 Taunton Hill Road suggested getting something in writing from the Army.

First Selectman Borst stated he when he came into office he wanted to keep an open mind to opportunities.  The Army would expend $55,000,000 in Newtown.  The people should be able to make this decision; it should not be left up to two people.

Selectman Mangiafico apologized to the Congressional representatives.  There is no proposal currently from the Army.  It is uncertain if the Army is still interested in Newtown, we don’t know what they are asking for or what they are interested in.  We need a letter stating they aren’t interested in Fairfield Hills.  We need to proceed and get the facts.

Selectman Rosenthal noted the 2-1 vote was on the High/East Meadow.

Debra Lee Hovey believes that military bases are self sustaining.
Ms. Santiago stated that the military base does contract local businesses to mow lawns, paint, etc.  

Frank Rowe explained that BRAC was a form of being able to close down and consolidate wasted and old bases.  The recommendations are made to design facilities to better serve the military of today.  The recommendation goes through the Department of Defense.  The Department of Defense has until 2011 to enact the requirements of BRAC.
Mary Wilson, Whipporwill Hill, Newtown is not in favor of the Army coming to town and questions where we go from here.

First Selectman Borst reported he would contact the Army Corp of Engineer to find out if there is any further interest in the Town of Newtown.

ADJOUNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Susan Marcinek, Clerk

Attachment A:  handout form Bob Rau