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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 09-18-08 Special Meeting
The Board of Selectman held a “Special Meeting” as called upon by the Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 3:30p.m. at the Engineer’s House Building located at 28 Trades Lane, Newtown, CT. 06470.  The “Special Meeting” was called to order by Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority, Mr. Robert Geckle at 3:30p.m.

First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herb Rosenthal
Fairfield Hills Authority members; Robert Geckle, Don Studley, John Madzula and Walter Motyka.
Public Works Director, Fred Hurley.  Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker.  Financial Director, Bob Tait and Town Attorney David Grogins.

Two members of the public and Two members of the press.

Update and discussion on the infrastructure of the Fairfield Hills Campus

Mr. Geckle addressed the group stating that the purpose of the meeting was to understand where the Town is in terms of the Fairfield Hills Campus project for funding, specific project completion dates and a rough timeline of what has to be done.  Fairfield Hills Authority member Mr. Don Studley handed out two printouts one with an outline of Bond Funds (Attachment A) and the second titled Fairfield Hills Infrastructure (Attachment B) which the group reviewed item by item.
Public Works Director Mr. Fred Hurley addressed the Temporary Poles / CL&P line item in the amount of $150,000  which he said may differ because $37,000 has already been paid to CL&P.  Mr. Hurley went on to explain that the Newtown Youth Academy, Parks & Recreation and the Town Hall buildings will all try to be connected by the same utility pole line so as to save money and time.  Mr. Hurley said for planning purposes it would be best to leave $150,000 as the line item even though the $37,000 has been paid out.
Regarding the Yankee Gas – Mains line item amount for $34,000, Mr. Hurley stated that this has been paid and the digging is set to begin October 14, 2008.  The lateral lines being placed off poles for Town Hall and Sports Academy Buildings are the final lines, the transfer will be seamless and are only at active buildings currently.  Mr. Hurley added that for $37,000 already paid for CL&P is saving the Town roughly $800,000 for the underground work and because there are amounts already paid such as the $37,000 and the $34,000 these items do not add anything to the bottom line.  
The Tunnel Demolition expected to be roughly $300,000 from the originally estimated $325,000 for defined work.  Mr. Hurley explained that an “unknown” for this item is to extend the work in between Bridgeport and Greenwich Halls where a part of the underground Tunnel will be left but eventually becomes parking.  Mr. Studley questioned the Tunnels to Litchfield Hall.  Mr. Hurley explained that the removal of that Tunnel is unnecessary to the project at this time and should at some point become part of the Litchfield Hall project, it is a matter of combining the work.


Mr. Geckle added that in refiguring the bottom line for cost adjustments the total is looking more like $439,000 in excess funds availability (not including the EPA Grant).  
Mr. Hurley stated to clarify, the power lines, cable lines and phone lines running into the buildings are permanent.

Timelines and Deadlines for projects -
Parking Newtown / Woodbury Halls

Mr. Hurley stated that the key dates for Newtown and Woodbury Halls would to be done before the end of October 2008, the drainage and flooding problems at Woodbury Hall have to be addressed. Mr. Hurley explained that the conduit for the street lighting will be taking place there after and the (first) paving is set to take place before Thanksgiving.  He went on to say that the curbing is being looked at for Spring 2009 and light posts are set for October or November 2008.  
Mr. Geckle stated that the $200,000 slated for all projects at Newtown And Woodbury Halls should cover everything, give or take some additional funds for the final paving to take place next Spring.  Mr. Hurley stated that five weeks out, by October 20, 2008 the drainage, conduit and first grading for paving should be complete.  The Youth Academy is handling all lighting and power on their site and addressed the cost differential between hiring an independent contractor and the cost for the Town to do the work themselves is a relatively small gap.

Temporary Poles / CL&P

Mr. Hurley stated that installation is set to take place some time next week, first Electric then phone and cable lines.  He explained that this should only take a few weeks and are expected to be complete the second week of October 2008 and stated that the Youth Academy has to be done by November 1, 2008 for their scheduled opening.
Mr. Motyka added that there should be a light pole closest to the building due to security problems.  

Yankee Gas

Mr. Hurley stated that the digging for the 3000 feet of 8in. (2in. to the Town Hall building) Gas lines should begin October 14, 2008 and the line should take 3-4 weeks to complete.  The goal is to have active gas running through lines between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Mr. Hurley added that this is actually the simplest of all installations. The group reviewed a map regarding where the gas lines will be running and ending in planning for possible future connections.
Attorney David Grogins questioned how much of the heating is by Propane and how much that of Geothermal.  Mr. Hurley stated that the majority is by natural gas as the Geothermal was too costly.  
Mr. Hurley stated [regarding the temporary paving] is initially inconvenient however no matter what the ground will settle and it’ll have to be done again anyway.  

Tunnel Demolition

Mr. Hurley stated that this Demolition work will work off of the Yankee Gas schedule starting the week of September 22, 2008 and should be done in less than one month provided there are no problems (such as subsequent work assigned as found on the campus).
Mr. Geckle asked of there was anything dependant on O&G.
Mr. Hurley stated that the electrical work (for hook up) on the Baseball field is in the original work order. The Field project is paid for through Parks & Recreation.

In unrelated updates, Mr. Hurley stated that the OPS Building fiber for the Board of Education is not coming through Mile Hill Road South into the OPS Building.  


Mr. Hurley stated that the work is pushing on and should be complete this year.  The work is being done by Town Departments; Parks & Recreation and Public Works jointly.

Mr. Motyka questioned if the work areas should be fenced off during construction and the issue of signage.
Mr. Hurley stated that the work areas should be fenced off, sections at a time during completion and that all workers have to work together.  Mr. Hurley added that all new road signs are up.

Mr. Rosenthal asked what was happening with the EPA Grant.
Director of Planning and Community Development, Ms. Liz Stocker stated that she recently had a strategy meeting and that she is waiting for the Woodbury Hall contracts to go back to the EPA stating that there has been progress.

Mr. Geckle stated that the Fairfield Hills Authority would be in agreement that their highest priority is getting the electric off the poles and running underground, however,  they are in need of concrete cost estimate(s) and a timeline.  
Mr. Hurley stated that removing the Tunnels at this time is the biggest issue and the sooner the better because some areas are being looked at for parking due to final paving.  The expenses associated with this part of the project include that for the digging, conduit and the sand (for fill), the estimates need to be looked at as the total cost will go down when revisited.  Mr. Hurley stated that much of the electrical is paid for (such as the Sub-station).  Mr. Geckle pressed for a reasonable time frame.
Mr. Hurley stated at least 4 weeks at first glance as the scope and cost has to be looked at.

First Selectman Borst added that it seemed as though there would not be too much [money] left over.  Mr. Borst stated that he has received many concerned phone calls


relating to the renovations at Bridgeport Hall that do not include a new roof for the building.  

Mr. Geckle stated that the Authority’s recommendations are thus subject to Selectman’s approval.  
Selectman Rosenthal questioned how late in the process could O&G decide on the roof issue.   Mr. Hurley confirmed that O&G’s recommendation on the roof is to repair it however the existing roof is usable.
Mr. Borst questioned if there were any trans-site shingles to put on the dormers.  
Mr. Geckle stated that the shingles off Litchfield Hall will be salvaged if possible.

First Selectman Borst is to check on the status of O&G’s roof decision and how late in the process that can be changed. Mr. Mangiafico asked that Mr. Borst also look into O&G’ s justification for spending an additional $500,000 as currently it seems that the
Fairfield Hills project it right on schedule (monetarily speaking).

Mr. Geckle asked Mr. Hurley how he plans to keep the Board of Selectman updated on progress regarding the Fairfield Hills Campus.
Mr. Hurley stated that he will update frequently, at least every couple of weeks or so as the project(s) on Campus move along.

Mr. Geckle adjourned the Special Meeting at 4:50p.m.  

Submitted by Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem