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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 07-07-08
The Board of Selectman held a regular meeting Monday, July 7, 2008 at 7:30p.m. in the meeting room of the C.H. Booth Board Library located on Main Street, Newtown, CT. 06470. ~First Selectman Joseph Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

Present:  First Selectman Joseph Borst and Selectman Paul Mangiafico.

Absent:  Selectman Herb Rosenthal

Also Present:  Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, George Benson, Director of Land Use, Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use, Chief of Police Kehoe, Director of Finance, Bob Tait, Town Attorney, Dave Grogins, fifteen members of the public and one member of the press.

Voter Comments: No voter comments.


Lake Zoar/Leap of Faith
First Selectman informed the board that at this time the Town Attorney has not received any additional information from the state.

Selectman Mangiafico stated that there were basically two issues presented to the Board and that was causing some confusion.  The Town of Newtown is part of the Lake Zoar Authority.  The second part of the issue is that the Lake Zoar Authority has in its power the ability to charge for the operating costs and that the Board of Selectmen does not need to intercede.

The First Selectman stated that no decisions will be made during this meeting and the Board will wait for Attorney Grogins report.

CL&P Report
Selectman Mangiafico informed the Board that after some research and dudiligence a usage and planning sheet dating back to 2006 showed exactly what electrical loads would be required for the Fairfield Hills Campus.  CL&P would now be able to install the work in trenches filled with sand instead of concrete saving the Town a considerable amount of money.

First Selectman Joe Borst stated that he signed the cover sheet to the energy saving agreement with CL&P giving them the access to review the Town facilities at Fairfield Hills.  Once it is confirmed that they are meeting the energy saving recommendations, CL&P would then pay the Town of Newtown $63,427.  If the town meets half of the energy saving recommendations then CL&P would pay the town half of the $63,427.  Mr. Borst discussed this matter with Dave Cravanzola from O&G and Mr. Cravanzola confirmed that the Fairfield Hills campus would fall within the guidelines.
Selectman Mangiafico confirmed that this will not cost the Town of Newtown anything.

Danbury Transfer Station
The First Selectman gave a quick overview of this project because Selectman Rosenthal is spearheading it but was not in attendance to give his report.  The Danbury Transfer Station is owned by Mr. Galante and is lumped in with other properties so it is not available to be purchased separately.  Mr. Rosenthal has indicated that Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) is enlisting the aid of the Federal Government to see if it is possible to separate the properties to be purchased independently.

Newtown Youth Academy Amended Lease
Joe Borst confirmed that the amended lease agreement was signed on June 27, 2008.

Grant Report Update

(Memo from Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning & Community Develeopment is attached – Grant Reports for July 2008)

No Discussion.

Public Works – Fairfield Hills Update
(Memo from Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works is attached – Fairfield Hills Update)

Selectman Mangiafico stated for clarification that the rented equipment being used on the Fairfield Hills Campus was on a cost per hours used payment, not on a cost per hourly rental basis.  

Public Building and Site Commission – Change Order Procedure:

First Selectman Borst informed the Board that the Town of Newtown has created a new Change Order procedure and that the Board of Selectmen will now be responsible for all future change orders.

Acceptance of Minutes:

Minutes of June 18, 2008
Selectman Mangiafico moved to accept the minutes of Wednesday, June 18, 2008 as submitted.  First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted uninamously.

Unfinished Business:

Traffic Study – Queen Street:

Chief of Police Kehoe discussed a letter that he wrote to the First Selectman stating that the Police Commission voted to conduct a traffic engineering study on Queen Street.  (See Attached).

After that letter was written and sent, the Police Commission decreed that the traffic engineering study would be a waste of the Town’s money so they rescinded their request.

First Selectman Borst informed the Board that Joseph DelBuono resigned from the Communications Department of the Newtown Police.  Selectman Borst stated that the Town hired Maureen A. Will to replace Mr. DelBuono.  Ms. Will is a retired Police Captain from Brookfield who managed their Communications Department.

New Business:

Addemdum to the Agenda:

First Selectman Borst received a memorandum from the Cyrenius Booth Library requesting use of the 2nd Govenor’s Horse Guard (a room in the barn) to store the books for cataloging before the annual Library Book Sale.  The Board of Selectman will send a Memorandum of Agreement to the horse guard and a will also include a Certificate of Insurance to be used during the allotted storage time.

Addendum to the Agenda:

George Benson, Director of Land Use and Rob Sibley, Assistant Director of Land Use delivered to the Board of Selectmen a request to present to the Legislative Counsel an application to the State of Connecticut for a grant of $50,000 for a Study for Affordable Housing in the Town of Newtown.  The State of Connecticut has a program that helps municipalities outline the most feasible area’s for Affordable Housing.  Selectman Mangiafico stated that because he was just presented with this item, he would like more time to review this grant request.  This item has been tabled until the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting.  

Driveway Bond Releases

Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to release the Driveway Bonds for the following locations:

        Walnut Tree Hill – Amount of Bond  - $1,000.00 to $4,900.00
        Cedar Hurst Trail – Amount of Bond - $8000.00
        Great Hill Road  - Amount of Bond - $1,000.00
        Nighthawk Lane – Amount of Bond - $2,000.00
(See Attached)
First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  
All in attendance voted unanimously.

Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to honor the request of a 16 month bond extension by Matthew Dobson of 11 Grays Plain Road, Sandy Hook.
(See Attached).
First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.
All in attendance voted unanimously.


Selectmen Mangiafico moved to approve the appointment of Barbara Wadleigh to the Commission on Aging.  First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.  


First Selectman Borst moved to reappoint the following people:
        Thomas Ramsdell – Assistant Municipal Animal Control Officer
        Matthew Schaub – Assistant Municipal Animal Control Officer
        Barbara Brimmer – Hattertown Historic District Commission.  Term to expire June 30, 2013.

Selectman Mangiafico seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Addendum  to the Agenda:

First Selectman Borst made a motion to install Jay Mattegat in the position of constable.  The term is to expire January 6, 2010.

Selectman Mangiafico seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Clean Energy Cost Options:

Dan Holmes, Chairman of the Clean Energy Task Force gave an overview of the Clean Energy Cost Options.  (See Attached).

Mr. Holmes stated that the Task Force has decided that the National Wind Contract is the most beneficial to the Town. Mr. Holmes stated that the Task Force will submit a letter of recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.  If the Town of Newtown agrees with this recommendation, it will be the first town in Connecticut to pursue such a positive environmental action.

Tilson Woods:

The Board of Selectmen were in receipt of a memorandum from the Conservation Commission stating that the commission rejects the offer by Mr. Tilson to buy the Town open space parcel on Pearl Street.  (See Attached).

Selectman Mangiafico moved that the Board of Selectmen graciously reject the offer of Mr. Tilson to purchase the open space parcel on Pearl Street from the Town of Newtown.

First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Application for $300,000 Grant for Fairfield Hills Parking and Streetscape Project:

First Selectman Borst read to the Board the Certified Resolution pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes, Section 4-66g.  (See Attached).

Selectman Mangiafico motioned that it be resolved that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Newtown sign the Certified Resolution for the Grant Application.

First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Police Software Lease Agreement:

The Board of Selectmen received a memorandum from Robert Tait, Director of Finance, outlining the acquisition, installation and implementation of a new law enforcement computer software system. (See Attached).

Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to approve the lease agreement for the new law enforcement computer software system.

First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Fairfield Hills Campus Street Names:

Fred Hurley presented the Board of Selectmen the new names of the streets on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  After a quick discussion, Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to accept the new street names on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

First Selectman Borst seconded the motion.  

The Town attorney, Dave Grogins requested that the new streets be included in the town road records.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Executive Session:

The Board of Selectmen broke to Executive Session to discuss legal matters at 9:23 p.m.

The Board re-entered public session at 10:40 PM.

Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to have Counsel pursue settlement of the action involving Jude Tollman in the sum of $364K as recommended. Funds to come from Open Space balances. Seconded by First Selectman Borst. Passed with Mangiafico and Borst voting yes.

Selectman Mangiafico made a motion to authorize Counsel to move forward with appropriate legal action against Mr. & Mrs. Toussaint concerning continuing violations of Inlands Wetlands Regulations on property at 6 Pond View Drive, (V08-05)  and also authorized Counsel to proceed with legal action against Liam Heller for continuing permit violations at 16 Diamond Drive, (V05-10). Seconded by First Selectman Borst. Passed with Mangiafico and Borst voting yes.  (See attached).

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 PM

Paul Mangiafico