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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 01-31-08 Special Meeting
The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on Thursday, January 31, 2008 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.   First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:        First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Ben Spragg, Legislative Council member Po Murray, one member of public, one member of press

VOTER COMMENT:  None noted

COMMUNICATIONS:  Selectman Rosenthal stated that he has concerns about communications from the Board of Selectmen to other boards.  He read in the Board of Finance minutes that a letter from the First Selectman to the Board of Finance indicated that the Board of Selectmen had recommended some changes to the CIP, removing the Rec Center, putting off the animal shelter for two years and reinstating a fire truck.  However at the previous Board of Selectmen meeting there had been discussion but both Selectman Rosenthal and Selectman Mangiafico had questions that were not answered and a vote was never taken.  Mr. Rosenthal had specifically stated that he was opposed to putting the animal shelter off for two years because the people have been working very hard at fundraising and have a lot of momentum going.  They have collected over $100,000 and the debt service in the budget was only $42,000.  He requested that First Selectman Borst send a letter to the Board of Finance stating that these were the recommendations of the First Selectman and not the Board of Selectmen.  First Selectman Borst stated that the animal shelter was moved out because they do not have the property yet.  Mr. Rosenthal advised that we have not received the title yet although he had consistently asked the State D.P.W. to move on this and they are taking their time but that does not mean it won’t happen for another two years.  Selectman Mangiafico stated that he was also surprised when he read this in the minutes.  The Board had a brief discussion but there was never any firm agreement by the three Selectmen.  First Selectman Borst will send a letter to the Board of Finance tomorrow to clear this up.  Mr. Rosenthal stated that members of Canine Advocates were very upset and were told by the Board of Finance that they were pushing the project out on the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen.
        First Selectman Borst advised that he met with the seniors with a conceptual design for the rec center.  They do not want to be included and want their own facility.

Resolution – Children’s Adventure Center
Selectman Rosenthal moved the following - RESOLVED:  That First Selectman Joseph Borst is empowered to enter into or amend contractual instruments in the name and on behalf of the Town of Newtown, with the Department of Social Services of the State of Connecticut for the Child Day Care program is such an agreement is offered and to have the corporate seal affixed to all documents required as a part of ay offered agreement and RESOLVED:  That the Town of Newtown hereby adopts as its policy to support the nondiscrimination agreements and warranties required under Connecticut General Statutes §4a-60(a)(1) and §41-60a(a)(1), as amended in State of Connecticut Public Act 07-245 and section 9(a)(1) and 10(a)(1) of Public Act 17-142, as those statutes may be amended from time to time.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

2008/2009 BUDGET

Account 100 Selectmen
Selectman Borst moved Account 100 Selectmen in the amount of $473,586.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Borst moved to AMEND by decreasing line 100-1001 Selectman Salary to $96,768.  Motion seconded.  Mr. Borst stated that he is willing to leave the salary status quo.  Mr. Mangiafico stated that the Legislative Council approved the salary amount.  He asked if First Selectman Borst is setting an example that he expects others to have no salary increases.  Selectman Rosenthal pointed out that the Charter stated that the Legislative Council sets the Selectmen’s salary and only on non-election years.  The salary has been set and if Mr. Borst chooses not to take that money, that would be up to him.   Mr. Mangiafico stated that he does not object to Mr. Borst taking less salary but he does object to changing the salary line.
AMENDMENT CARRIED:  2 YES (Borst, Rosenthal – 2 NO (Mangiafico)
MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED ($471,990) CARRIED:  2 YES (Borst, Rosenthal)

Account 105 Selectmen Other
Selectman Mangiafico moved Account 105 Selectmen Other in the amount of $683,340.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Mangiafico moved to AMEND by decreasing line 105-2011 Office Supplies to $60,000 to be distributed among the departments by the Finance Director.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Mangiafico moved to AMEND by decreasing line 105-2013 Non-Recurring to $239,621, eliminating Revaluation Report $75,000; (3) Dispatch Consoles at $38,500; and reducing the JEZ Receiver to $28,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 240 Social Security
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 240 Social Security in the amount of $831,816.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Rosenthal moved to AMEND by decreasing line 240-2002 FICA to $809,931.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 260 Pension
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 260 Pension in the amount of $461,195.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 270 Health Insurance
Selectman Borst moved Account 270 Health Insurance in the amount of $3,006,500.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Borst moved to AMEND by decreasing Account 270 Health Insurance to $2,975,000 (removing two new employees).  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Account 280 Professional Organizations
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 280 Professional Organizations in the amount of $36,600.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 570 Contingency
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 570 Contingency in the amount of $369,742. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  This account has been increased due to two union negotiations coming up during the fiscal year.

Account 580 Debt Service
Selectman Mangiafico moved Account 580 Debt Service in the amount of $10,752,308.  Motion seconded.   Selectman Rosenthal believes that the high school project is much too expensive.  The Board of Ed did not cooperate with the Board of Finance over the past year in planning.
MOTION CARRIED:  2 YES (Borst, Mangiafico) – 2 NO (Rosenthal)

Account 600 Legislative Council
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 600 Legislative Council in the amount of $44,814.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 680 Cultural Arts
Selectman Rosenthal moved Account 680 Cultural Arts in the amount of $2,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 730 Hattertown Historic District
Selectman Borst moved Account 730 Hattertown Historic District in the amount of $500.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 950 Local Housing Partnership
Selectman Mangiafico moved Account 950 Local Housing Partnership in the amount of $100.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Finance Director Ben Spragg advised that the total budget is now $40,095,538.  This represents a 4.48% increase in operating expenses and a 3.91% increase in debt service.  The total increase in debt service for the town is .82%, the rest is for the school system.  This budget will be finalized at the regular meeting on Monday, March 4, 2008.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk