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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 01/25/07 Budget
The Newtown Board of Selectmen held a budget deliberation meeting on Thursday, January 25, 2007 at the Multi Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook.  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman Joseph Bojnowski, Selectman William Brimmer

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Ben Spragg, Legislative Council members Daniel Amaral and Jeff Capeci, various departments heads and members of boards/commissions, one member of press

GIS Director Scott Sharlow was present to answer questions about computers being requested in the budget.  He explained that we have been ordering Dell computers through the state bid contract and the prices have been approximately $1,500 for a desktop and $1,800 for laptops which include XP Professional and Office Professional Licenses with 4 year warranty and 1 gig of RAM which enables the computers to utilize the GIS program.  It is also a savings to purchase Dell computers because the Tech Department (shared with the schools system) are all Dell certified and can work on all of our machines.

Account 740 Economic Development Commission
Community Development Director Elizabeth Stocker was present, along with EDC Chairman Chet Hopper, EDC members Ted Kreinek, Kim Danziger and Bob Rau.  
        Selectman Brimmer moved Account 740 EDC in the amount of $35,000.  Motion seconded.
Mr. Hopper explained that the Commission is proposing an overall change in their operations.  They need extra help in order to design and market the Commerce Road Tech Park.  They need to hire consultants, rather than employees, so as not to add to payroll expenses.  The consultants would report to Ms. Stocker.  Selectman Brimmer asked if Ms. Stocker couldn’t just handle the Tech Park herself.  Mr. Hopper replied that she could if she were relieved of all of her other duties, including Land Use and grant writing.  When a developer designs, builds and markets a tech park, they have an entire staff.  Ms. Stocker responsibilities are 80% Land Use and 20% EDC.  

Account 670 Library
Board of Trustees members Judge William Lavery, Kelly Urso and Peter Marshal were present.
        Selectman Brimmer moved Account 670 Library in the amount of $952,953.  Motion seconded.
        Judge Lavery informed that they have tried to formulate a plan for more hours because that is what people are asking for.  Annual reports were received by members of the Board of Selectmen.

Account 443 Prevention Council
Ms. Dorrie Carolan and Ms. Donna DeLuca were present to answer questions that had arisen at a previous meeting regarding this budget.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to remove from TABLE the motion for Account 443 Prevention Council in the amount of $10,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Ms. DeLuca explained that the group tries to sponsor six forums between September and June of each year.  They have found that speakers who are well known are costing a lot more than they did in 2003 when the group first started this endeavor.  They get some support from private sources and from the schools.  Last year, the town allocated $5,000 in the budget.  This year they have requested $10,000 but would be grateful for any help they can get.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to AMEND the motion for Account 443 Prevention Council by decreasing request to $7,500.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 550 Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation Director Barbara Kasbarian was present along with Parks Supervisor Carl Samuelson and Parks & Recreation Commission member Melissa Eigen.  
        Selectman Brimmer moved Account 550 Parks & Recreation in the amount of $2,848,204.  Motion seconded.
        This budget includes $725,000 for two major projects – design/engineering for the maintenance facility and design/engineering for a recreation center.  
        Selectman Brimmer  moved to AMEND by decreasing line 1002 Administration to $271,121 ($11,000 decrease for part-time clerical not to become full-time).  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to decrease line 5080 Capital to $464,383.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  This decrease eliminates one zero-turn mower, one 4-wheel drive pick-up with plow, a backstop at Treadwell Field, painting of the Treadwell pool building and the funds for design/engineering of both facilities.

Account 500 Highway
Public Works Director Fred Hurley was present.
        Selectman Brimmer moved Account 500 Highway in the amount of $6,735,806.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to AMEND by reducing line 5081 Capital Road Improvement to $1,800,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to AMEND by decreasing line 5080 Capital to $377,950.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  This decrease eliminates the road grader (the CIP has pushed this $250,000 item out to 08/09), eliminates the 5 ton dump truck, the mower replacement and the track loader.  

Account 510 Winter Maintenance
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 510 Winter Maintenance in the amount of $500,000.  Motion seconded.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to AMEND by decreasing line 4060 Contractual Services to $130,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 515 Landfill
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 515 Landfill in the amount of $1,412,263.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 650 Public Building Maintenance
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 650 Building Maintenance in the amount of $584,086.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to AMEND by decreasing line 5080 Capital to $18,100.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  (This decrease eliminates the power handicap door, interior renovations and exterior site and building repair for the Multi-Purpose center which will be included in a LoCIP grant).

Account 710 Car Pool
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 710 Car Pool in the amount of $55,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to AMEND by decreasing line 5080 New Cars to $25,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried

Account 730 Hattertown Historic District
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 730 Hattertown Historic District in the amount of $500.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 750 Local Housing Partnership
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 750 LHP in the amount of $100.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 460 Building Department
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 460 Building Department in the amount of $305,718.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 490 Land Use
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 490 Land Use in the amount of $549,505.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 600 Legislative Council
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 600 Legislative Council in the amount of $55,471.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 580 Debt Service
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 580 Debt Service in the amount of $9,307,283.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 170
Selectman Bojnowski moved Account 270 Health Insurance in the amount of $2,990,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 100 Selectmen
Selectman Brimmer moved Account 100 Selectmen in the amount of $463,806.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Account 105 Selectmen Other
It was decided to take up this account at the next meeting and to hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 1, 2007 to complete the budget.  The regular meeting scheduled for February 5, 2007 will then be cancelled.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk